📜  <mat-expansion-panel>在角材料中(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:29:13.920000             🧑  作者: Mango

Mat-Expansion-Panel in Angular Material


Mat-Expansion-Panel is a component in Angular Material library that allows users to expand and collapse a panel of content. It is often used to show or hide detailed information or forms, making the user interface more intuitive and user-friendly.


To use Mat-Expansion-Panel, first you need to import the necessary modules in your Angular application, including MatExpansionModule. Then you can add the mat-expansion-panel element to your HTML template and fill it with your content.

        This is the title
        This is the description
    <p>This is the content inside the panel.</p>
    <p>You can add any HTML elements here.</p>

In the above example, we first use mat-accordion to group all the expansion panels. The mat-expansion-panel element contains a mat-expansion-panel-header, which includes a mat-panel-title and a mat-panel-description. Finally, we can add any content we want inside the mat-expansion-panel.


Mat-Expansion-Panel has a variety of useful properties and events. Below are some examples:

  • @Input() hideToggle: boolean - Hide the toggle icon and show the content directly.
  • @Input() expanded: boolean - Whether the panel is open or not.
  • @Input() disabled: boolean - Whether the panel is disabled or not.
  • @Output() opened: EventEmitter<void> - Emitted when the panel is opened.
  • @Output() closed: EventEmitter<void> - Emitted when the panel is closed.

In summary, Mat-Expansion-Panel in Angular Material is a powerful and versatile component that makes it easy to create expandable and collapsible content areas. With its rich API and flexible usage, it is an essential tool for building modern and user-friendly web applications.