- 自然数:数字从 1 开始,到无穷大结束。示例:1,2,3……等等。
- 整数:整数从0开始到无穷大。自然数是整数的子集。示例:0,1,2,3…
- 整数:整数是正数和负数的自然数。示例:…-3,-2,-1,0,+1,+2,+3…
- 有理数:以 p/q 形式表示的数,其中 q 不等于 0。
- 复数:复数是实数和虚数的组合。
例如,如果我们必须找出'a/b'的等值分数,那么将分数增加或简化为相同比例的最低项,即'(a×n)/(b×n)'或'( a÷n)/(b÷n)'。
这里 n 可以是任意数字。
第 3 步:如果分数已经是最低形式,则得到等效分数,将分子和分母乘以任何相同的数字。
假设 a/b 是最低形式,a/b 的等价分数 = (a×n)/(b×n)
这里 n 可以取任何值。
We can see that there is no common factor in numerator and denominator. It means the given fraction is already in the lowest form.
So, to get the equivalent fraction multiply by any number in the numerator and denominator.
The equivalent fraction of 10/13 = (10×2)/(13×2) = 20/26
The next equivalent fraction of 10/13 = (10×3)/(13×3) = 30/39
The next equivalent fraction of 10/13 = (10×4)/(13×4) = 40/52
And similarly we can any number of equivalent fraction of 10/13.
问题 1:举一些 5/7 等价表达式的例子。
We can see that there is no common factor in numerator and denominator. It means the given fraction is already in the lowest form.
So, to get the equivalent fraction multiply by any number in the numerator and denominator.
The equivalent fraction of 5/7 = (5×2)/(7×2) = 10/14
The next equivalent fraction of 5/7 = (5×3)/(7×3) = 15/21
The next equivalent fraction of 5/7 = (5×4)/(7×4) = 20/28
And similarly we can any number of equivalent fraction of 5/7.
问题 2:举一些 12/17 等价表达式的例子。
We can see that there is no common factor in numerator and denominator. It means the given fraction is already in the lowest form.
So, to get the equivalent fraction multiply by any number in the numerator and denominator.
The equivalent fraction of 12/17 = (12×2)/(17×2) = 24/34
The next equivalent fraction of 12/17 = (12×3)/(17×3) = 36/51
The next equivalent fraction of 12/17 = (12×4)/(17×4) = 48/68
And similarly we can any number of equivalent fraction of 12/17.