在“精确覆盖问题和算法X”中第一组,我们讨论了精确覆盖问题和算法X以解决精确覆盖问题。在本文中,我们将讨论Donald E. Knuth博士在其论文“ Dancing Links”中提出的使用Dancing Links技术(DLX)的算法X的实现细节。
跳舞链接技术依赖于双重循环链接列表的思想。如前一篇文章所述,我们将精确覆盖问题转换为0和1矩阵的形式。这里,矩阵中的每个“ 1”由链表的一个节点表示,整个矩阵被转换为一个4路连接的节点的网格。每个节点包含以下字段–
- 指向左侧节点的指针
- 指向它右边的节点的指针
- 指向其上方节点的指针
- 指向它下面的节点的指针
- 指向它所属的列表头节点的指针
- 列编号
- 当前列中的节点数
f( h.right == h ) {
else {
ColumnNode column = getMinColumn();
for( Node row = column.down ; rowNode != column ;
rowNode = rowNode.down ) {
solutions.add( rowNode );
for( Node rightNode = row.right ; rightNode != row ;
rightNode = rightNode.right )
cover( rightNode );
Search( k+1);
solutions.remove( rowNode );
column = rowNode.column;
for( Node leftNode = rowNode.left ; leftNode != row ;
leftNode = leftNode.left )
uncover( leftNode );
uncover( column );
x.left.right = x.right
x.right.left = x.left
x.up.down = x.down
x.down.up = x.up
Node column = dataNode.column;
column.right.left = column.left;
column.left.right = column.right;
for( Node row = column.down ; row != column ; row = row.down )
for( Node rightNode = row.right ; rightNode != row ;
rightNode = rightNode.right ) {
rightNode.up.down = rightNode.down;
rightNode.down.up = rightNode.up;
x.left.right = x
x.right.left = x
类似于发现任何行节点x –
x.up.down = x
x.down.up = x
Node column = dataNode.column;
for( Node row = column.up ; row != column ; row = row.up )
for( Node leftNode = row.left ; leftNode != row ;
leftNode = leftNode.right ) {
leftNode.up.down = leftNode;
leftNode.down.up = leftNode;
column.right.left = column;
column.left.right = column;
// C++ program for solving exact cover problem
// using DLX (Dancing Links) technique
#define MAX_ROW 100
#define MAX_COL 100
using namespace std;
struct Node
struct Node *left;
struct Node *right;
struct Node *up;
struct Node *down;
struct Node *column;
int rowID;
int colID;
int nodeCount;
// Header node, contains pointer to the
// list header node of first column
struct Node *header = new Node();
// Matrix to contain nodes of linked mesh
struct Node Matrix[MAX_ROW][MAX_COL];
// Problem Matrix
bool ProbMat[MAX_ROW][MAX_COL];
// vector containing solutions
vector solutions;
// Number of rows and columns in problem matrix
int nRow = 0,nCol = 0;
// Functions to get next index in any direction
// for given index (circular in nature)
int getRight(int i){return (i+1) % nCol; }
int getLeft(int i){return (i-1 < 0) ? nCol-1 : i-1 ; }
int getUp(int i){return (i-1 < 0) ? nRow : i-1 ; }
int getDown(int i){return (i+1) % (nRow+1); }
// Create 4 way linked matrix of nodes
// called Toroidal due to resemblance to
// toroid
Node *createToridolMatrix()
// One extra row for list header nodes
// for each column
for(int i = 0; i <= nRow; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < nCol; j++)
// If it's 1 in the problem matrix then
// only create a node
int a, b;
// If it's 1, other than 1 in 0th row
// then count it as node of column
// and increment node count in column header
if(i) Matrix[0][j].nodeCount += 1;
// Add pointer to column header for this
// column node
Matrix[i][j].column = &Matrix[0][j];
// set row and column id of this node
Matrix[i][j].rowID = i;
Matrix[i][j].colID = j;
// Link the node with neighbors
// Left pointer
a = i; b = j;
do{ b = getLeft(b); } while(!ProbMat[a][b] && b != j);
Matrix[i][j].left = &Matrix[i][b];
// Right pointer
a = i; b = j;
do { b = getRight(b); } while(!ProbMat[a][b] && b != j);
Matrix[i][j].right = &Matrix[i][b];
// Up pointer
a = i; b = j;
do { a = getUp(a); } while(!ProbMat[a][b] && a != i);
Matrix[i][j].up = &Matrix[a][j];
// Down pointer
