📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:55:22.118000             🧑  作者: Mango
最小瓶颈生成树(Minimum Bottleneck Spanning Tree,MBST)是一种针对图的最小生成树问题的优化,它旨在找到一棵生成树,使树中边的最大权重尽可能小。
具体来说,在Prim算法中,我们需要维护一个当前生成树的顶点集合 $S$,以及一个集合 $V-S$ 中所有点到 $S$ 中节点距离最小的点 $p$ 和其距离 $d$。然后,在选择下一个节点时,除了选择距离最小点 $p$ 相连的边外,还需要考虑所有满足没有与已选边构成环,且权重最大的边,从中选择权重最小的边加入生成树。同理,在Kruskal算法中也需要记录当前生成树中各个连通块的最大边权。
import heapq
def min_bottleneck_spanning_tree(graph, start):
Find the minimum bottleneck spanning tree of a graph starting from a given node using Prim's algorithm.
:param graph: a list of lists, representing the adjacency matrix of the graph
:param start: the starting node
:return: a list of tuples, representing the minimum bottleneck spanning tree (each tuple is an edge)
n = len(graph)
# initialize the tree
tree = []
visited = {start}
# initialize the heap with all edges from the starting node
heap = [(weight, start, v) for v, weight in enumerate(graph[start])]
# main loop
while len(tree) < n - 1:
# select the next edge with minimum weight
weight, u, v = heapq.heappop(heap)
# if v has been visited before, discard this edge
if v in visited:
# add the edge to the tree and mark v as visited
tree.append((u, v))
# update the heap with the new edges from v
for w, weight in enumerate(graph[v]):
if w not in visited:
heapq.heappush(heap, (max(weight, graph[u][v]), v, w))
return tree
MBST的时间复杂度与Prim或Kruskal算法相同,为 $O(E \log V)$,其中 $E$ 和 $V$ 分别为边数和节点数。不过实际上,MBST算法的运行时间可能会略高于普通的最小生成树算法,因为它需要在每一步中找到最大边权,需要一些额外的计算。