给定一个包含 N 个元素的数组。任务是找到给定数组中连续自守数的最大数量。
-> 76 is automorphic, since 76*76 = 5776(ends in 76)
-> 5 is automorphic, since 5*5 = 25(ends in 5)
Input : arr[] = {22, 6, 1, 625, 2, 1, 9376}
Output : 3
Input : arr[] = {99, 42, 31, 1, 5}
Output : 2
- 使用名为 current_max 和 max_so_far 的两个变量遍历数组。用 0 初始化它们。
- 检查每个元素是否是自同构的。
- 计算当前数字的平方。
- 继续从当前数字及其平方的末尾提取和比较数字。
- 如果发现任何不匹配,则该数字不是自同构的。
- 否则,如果从当前数字中提取的所有数字都没有任何不匹配,则该数字是自同构的。
- 如果找到自同构数,则增加 current_max 并将其与 max_so_far 进行比较
- 如果 current_max 大于 max_so_far,则将 max_so_far 分配给 current_max
- 每次找到非自构元素时,将 current_max 重置为 0。
// C++ implementation of the approach
using namespace std;
// Function to check Automorphic number
bool isAutomorphic(int N)
// Store the square
int sq = N * N;
// Start Comparing digits
while (N > 0) {
// Return false, if any digit of N doesn't
// match with its square's digits from last
if (N % 10 != sq % 10)
return false;
// Reduce N and square
N /= 10;
sq /= 10;
return true;
// Function to find the length of the maximum
// contiguous subarray of automorphic numbers
int maxAutomorphicSubarray(int arr[], int n)
int current_max = 0, max_so_far = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// check if element is non automorphic
if (isAutomorphic(arr[i]) == false)
current_max = 0;
// If element is automorphic, than update
// current_max and max_so_far accordingly.
else {
max_so_far = max(current_max, max_so_far);
return max_so_far;
// Driver Code
int main()
int arr[] = { 0, 3, 2, 5, 1, 9 };
int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
cout << maxAutomorphicSubarray(arr, n);
return 0;
// Java implementation of the approach
class GFG
// Function to check Automorphic number
static boolean isAutomorphic(int N)
// Store the square
int sq = N * N;
// Start Comparing digits
while (N > 0)
// Return false, if any digit of N doesn't
// match with its square's digits from last
if (N % 10 != sq % 10)
return false;
// Reduce N and square
N /= 10;
sq /= 10;
return true;
// Function to find the length of the maximum
// contiguous subarray of automorphic numbers
static int maxAutomorphicSubarray(int []arr, int n)
int current_max = 0, max_so_far = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
// check if element is non automorphic
if (isAutomorphic(arr[i]) == false)
current_max = 0;
// If element is automorphic, than update
// current_max and max_so_far accordingly.
max_so_far = Math.max(current_max,
return max_so_far;
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
int []arr = { 0, 3, 2, 5, 1, 9 };
int n = arr.length;
System.out.println(maxAutomorphicSubarray(arr, n));
// This code is contributed by Code_Mech.
# Python3 implementation of the approach
# Function to check Automorphic number
def isAutomorphic(N) :
# Store the square
sq = N * N;
# Start Comparing digits
while (N > 0) :
# Return false, if any digit of N doesn't
# match with its square's digits from last
if (N % 10 != sq % 10) :
return False;
# Reduce N and square
N //= 10;
sq //= 10;
return True;
# Function to find the length of the maximum
# contiguous subarray of automorphic numbers
def maxAutomorphicSubarray(arr, n) :
current_max = 0; max_so_far = 0;
for i in range(n) :
# check if element is non automorphic
if (isAutomorphic(arr[i]) == False) :
current_max = 0;
# If element is automorphic, than update
# current_max and max_so_far accordingly.
else :
current_max += 1;
max_so_far = max(current_max,
return max_so_far;
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__" :
arr = [ 0, 3, 2, 5, 1, 9 ];
n = len(arr) ;
print(maxAutomorphicSubarray(arr, n));
# This code is contributed by Ryuga
// C# implementation of the approach
using System;
class GFG
// Function to check Automorphic number
static bool isAutomorphic(int N)
// Store the square
int sq = N * N;
// Start Comparing digits
while (N > 0)
// Return false, if any digit of N doesn't
// match with its square's digits from last
if (N % 10 != sq % 10)
return false;
// Reduce N and square
N /= 10;
sq /= 10;
return true;
// Function to find the length of the maximum
// contiguous subarray of automorphic numbers
static int maxAutomorphicSubarray(int []arr, int n)
int current_max = 0, max_so_far = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
// check if element is non automorphic
if (isAutomorphic(arr[i]) == false)
current_max = 0;
// If element is automorphic, than update
// current_max and max_so_far accordingly.
max_so_far = Math.Max(current_max, max_so_far);
return max_so_far;
// Driver Code
static void Main()
int []arr = { 0, 3, 2, 5, 1, 9 };
int n = arr.Length;
Console.WriteLine(maxAutomorphicSubarray(arr, n));
// This code is contributed by mits
// Return false, if any digit of N doesn't
// match with its square's digits from last
if ($N % 10 != $sq % 10)
return false;
// Reduce N and square
$N = (int)($N / 10);
$sq = (int)($sq / 10);
return true;
// Function to find the length of the maximum
// contiguous subarray of automorphic numbers
function maxAutomorphicSubarray($arr, $n)
$current_max = 0; $max_so_far = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
// check if element is non automorphic
if (isAutomorphic($arr[$i]) == false)
$current_max = 0;
// If element is automorphic, than update
// current_max and max_so_far accordingly.
$max_so_far = max($current_max,
return $max_so_far;
// Driver Code
$arr = array(0, 3, 2, 5, 1, 9 );
$n = sizeof($arr);
echo(maxAutomorphicSubarray($arr, $n));
// This code is contributed by Code_Mech.