Bulma是一个基于 Flexbox 的免费开源 CSS 框架。它组件丰富、兼容且文档齐全。它本质上是高度敏感的。它使用类来实现其设计。
可以将项目中的列表组件设计为与 Bulma 类一起看起来很有吸引力。
示例 1:此示例使用 Bulma 创建项目列表。
Bulma List
Todo List
Design a custom database
to store your daily activity
Start your E-commerce
project to build
Take pictures of
beautiful flowers
Ride to a horse and
write your experience
Watch movie 'Godfather'
at night
Go for a trip with bike
Buy a sumsung headset
Listen music for one hour
Go for a Night
out on bicycle
Go for a morning walk
Bulma List
Todo List
Design a custom
database to store
your daily activity
Start your E-commerce
project to build
Take pictures of
beautiful flowers
Ride to a horse and
write your experience
Watch movie 'Godfather'
at night
Go for a trip with bike
Buy a sumsung headset
Listen music
for one hour
Go for a Night
out on bicycle
Go for a morning walk
Bulma List
Todo List
Design a custom
database to store
your daily activity
Start your E-commerce
project to build
Take pictures of
beautiful flowers
Ride to a horse and
write your experience
Watch movie 'Godfather'
at night
Go for a trip
with bike
Buy a sumsung headset
Listen music
for one hour
Go for a Night
out on bicycle
Go for a morning walk
Bulma List
Todo List
Design a custom
database to store
your daily activity
Start your E-commerce
project to build
Take pictures of
beautiful flowers
Ride to a horse and
write your experience
Watch movie 'Godfather'
at night
Go for a trip with bike
Buy a sumsung headset
Bulma List
Todo List
示例 2:此示例使用 Bulma 来显示当前活动项目。
Bulma List
Todo List
Design a custom
database to store
your daily activity
Start your E-commerce
project to build
Take pictures of
beautiful flowers
Ride to a horse and
write your experience
Watch movie 'Godfather'
at night
Go for a trip with bike
Buy a sumsung headset
Listen music
for one hour
Go for a Night
out on bicycle
Go for a morning walk
示例 3:此示例使用 Bulma 创建项目的彩色列表。
Bulma List
Todo List
Design a custom
database to store
your daily activity
Start your E-commerce
project to build
Take pictures of
beautiful flowers
Ride to a horse and
write your experience
Watch movie 'Godfather'
at night
Go for a trip
with bike
Buy a sumsung headset
Listen music
for one hour
Go for a Night
out on bicycle
Go for a morning walk
示例 4:此示例创建不同颜色的项目。
Bulma List
Todo List
Design a custom
database to store
your daily activity
Start your E-commerce
project to build
Take pictures of
beautiful flowers
Ride to a horse and
write your experience
Watch movie 'Godfather'
at night
Go for a trip with bike
Buy a sumsung headset
示例 5:此示例创建带有删除链接的 Todo。
Bulma List
Todo List
示例 6:此示例创建一个带有符号和删除链接的列表项。
注意:在上述所有示例中,我们使用了一些额外的 bulma 类,如容器、列、标题、按钮、标签等,以很好地设计我们的内容。