a = i; b = j;
do { a = getDown(a); } while(!ProbMat[a][b] && a != i);
Matrix[i][j].down = &Matrix[a][j];
// link header right pointer to column
// header of first column
header->right = &Matrix[0][0];
// link header left pointer to column
// header of last column
header->left = &Matrix[0][nCol-1];
Matrix[0][0].left = header;
Matrix[0][nCol-1].right = header;
return header;
// Cover the given node completely
void cover(struct Node *targetNode)
struct Node *row, *rightNode;
// get the pointer to the header of column
// to which this node belong
struct Node *colNode = targetNode->column;
// unlink column header from it's neighbors
colNode->left->right = colNode->right;
colNode->right->left = colNode->left;
// Move down the column and remove each row
// by traversing right
for(row = colNode->down; row != colNode; row = row->down)
for(rightNode = row->right; rightNode != row;
rightNode = rightNode->right)
rightNode->up->down = rightNode->down;
rightNode->down->up = rightNode->up;
// after unlinking row node, decrement the
// node count in column header
Matrix[0][rightNode->colID].nodeCount -= 1;
// Uncover the given node completely
void uncover(struct Node *targetNode)
struct Node *rowNode, *leftNode;
// get the pointer to the header of column
// to which this node belong
struct Node *colNode = targetNode->column;
// Move down the column and link back
// each row by traversing left
for(rowNode = colNode->up; rowNode != colNode; rowNode = rowNode->up)
for(leftNode = rowNode->left; leftNode != rowNode;
leftNode = leftNode->left)
leftNode->up->down = leftNode;
leftNode->down->up = leftNode;
// after linking row node, increment the
// node count in column header
Matrix[0][leftNode->colID].nodeCount += 1;
// link the column header from it's neighbors
colNode->left->right = colNode;
colNode->right->left = colNode;
// Traverse column headers right and
// return the column having minimum
// node count
Node *getMinColumn()
struct Node *h = header;
struct Node *min_col = h->right;
h = h->right->right;
if(h->nodeCount < min_col->nodeCount)
min_col = h;
h = h->right;
}while(h != header);
return min_col;
void printSolutions()
cout<<"Printing Solutions: ";
vector::iterator i;
for(i = solutions.begin(); i!=solutions.end(); i++)
cout<<(*i)->rowID<<" ";
// Search for exact covers
void search(int k)
struct Node *rowNode;
struct Node *rightNode;
struct Node *leftNode;
struct Node *column;
// if no column left, then we must
// have found the solution
if(header->right == header)
// choose column deterministically
column = getMinColumn();
// cover chosen column
for(rowNode = column->down; rowNode != column;
rowNode = rowNode->down )
for(rightNode = rowNode->right; rightNode != rowNode;
rightNode = rightNode->right)
// move to level k+1 (recursively)
// if solution in not possible, backtrack (uncover)
// and remove the selected row (set) from solution
column = rowNode->column;
for(leftNode = rowNode->left; leftNode != rowNode;
leftNode = leftNode->left)
// Driver code
int main()
Example problem
X = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
set-1 = {1,4,7}
set-2 = {1,4}
set-3 = {4,5,7}
set-4 = {3,5,6}
set-5 = {2,3,6,7}
set-6 = {2,7}
set-7 = {1,4}
Solutions : {6 ,4, 2} and {6, 4, 7}
nRow = 7;
nCol = 7;
// initialize the problem matrix
// ( matrix of 0 and 1) with 0
for(int i=0; i<=nRow; i++)
for(int j=0; j
Printing Solutions: 6 4 2
Printing Solutions: 6 4 7
- https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/%7Ejchu/publicportal/sudoku/sudoku.paper.html
- 唐纳德·克努斯(Donald Knuth)的舞蹈链接