过渡金属通常被表征为具有或能够形成部分填充的“d”轨道的元素。过渡元素是 3 到 11 组中的 d 区元素。内部过渡金属,包括镧系元素和锕系元素,是 f 嵌段元素的另一个名称。这一要求也得到满足,因为 d 轨道在 f 轨道之前仅被部分占据。
d 轨道通常充满铜族,即第 11 族,因此,该族中的下一个族,第 12 族,在技术上不被定义为过渡元素化合物。然而,第 12 族元素具有一些相同的化学性质,并且经常被包括在关于过渡金属的讨论中。然而,一些科学家将第 12 族的元素归类为过渡金属。
d 区的元素分为三个过渡系列:Sc 到 Cu、Y 到 Ag 和 Hf 到 Au。 Ac是第四个过渡系列中的初始元素,其中还包括Rf和Rg。 f区元素是形成镧系的元素Ce到Lu,以及形成锕系的元素Th到Lr。
- 硫酸亚铁(绿硫酸),FeSO 4 .7H 2 O
无水和水合 FeSO4 的颜色都是绿色和白色。它与泻盐、 MgSO 4 .7H 2 O和ZnSO 4 .7H 2 O具有相同的同构性。当暴露在空气中时,它会起泡。它像其他亚铁盐一样吸收HNO 3 ,生成棕色双络合物Fe(NO)SO 4 ,亚硝基硫酸亚铁。它与碱金属硫酸盐形成复盐。它与硫酸铵反应生成硫酸亚铁铵,通常称为莫尔盐, FeSO 4 .(NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 .6H 2 O 。它没有起泡。在溶液中,它电离形成Fe 2+ 、NH 4 +和SO 4 2–离子。
- 三氧化二铁,Fe 2 O 3
无水盐是一种黄色的潮解性物质,极易溶于水。加热时,它会产生 FeCl 2和 Cl 2 。由于水解,其水溶液呈酸性。
- 硝酸银,AgNO 3
- 氯化汞 (I) (Hg 2 Cl 2 )
- 氯化汞 (II) (HgCl 2 )
它是一种白色结晶物质,仅微溶于冷水,但完全溶于热水。通过添加Cl,可以增加其溶解度。当与 SnCl 2一起处理时,它会转化为汞。
- 碘化汞
碘化汞有两种颜色:红色和黄色。在 400 K 以上,黄色形式稳定,而红色形式在此温度以下稳定。 Nessler 试剂是 K 2 HgI 4的碱性溶液,用于检测 NH 4 +的存在,方法是由于产生百万碱的碘化物而产生棕色沉淀。
- 硫酸铜 (II) 五水合物或蓝硫酸 (CuSO 4 .5H 2 O)
有5个结晶水分子,加热可消除,生成无色CuSO 4 。当在高温下加热时,它会产生氧化铜。碘是从可溶性碘化物中释放出来的。在铜电镀、电铸、精炼中用作电解液。它用于防止水库和游泳池中的杂草。
- 重铬酸钾 (K 2 Cr 2 O 7 )
由于重铬酸钠和重铬酸钾是强氧化剂,酸化的 K 2 Cr 2 O 7会将碘化物氧化为碘,将硫化物氧化为硫,将锡 (II) 盐氧化为锡 (IV),将铁 (II) 盐氧化为铁 (III)。在体积分析中,它被用作氧化剂。它还用于媒染染料、皮革工业、摄影(用于薄膜硬化)和氯化铬测试。它用于清洁玻璃器皿。
Transition metals have typical metallic qualities such malleability, ductility, high tensile strength, and metallic lustre. They are often good heat and electrical conductors and crystallise in BCC, CCP, or HCP structures. Trends in the metallic characteristics of the transition elements, on the other hand, can be seen. Because they contain a large number of unpaired electrons, elements such as chromium and molybdenum are among the hardest transition metals.
Noble metals are elements in the lower right corner of the contemporary periodic table’s d-block (such as gold, silver, and platinum). Because of their low hydration enthalpies and high ionisation enthalpies, these metals are very unreactive. These metals are extremely resistant to acids. Metals such as platinum, mercury, and gold, on the other hand, can be dissolved in various acid mixes such as aqua regia (a mixture of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid). Silver, it should be noted, does not dissolve in aqua regia.
Transition metals are found in the periodic table between the s-block and p-block elements. They’re known as d-block elements. Because these metals are unstable and display transitional behaviour between s and p block elements, they are referred to as transition metals.
When they start bonding with other ligands, the d orbitals split apart and become non-degenerate due to differing symmetries of the d orbitals and the inductive effects of the ligands on the electrons. The energy of excitation relates to the frequency of light absorbed when an electron jumps from a lower energy d orbital to a higher energy d orbital, which is referred to as a d-d transition. As a result, light waves give the energy required by electrons to shift. The frequency of a light wave is found to be in the invisible range. The type of the ligands influences the frequency of light absorbed.
问题 5:内部过渡金属是否具有反应性?
The inner transition metals, which are normally found at the bottom of the Periodic Table, are found in the f-block. They are nearly as reactive as alkali metals, and all actinides are poisonous and have no commercial utility. Nonetheless, radioactive elements have the potential to be utilised as weapons or in nuclear power plants.