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📜  在Python中使用 Tkinter 的标准 GUI 单位转换器

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:20.101000             🧑  作者: Mango

在Python中使用 Tkinter 的标准 GUI 单位转换器

先决条件: tkinter 简介、webbrowser 简介

在本文中,我们将学习如何使用 tkinter 创建标准转换器。现在我们将创建一个介绍窗口,显示加载栏、欢迎文本和用户的社交媒体资料链接,以便当他/她与其他人分享他的代码时,他们可以使用这些资源联系作者。它看起来有点长的代码,但相信我,如果你开始理解它是如此简单,我将代码分成块帮助你更好地理解。


  • 首先,要导入“Tkinter”和“webbrowser”模块。
  • 创建一个触发介绍窗口的介绍类。
  • 创建一个顶级 Tkinter 窗口以使用窗口的全部功能。
  • 在窗口顶部放置欢迎标签。
  • 创建一个“ttk.Progressbar”给我们加载效果。
  • 最后,创建四个按钮并使用“webbrowser”模块提供您的社交媒体链接。
  • 你必须下载/创建四个图像来代表你的社交媒体链接。

下面是 Intro 类的实现:

# import required  modules
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar
from time import sleep
import webbrowser
# create intro class .
class intro():
    # constructor
    def __init__(self):
        # Used to open the hidden window.
        # Light blue background.
        # Replace the title with your own name.
        wind.title("GeeksforGeeks Unit Converter")
        # window icon.
        # calling center function to center
        # the window to the screen.
        # Welcome Label.
        # You can change the welcome text here too.
        entry = Label(wind,bg="#008080",fg="white",
                      text="Welcome to GeeksforGeeks Unit Converter!",
                      font=("Footlight MT Light",15,"bold"))
        # Loading Bar Initialisation.
        self.load = Progressbar(wind,orient=HORIZONTAL,
        # Start Button that opens
        # converter window.
        # Follow Me Label.
        follow = Label(wind,bg="#008080",fg="white",
                       text="Follow Me On",
        # Author Social Media links and replace
        # the below 'xxxx' with your profile links.
        # Instagram Button.
        # Facebook Button.
        # Twitter Button.
    # Opening author links in browser.
    def links(self,url):   
        webbrowser.get("C:/Program Files" +
                       " (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe" +
                       " %s --incognito").open(url)
    # Loading ProgressBar.
    def loading(self):
        # Removing start button.
        # To remove self.start button when loading self.starts
            # Calling Shift function
            # to initialise converter window.

