📜  门| GATE-CS-2015(套装2)|问题 18

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-25 05:19:18             🧑  作者: Mango

链路具有10 6位/秒的传输速度。它使用每个大小为 1000 字节的数据包。假设确认的传输延迟可以忽略不计,并且其传播延迟与数据传播延迟相同。还假设节点处的处理延迟可以忽略不计。在此设置中,停止等待协议的效率恰好为 25%。单向传播延迟的值(以毫秒为单位)是 ___________。
(一) 4
(乙) 8
(三) 12
(四) 16答案: (C)

In stop and wait, protocol next packet is sent only when 
acknowledgement of previous packet is received.  This 
causes poor link utilization. 

Tansmission speed = 106

Time to send a packet = (1000 * 8) bits / 106
                      = 8 miliseconds
Since link utilization or efficiency is 25%, total time 
taken for 1 packet is 8 * 100/25 = 32 miliseconds.

Total time is twice the one way propagation delay plus 
transmission delay. Propagation delay has to be considered 
for packet and ack both.  
Transmission delay is considered only for packet as the 
question says that trans. time for ack is negligible.

Let propagation delay be x.
2x + 8 = 32.
x = 12.
