📜  D3.js-Scales API(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:30:21.277000             🧑  作者: Mango

D3.js Scales API

D3.js is a popular JavaScript library that provides tools for data visualization. The Scales API is one of the important parts of D3.js which enables creating a mapping of data to visual elements in your chart such as axis, color, or size.

What are scales?

In data visualization, it is common to work with data that needs to be translated into visual properties like height or width. Scales are functions that provide this mapping. For example, a linear scale might map the input domain of [0, 10] to the output range of [0, 100]. This means that an input value of 5 would be mapped to an output value of 50.

Types of scales

D3.js provides different types of scales for various use cases:

  • d3.scaleLinear(): This creates a linear mapping between an input domain and an output range.

  • d3.scaleTime(): This is similar to scaleLinear but works for time.

  • d3.scaleOrdinal(): This is used for categorical data like colors or names.

  • d3.scaleBand(): This creates a mapping between a categorical input domain and a discrete output range.

Creating scales

In D3.js, to create a scale, first, you need to initialize it with d3.scale and then call the specific type of scale with the necessary arguments.

Here is an example of creating a linear scale:

const scale = d3.scaleLinear()
  .domain([0, 10])
  .range([0, 100]);
console.log(scale(5)); // Output: 50

Similarly, you can create other types of scales as well.

Using scales

Scales are usually used with other components in D3.js such as an axis or a color scale. Here is an example of how scales can be used to create an axis:

const svg = d3.select("svg");

const xScale = d3.scaleLinear()
  .domain([0, d3.max(data, d => d.x)])
  .range([0, width]);

const xAxis = d3.axisBottom(xScale);

  .attr("transform", `translate(0, ${height})`)

Here, a linear scale xScale is created to map the x-coordinate values of the data to the width of the SVG canvas. This scale is then used to create the x-axis with d3.axisBottom(), which is appended to the <g> element.


In conclusion, D3.js Scales API is a powerful tool for mapping data to visual properties. It provides different types of scales for various use cases and is easy to use with other D3.js components. By mastering scales, you can create custom and beautiful data visualizations.