# import required  modules
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar
from time import sleep
import webbrowser
# create intro class .
class intro():
    # constructor
    def __init__(self):
        # Used to open the hidden window.
        # Light blue background.
        # Replace the title with your own name.
        wind.title("GeeksforGeeks Unit Converter")
        # window icon.
        # calling center function to center
        # the window to the screen.
        # Welcome Label.
        # You can change the welcome text here too.
        entry = Label(wind,bg="#008080",fg="white",
                      text="Welcome to GeeksforGeeks Unit Converter!",
                      font=("Footlight MT Light",15,"bold"))
        # Loading Bar Initialisation.
        self.load = Progressbar(wind,orient=HORIZONTAL,
        # Start Button that opens
        # converter window.
        # Follow Me Label.
        follow = Label(wind,bg="#008080",fg="white",
                       text="Follow Me On",
        # Author Social Media links and replace
        # the below 'xxxx' with your profile links.
        # Instagram Button.
        # Facebook Button.
        # Twitter Button.
    # Opening author links in browser.
    def links(self,url):   
        webbrowser.get("C:/Program Files" +
                       " (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe" +
                       " %s --incognito").open(url)
    # Loading ProgressBar.
    def loading(self):
        # Removing start button.
        # To remove self.start button when loading self.starts
            # Calling Shift function
            # to initialise converter window.
# create converter class.
class converter():
    # constructor
    def __init__(self,unit):
        # win.geometry("350x500")
        # Calling Center function to
        # center the window.
        # Assigning Current Unit,
        # to the converter,
        # selected by user.
        # Input Part of the window(Top Half).
        # Output Part of the
        # window(Bottom Half).
        # Hamburger Menu which contains
        # the available conversion options.
        # Binding event to select
        # the option from ListBox.
        #Loading hamburger menu with options.
        for i in range(len(options)):
        # Hamburger menu icon
        # Input Entry to take the user input.
        # Loading the sub-menu box.
        # Input Listbox(i.e., Meter etc)
        # Input Unit Display Label selected by customer.
        # DownArrow Button to Activate Listbox sub-menu to selection conversion units.
        # Output Entry to display the output.
        for i in range(len(self.lb_menu)):
        # Output unit display.
        # Button to open sub-menu list.
        # To display the formulae used
        # to convert the current units.
        # StringVar() to update the input
        # and output entry fields after
        # every keystroke.
        # Current position of I/P and O/P
        # sub-menu is stored in a dictionary
        # and accessed through the dictionary.
    # After shifting from parameter to
    # other parameter(i.e., From length
    # to Mass) we need reset and assign
    # the converter class with
    #respective inputs and outputs.    
    def set_unit(self,unit):
        global exp_in,exp_out
        # Input Expression.
        # Output Expression.
        # Input StringVar()
        # Output StringVar()
        # Current Parameter(i.e.,Length,Mass etc.)
        # Accessing the position of unit display
        # label position through dictionary
        # Deleting Input Listbox to assign
        # the current parameter values.
        # Deleting Output Listbox
        # to assign the current
        # parameter values
        # Initialising the unit display
        # label with initial unit
        # (i.e.,Tonne,Kilogram)
        # Changing the length and
        # position of Listbox(Sub-Menu)
        # according to the length
        # of the list
        # Appending Options of the
        # list to Listbox.
        for i in range(len(self.lb_menu)):
        # Clearing the formulae Label
        # after changing to another
        # parameter.
        self.formulae['text'] = "Formulae: "
                    + operator.replace("{}",
        # Centering the window.
    # Performs Operation by taking
    # user input(Value and unit
    # to be converted).
    def operation(self,event):     
        global exp_in,operator,exp_out
        # Taking Input and Output
        # Units to convert from display.
        self.inp_unit = self.disp['text']
        self.opt_unit = self.disp1['text']
          # We can access the widget
          # by the checking the place /
          # position of event occurence.
            widget = event.widget
            if(widget == self.inp):
                # Retrieving the operator stored
                # in dictionary using unit
                # display label.
                index = self.unit[self.opt_unit][-1]
                operator = self.unit[self.inp_unit][index]
                # print("exp: ",operator,exp_in)
                # As this is a unit converter
                # we don't need characters so
                # we are checking for numbers itself.
                if(event.char >= '0' and event.char <= '9'):
                    exp_in = self.inp_stg.get()
                    #Taking the value after every
                    # keystroke and updating
                    # the output
                    exp_out = str(eval(operator.format(exp_in)))
                elif((event.char=='\b') or
                      and event.char<='9')):
                    exp_out = self.opt_stg.get()
                    exp_in = str(eval(operator.format(exp_out)))
                elif(event.char == '\b' or

