📜  布尔玛 |卡片

📅  最后修改于: 2021-11-03 06:27:29             🧑  作者: Mango

Bulma是一个基于 Flexbox 的免费开源 CSS 框架。它组件丰富、兼容且文档齐全。它本质上是高度敏感的。它使用类来实现其设计。

Card 是一个灵活的组件,可以由所需的内容组成。它包括几个其他组件,我们必须专门添加这些组件才能很好地设计我们的内容。下面列出了这些组件:

  • card-header:它是一个带有阴影的水平框型组件。
    • card-header-title:左对齐加粗,用于表示卡片的标题。
    • card-header-icon:它是添加到卡片标题部分的图标的占位符。
  • card-image:它是一个包含响应式图像的容器。
  • card-content:它是一个容器,可以在其中插入任何元素,如段落、图标、按钮或图像。
  • 页脚:是用来存放卡片页脚元素的容器。
    • card-footer-item:它为页脚项目列表保留了空间。

示例 1:此示例表示如何使用 Bulma 创建一张简单的卡片。



  Bulma Card



              GeeksforGeeks' is a computer                science portal.it was created               with a goal in mind to provide               well written, well thought and               well explained solutions for               selected questions. The core               team of five super geeks                constituting of technology lovers               and computer science enthusiasts               have been constantly working               in this direction .             


              ___A computer science portal for geeks             




  Bulma Card



              GeeksforGeeks' is a computer               science portal.it was created with               a goal in mind to provide well               written, well thought and               well explained solutions for               selected questions. The core team               of five super geeks constituting               of technology lovers and computer               science enthusiasts have been                constantly working in this               direction .             


              ___A computer science portal for geeks             




  Bulma Card



              GeeksforGeeks' is a computer               science portal.it was created with               a goal in mind to provide well                written, well thought and               well explained solutions for                selected questions. The core team               of five super geeks constituting               of technology lovers and               computer science enthusiasts have               been constantly working               in this direction .             




  Bulma Card







                  GeeksforGeeks' is a computer                   science portal.it was created with                   a goal in mind to provide well                    written, well thought and                   well explained solutions for                    selected questions. The core                   team of five super geeks                    constituting of technology                    lovers and computer science                    enthusiasts have been constantly                   working in this direction .                 




  Bulma Card







                  GeeksforGeeks' is a computer                    science portal.it was created                    with a goal in mind to provide                    well written, well thought and                   well explained solutions for                    selected questions. The core team                   of five super geeks constituting                    of technology lovers and                   computer science enthusiasts                   have been constantly working                   in this direction .                 



示例 2:此示例使用 Bulma 创建带有标题的卡片。



  Bulma Card



              GeeksforGeeks' is a computer               science portal.it was created with               a goal in mind to provide well               written, well thought and               well explained solutions for               selected questions. The core team               of five super geeks constituting               of technology lovers and computer               science enthusiasts have been                constantly working in this               direction .             


              ___A computer science portal for geeks             



示例 3:此示例使用 Bulma 创建带有页眉和页脚的卡片。



  Bulma Card



              GeeksforGeeks' is a computer               science portal.it was created with               a goal in mind to provide well                written, well thought and               well explained solutions for                selected questions. The core team               of five super geeks constituting               of technology lovers and               computer science enthusiasts have               been constantly working               in this direction .             



示例 4:此示例使用 Bulma 创建带有图像的卡片。



  Bulma Card







                  GeeksforGeeks' is a computer                   science portal.it was created with                   a goal in mind to provide well                    written, well thought and                   well explained solutions for                    selected questions. The core                   team of five super geeks                    constituting of technology                    lovers and computer science                    enthusiasts have been constantly                   working in this direction .                 



示例 5:此示例使用 Bulma 创建带有图像的彩色卡片。



  Bulma Card







                  GeeksforGeeks' is a computer                    science portal.it was created                    with a goal in mind to provide                    well written, well thought and                   well explained solutions for                    selected questions. The core team                   of five super geeks constituting                    of technology lovers and                   computer science enthusiasts                   have been constantly working                   in this direction .                 

