📜  门| GATE-IT-2004 |第 32 题

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-26 03:13:24             🧑  作者: Mango

设 A 为以下形式的 n × n 矩阵。


A 的行列式的值是多少?

(一) A
(四)答案: (D)

The first thing you need to get by seeing these type of questions is:- 
   Go for substitution method.
   For n=2, the values will be
    A) 16
    B) 26
    C) 7
    D) 8
   As all the values are unique for a small value of n, it does not take much time.
   The given matrix will be A = [3 1]
                [1 3]
   So, det(A) = 3*3-1*1 = 8
   Option (D) is the answer.
Alternative method:-
   You can frame the relations in between det(An+1), det(An), det(An-1)
   i.e. d(An+1) = 3*d(An) - d(An-1) 
    X   = 3*X^0 - X^-1
    X^2 = 3*x - 1
    Solution for this equation is (3+sqrt(5))/2, (3-sqrt(5))/2
        The only option which has roots of type (3+sqrt(5)) is D.
    From this, you can match the options easily.

这个解释由Anil Saikrishna 提供。