# import required  modules
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar
from time import sleep
import webbrowser
# create intro class .
class intro():
    # constructor
    def __init__(self):
        # Used to open the hidden window.
        # Light blue background.
        # Replace the title with your own name.
        wind.title("GeeksforGeeks Unit Converter")
        # window icon.
        # calling center function to center
        # the window to the screen.
        # Welcome Label.
        # You can change the welcome text here too.
        entry = Label(wind,bg="#008080",fg="white",
                      text="Welcome to GeeksforGeeks Unit Converter!",
                      font=("Footlight MT Light",15,"bold"))
        # Loading Bar Initialisation.
        self.load = Progressbar(wind,orient=HORIZONTAL,
        # Start Button that opens
        # converter window.
        # Follow Me Label.
        follow = Label(wind,bg="#008080",fg="white",
                       text="Follow Me On",
        # Author Social Media links and replace
        # the below 'xxxx' with your profile links.
        # Instagram Button.
        # Facebook Button.
        # Twitter Button.
    # Opening author links in browser.
    def links(self,url):   
        webbrowser.get("C:/Program Files" +
                       " (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe" +
                       " %s --incognito").open(url)
    # Loading ProgressBar.
    def loading(self):
        # Removing start button.
        # To remove self.start button when loading self.starts
            # Calling Shift function
            # to initialise converter window.
# create converter class.
class converter():
    # constructor
    def __init__(self,unit):
        # win.geometry("350x500")
        # Calling Center function to
        # center the window.
        # Assigning Current Unit,
        # to the converter,
        # selected by user.
        # Input Part of the window(Top Half).
        # Output Part of the
        # window(Bottom Half).
        # Hamburger Menu which contains
        # the available conversion options.
        # Binding event to select
        # the option from ListBox.
        #Loading hamburger menu with options.
        for i in range(len(options)):
        # Hamburger menu icon
        # Input Entry to take the user input.
        # Loading the sub-menu box.
        # Input Listbox(i.e., Meter etc)
        # Input Unit Display Label selected by customer.
        # DownArrow Button to Activate Listbox sub-menu to selection conversion units.
        # Output Entry to display the output.
        for i in range(len(self.lb_menu)):
        # Output unit display.
        # Button to open sub-menu list.
        # To display the formulae used
        # to convert the current units.
        # StringVar() to update the input
        # and output entry fields after
        # every keystroke.
        # Current position of I/P and O/P
        # sub-menu is stored in a dictionary
        # and accessed through the dictionary.
    # After shifting from parameter to
    # other parameter(i.e., From length
    # to Mass) we need reset and assign
    # the converter class with
    #respective inputs and outputs.    
    def set_unit(self,unit):
        global exp_in,exp_out
        # Input Expression.
        # Output Expression.
        # Input StringVar()
        # Output StringVar()
        # Current Parameter(i.e.,Length,Mass etc.)
        # Accessing the position of unit display
        # label position through dictionary
        # Deleting Input Listbox to assign
        # the current parameter values.
        # Deleting Output Listbox
        # to assign the current
        # parameter values
        # Initialising the unit display
        # label with initial unit
        # (i.e.,Tonne,Kilogram)
        # Changing the length and
        # position of Listbox(Sub-Menu)
        # according to the length
        # of the list
        # Appending Options of the
        # list to Listbox.
        for i in range(len(self.lb_menu)):
        # Clearing the formulae Label
        # after changing to another
        # parameter.
        self.formulae['text'] = "Formulae: "
                    + operator.replace("{}",
        # Centering the window.
    # Performs Operation by taking
    # user input(Value and unit
    # to be converted).
    def operation(self,event):     
        global exp_in,operator,exp_out
        # Taking Input and Output
        # Units to convert from display.
        self.inp_unit = self.disp['text']
        self.opt_unit = self.disp1['text']
          # We can access the widget
          # by the checking the place /
          # position of event occurence.
            widget = event.widget
            if(widget == self.inp):
                # Retrieving the operator stored
                # in dictionary using unit
                # display label.
                index = self.unit[self.opt_unit][-1]
                operator = self.unit[self.inp_unit][index]
                # print("exp: ",operator,exp_in)
                # As this is a unit converter
                # we don't need characters so
                # we are checking for numbers itself.
                if(event.char >= '0' and event.char <= '9'):
                    exp_in = self.inp_stg.get()
                    #Taking the value after every
                    # keystroke and updating
                    # the output
                    exp_out = str(eval(operator.format(exp_in)))
                elif((event.char=='\b') or
                      and event.char<='9')):
                    exp_out = self.opt_stg.get()
                    exp_in = str(eval(operator.format(exp_out)))
                elif(event.char == '\b' or


  • 为转换器窗口创建一个单独的类。
  • 我们将使用合适的颜色组合将窗口水平分成两半。
  • 现在我们需要创建两个 Tkinter 输入框、两个 Tkinter 标签、两个用于激活列表框的按钮、一个用于菜单的汉堡图标。
  • 使用 Tkinter 小部件的.place方法将上述内容放置在各自的位置。
  • 现在我们需要在单独的字典中输入每个单元的公式,以转换为其他单元。
  • 在主函数中输入输入值并在初始化或使用类的 setter 方法时传递它们
  • 我们需要创建移位函数,用户可以使用它从一个参数转换到另一个参数。

下面是 Converter 类的实现:


