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📜  环形拓扑和树拓扑的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-14 02:26:19             🧑  作者: Mango

1. 环形拓扑:



S.No. Ring Topology Tree Topology
1. In Ring topology, each device is connected to specifically two branches connected to devices. In tree topology, the devices are organized in the form of a tree.
2. Ring topology is less reliable than tree topology. Tree topology is more reliable as failure of one device does not disturb the full network.
3. The amount of cable needed in ring topology is very less than the tree topology. The amount of cable needed in tree topology is high than the ring topology.
4. Ring topology is generally suited for LAN. Tree topology is used in WAN.
5. Security is low in ring topology. While security is high in tree topology.
6. The cost of ring topology is lower than tree topology. The cost of tree topology is high in comparison to ring topology.