📜  Python|熊猫系列.dt.time(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:19:21.709000             🧑  作者: Mango

Python Panda Series: dt.time


The dt.time module is part of the pandas library, which is a powerful tool for data analysis and manipulation in Python. The dt.time module provides functionality to work with time-related data, allowing programmers to manipulate time objects efficiently.

This article will cover various aspects of the dt.time module, including its features, usage, and examples.


The dt.time module offers the following features:

  1. Creating Time Objects: It allows programmers to create time objects representing specific times of the day.
  2. Manipulating Time Objects: It provides various methods to modify or manipulate time objects, such as adding or subtracting time intervals.
  3. Extracting Time Components: It allows extracting different components of a time object, such as hour, minute, or second.
  4. Comparing Time Objects: It provides methods to compare time objects and determine their relationships, such as checking if one time is before or after another.
  5. Formatting and Parsing: It allows formatting time objects into strings and parsing strings into time objects using different formats.

To use the dt.time module, you need to import it from the pandas library:

import pandas as pd
from pandas import Series

# Importing dt.time
from pandas.api.types import is_datetime64_any_dtype as is_datetime
from pandas import Timestamp
from pandas.core import common as com
import numpy as np
from win32com.client import Dispatch

Once imported, you can start working with time objects.

Creating Time Objects

You can create a time object using the pd.to_datetime function and specifying the desired time:

import pandas as pd

# Creating a time object
time_obj = pd.to_datetime('12:34:56').time()

# Printing the time object


Manipulating Time Objects

You can manipulate time objects by adding or subtracting time intervals:

import pandas as pd

# Creating a time object
time_obj = pd.to_datetime('12:34:56').time()

# Adding 1 hour to the time object
new_time_obj = (pd.to_datetime(time_obj)+ pd.Timedelta(hours=1)).time()

# Printing the new time object


Extracting Time Components

You can extract different components of a time object, such as hour, minute, or second:

import pandas as pd

# Creating a time object
time_obj = pd.to_datetime('12:34:56').time()

# Extracting hour from the time object
hour = time_obj.hour

# Extracting minute from the time object
minute = time_obj.minute

# Extracting second from the time object
second = time_obj.second

# Printing the extracted components
print(hour, minute, second)


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Comparing Time Objects

You can compare time objects to determine their relationships:

import pandas as pd

# Creating time objects
time_obj1 = pd.to_datetime('12:34:56').time()
time_obj2 = pd.to_datetime('10:12:30').time()

# Comparing time objects
is_before = time_obj1 < time_obj2

# Printing the result


Formatting and Parsing

You can format a time object as a string using the strftime method:

import pandas as pd

# Creating a time object
time_obj = pd.to_datetime('12:34:56').time()

# Formatting the time object
formatted_time = time_obj.strftime('%H:%M:%S')

# Printing the formatted time



You can also parse a string into a time object using the strptime method:

import pandas as pd

# Parsing a string into a time object
time_string = '09:15:30'
time_obj = pd.to_datetime(time_string, format='%H:%M:%S').time()

# Printing the time object



The dt.time module of the pandas library provides useful functionality for working with time-related data in Python. You can create, manipulate, extract components, compare, format, and parse time objects efficiently using this module. Understanding and utilizing the dt.time module will enhance your ability to work with time data effectively in your Python projects.


# Python Panda Series: dt.time

## Introduction

The ...