# import required  modules
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar
from time import sleep
import webbrowser
# create intro class .
class intro():
    # constructor
    def __init__(self):
        # Used to open the hidden window.
        # Light blue background.
        # Replace the title with your own name.
        wind.title("GeeksforGeeks Unit Converter")
        # window icon.
        # calling center function to center
        # the window to the screen.
        # Welcome Label.
        # You can change the welcome text here too.
        entry = Label(wind,bg="#008080",fg="white",
                      text="Welcome to GeeksforGeeks Unit Converter!",
                      font=("Footlight MT Light",15,"bold"))
        # Loading Bar Initialisation.
        self.load = Progressbar(wind,orient=HORIZONTAL,
        # Start Button that opens
        # converter window.
        # Follow Me Label.
        follow = Label(wind,bg="#008080",fg="white",
                       text="Follow Me On",
        # Author Social Media links and replace
        # the below 'xxxx' with your profile links.
        # Instagram Button.
        # Facebook Button.
        # Twitter Button.
    # Opening author links in browser.
    def links(self,url):   
        webbrowser.get("C:/Program Files" +
                       " (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe" +
                       " %s --incognito").open(url)
    # Loading ProgressBar.
    def loading(self):
        # Removing start button.
        # To remove self.start button when loading self.starts
            # Calling Shift function
            # to initialise converter window.
# create converter class.
class converter():
    # constructor
    def __init__(self,unit):
        # win.geometry("350x500")
        # Calling Center function to
        # center the window.
        # Assigning Current Unit,
        # to the converter,
        # selected by user.
        # Input Part of the window(Top Half).
        # Output Part of the
        # window(Bottom Half).
        # Hamburger Menu which contains
        # the available conversion options.
        # Binding event to select
        # the option from ListBox.
        #Loading hamburger menu with options.
        for i in range(len(options)):
        # Hamburger menu icon
        # Input Entry to take the user input.
        # Loading the sub-menu box.
        # Input Listbox(i.e., Meter etc)
        # Input Unit Display Label selected by customer.
        # DownArrow Button to Activate Listbox sub-menu to selection conversion units.
        # Output Entry to display the output.
        for i in range(len(self.lb_menu)):
        # Output unit display.
        # Button to open sub-menu list.
        # To display the formulae used
        # to convert the current units.
        # StringVar() to update the input
        # and output entry fields after
        # every keystroke.
        # Current position of I/P and O/P
        # sub-menu is stored in a dictionary
        # and accessed through the dictionary.
    # After shifting from parameter to
    # other parameter(i.e., From length
    # to Mass) we need reset and assign
    # the converter class with
    #respective inputs and outputs.    
    def set_unit(self,unit):
        global exp_in,exp_out
        # Input Expression.
        # Output Expression.
        # Input StringVar()
        # Output StringVar()
        # Current Parameter(i.e.,Length,Mass etc.)
        # Accessing the position of unit display
        # label position through dictionary
        # Deleting Input Listbox to assign
        # the current parameter values.
        # Deleting Output Listbox
        # to assign the current
        # parameter values
        # Initialising the unit display
        # label with initial unit
        # (i.e.,Tonne,Kilogram)
        # Changing the length and
        # position of Listbox(Sub-Menu)
        # according to the length
        # of the list
        # Appending Options of the
        # list to Listbox.
        for i in range(len(self.lb_menu)):
        # Clearing the formulae Label
        # after changing to another
        # parameter.
        self.formulae['text'] = "Formulae: "
                    + operator.replace("{}",
        # Centering the window.
    # Performs Operation by taking
    # user input(Value and unit
    # to be converted).
    def operation(self,event):     
        global exp_in,operator,exp_out
        # Taking Input and Output
        # Units to convert from display.
        self.inp_unit = self.disp['text']
        self.opt_unit = self.disp1['text']
          # We can access the widget
          # by the checking the place /
          # position of event occurence.
            widget = event.widget
            if(widget == self.inp):
                # Retrieving the operator stored
                # in dictionary using unit
                # display label.
                index = self.unit[self.opt_unit][-1]
                operator = self.unit[self.inp_unit][index]
                # print("exp: ",operator,exp_in)
                # As this is a unit converter
                # we don't need characters so
                # we are checking for numbers itself.
                if(event.char >= '0' and event.char <= '9'):
                    exp_in = self.inp_stg.get()
                    #Taking the value after every
                    # keystroke and updating
                    # the output
                    exp_out = str(eval(operator.format(exp_in)))
                elif((event.char=='\b') or
                      and event.char<='9')):
                    exp_out = self.opt_stg.get()
                    exp_in = str(eval(operator.format(exp_out)))
                elif(event.char == '\b' or




