📜  门| GATE CS 2020 |问题15

📅  最后修改于: 2021-06-29 23:29:12             🧑  作者: Mango

(A) 10、11、12、15、15、16、18、19、20
(B) 11,12,10,16,19,18,20,15
(C) 20、19、18、16、15、12、11、10
(D) 19、16、18、20、11、12、10、15答案: (B)

// C++ program for finding postorder 
// traversal of BST from preorder traversal 
using namespace std; 
// Function to find postorder traversal from 
// preorder traversal. 
void findPostOrderUtil(int pre[], int n, int minval, 
                    int maxval, int& preIndex) 
    // If entire preorder array is traversed then 
    // return as no more element is left to be 
    // added to post order array. 
    if (preIndex == n) 
    // If array element does not lie in range specified, 
    // then it is not part of current subtree. 
    if (pre[preIndex] < minval || pre[preIndex] > maxval) { 
    // Store current value, to be printed later, after 
    // printing left and right subtrees. Increment 
    // preIndex to find left and right subtrees, 
    // and pass this updated value to recursive calls. 
    int val = pre[preIndex]; 
    // All elements with value between minval and val 
    // lie in left subtree. 
    findPostOrderUtil(pre, n, minval, val, preIndex); 
    // All elements with value between val and maxval 
    // lie in right subtree. 
    findPostOrderUtil(pre, n, val, maxval, preIndex); 
    cout << val << " "; 
// Function to find postorder traversal. 
void findPostOrder(int pre[], int n) 
    // To store index of element to be 
    // traversed next in preorder array. 
    // This is passed by reference to 
    // utility function. 
    int preIndex = 0; 
    findPostOrderUtil(pre, n, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, preIndex); 
// Driver code 
int main() 
    int pre[] = { 15, 10, 12, 11, 20, 18, 16, 19 }; 
    int n = sizeof(pre) / sizeof(pre[0]); 
    // Calling function 
    findPostOrder(pre, n); 
    return 0; 

代码– https://ide.geeksforgeeks.org/t49kAtJwr7