# import required  modules
from tkinter import *
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar
from time import sleep
import webbrowser
# create intro class .
class intro():
    # constructor
    def __init__(self):
        # Used to open the hidden window.
        # Light blue background.
        # Replace the title with your own name.
        wind.title("GeeksforGeeks Unit Converter")
        # window icon.
        # calling center function to center
        # the window to the screen.
        # Welcome Label.
        # You can change the welcome text here too.
        entry = Label(wind,bg="#008080",fg="white",
                      text="Welcome to GeeksforGeeks Unit Converter!",
                      font=("Footlight MT Light",15,"bold"))
        # Loading Bar Initialisation.
        self.load = Progressbar(wind,orient=HORIZONTAL,
        # Start Button that opens
        # converter window.
        # Follow Me Label.
        follow = Label(wind,bg="#008080",fg="white",
                       text="Follow Me On",
        # Author Social Media links and replace
        # the below 'xxxx' with your profile links.
        # Instagram Button.
        # Facebook Button.
        # Twitter Button.
    # Opening author links in browser.
    def links(self,url):   
        webbrowser.get("C:/Program Files" +
                       " (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe" +
                       " %s --incognito").open(url)
    # Loading ProgressBar.
    def loading(self):
        # Removing start button.
        # To remove self.start button when loading self.starts
            # Calling Shift function
            # to initialise converter window.
# create converter class.
class converter():
    # constructor
    def __init__(self,unit):
        # win.geometry("350x500")
        # Calling Center function to
        # center the window.
        # Assigning Current Unit,
        # to the converter,
        # selected by user.
        # Input Part of the window(Top Half).
        # Output Part of the
        # window(Bottom Half).
        # Hamburger Menu which contains
        # the available conversion options.
        # Binding event to select
        # the option from ListBox.
        #Loading hamburger menu with options.
        for i in range(len(options)):
        # Hamburger menu icon
        # Input Entry to take the user input.
        # Loading the sub-menu box.
        # Input Listbox(i.e., Meter etc)
        # Input Unit Display Label selected by customer.
        # DownArrow Button to Activate Listbox sub-menu to selection conversion units.
        # Output Entry to display the output.
        for i in range(len(self.lb_menu)):
        # Output unit display.
        # Button to open sub-menu list.
        # To display the formulae used
        # to convert the current units.
        # StringVar() to update the input
        # and output entry fields after
        # every keystroke.
        # Current position of I/P and O/P
        # sub-menu is stored in a dictionary
        # and accessed through the dictionary.
    # After shifting from parameter to
    # other parameter(i.e., From length
    # to Mass) we need reset and assign
    # the converter class with
    #respective inputs and outputs.    
    def set_unit(self,unit):
        global exp_in,exp_out
        # Input Expression.
        # Output Expression.
        # Input StringVar()
        # Output StringVar()
        # Current Parameter(i.e.,Length,Mass etc.)
        # Accessing the position of unit display
        # label position through dictionary
        # Deleting Input Listbox to assign
        # the current parameter values.
        # Deleting Output Listbox
        # to assign the current
        # parameter values
        # Initialising the unit display
        # label with initial unit
        # (i.e.,Tonne,Kilogram)
        # Changing the length and
        # position of Listbox(Sub-Menu)
        # according to the length
        # of the list
        # Appending Options of the
        # list to Listbox.
        for i in range(len(self.lb_menu)):
        # Clearing the formulae Label
        # after changing to another
        # parameter.
        self.formulae['text'] = "Formulae: "
                    + operator.replace("{}",
        # Centering the window.
    # Performs Operation by taking
    # user input(Value and unit
    # to be converted).
    def operation(self,event):     
        global exp_in,operator,exp_out
        # Taking Input and Output
        # Units to convert from display.
        self.inp_unit = self.disp['text']
        self.opt_unit = self.disp1['text']
          # We can access the widget
          # by the checking the place /
          # position of event occurence.
            widget = event.widget
            if(widget == self.inp):
                # Retrieving the operator stored
                # in dictionary using unit
                # display label.
                index = self.unit[self.opt_unit][-1]
                operator = self.unit[self.inp_unit][index]
                # print("exp: ",operator,exp_in)
                # As this is a unit converter
                # we don't need characters so
                # we are checking for numbers itself.
                if(event.char >= '0' and event.char <= '9'):
                    exp_in = self.inp_stg.get()
                    #Taking the value after every
                    # keystroke and updating
                    # the output
                    exp_out = str(eval(operator.format(exp_in)))
                elif((event.char=='\b') or
                      and event.char<='9')):
                    exp_out = self.opt_stg.get()
                    exp_in = str(eval(operator.format(exp_out)))
                elif(event.char == '\b' or



  • 您需要安装“ tkinter ”和“ webbrowser ”库。
  • 创建介绍窗口是您的选择(这不是强制性的)。但我建议你也创建一个。
  • 您需要创建顶层窗口,因为我们无法破坏主窗口,因为它可能会破坏我们所有的项目。
  • 您不需要安装各种 IDE,它在Python IDLE 上运行良好。