行政部门是政府最重要的部门之一,没有它,政府就无法函数。它负责实施议会或立法议会制定的所有法律和政策。它还执行政府的不同计划和项目。总理兼总统、首席部长和州长、IAS、IPS 和 IFS,仅举几例。
- 他们是人民选出的代表。
- 他们既是国家名义上的领导人,也是实际的领导人。
- 他们由该国人民选举产生,并从他们那里获得权力。
- 它们只选出一定的时间,通常是五年。
- 他们将不得不在五年内再次竞选。
- 他们必须对公众负责。
- 政治执行官的任何选择都可能受到公众的批评。
- 他们被认为非常强大。
- 他们执行国家议会通过的政策或立法。
- 行政人员还密切关注立法机关。
民主民主国家的行政部门分为两个部门。他们是 :
- 政治执行官:他们在一定时期内由人民选出。他们做出重大决定。这个群体包括政治领袖。他们比常任行政长官拥有更大的权力。这是因为政治行政是由人民选择的,在民主中人民的意志是最终的。他们必须向人民解释他们的决定所带来的所有影响。他们可以征求常任执行官的意见,然后决定政策的总体框架和目标。
- 常任执行官:他们在特定时间内被分配到特定任务。公务员是在政府中担任常任行政人员的人。即使执政党发生变化,他们仍然掌权。他们在政治行政部门的指导下工作,并协助他们进行日常管理。他们在事工领域受过更好的教育和知识。例如,财政部的顾问比财政部长更懂经济学。然而,财政部长的选择将是最终的。
- 总理:总理是政府首脑,负责所有政府职能。总理,总统选择在人民院中占多数的多数党或政党联盟的领导人。如果没有任何一方获得多数票,总统会挑选最有可能获得多数票的人。总理任期未定;只要他是多数党或联合党的领袖,他就继续掌权。
- 部长理事会:这是由所有部长组成的部长组的官方术语。它通常由 60 至 80 名不同职位的部长组成。部长理事会由以下人员组成:
- Cabinet Ministers are top-ranking members of the ruling party or parties in control of the major ministries. The Council of Ministers’ inner ring is termed as Cabinet. It is made up of roughly 25 ministers.
- Minister of State in charge of a minor ministry with an independent charge. They only attend Cabinet meetings if they have been invited directly.
- Ministers of State who are linked to Cabinet Ministers are expected to help them.
- 总理可以任命部长,只要他们是议会成员。
- 在内阁会议上,他主持并做出大部分决定。
- 如果部门之间发生冲突,他会组织各个部门的工作,他的决定是最终决定。
- 他全面负责多个部委,所有部委都向他汇报。
- 对于部长,他分配和重新分配工作。
- 他还有权解除部长的职务。总理辞职时,整个内阁都辞职。
总统,也被称为印度国家名义上或法律上的元首,被认为是该国的领导人。总统是该国的最高职位,总统被称为该国的第一位公民。印度宪法第 52 条至第 62 条规定了总统。工会执行委员会是总统的成员。人民不是由总统直接选举产生的。 A candidate for President must earn a majority of votes from Members of Parliament (MPs) and Members of the Legislative Assemblies in order to win the election (MLAs).
- Lok Sabha (People’s House) and Lower Chamber are the two houses or chambers. It is typically directly chosen by the people and wields actual power on their behalf. The Lok Sabha, or Lower House, is made up of people’s elected representatives. A majority of Lok Sabha members must vote in favor of the Prime Minister.
- The Upper Chamber is known as the Rajya Sabha (Council of States).It is indirectly elected and serves a variety of purposes, such as representing the interests of various states, regions, or federal entities. The Rajya Sabha, or Upper House, represents the states and union territories’ interests. Despite not being a member of either house, the President of India is a member of Parliament. As a result, all laws passed by the houses become effective only when the President has given his assent.
根据印度宪法,最高法院是最终上诉法院。因此,印度首席大法官和其他 30 位大法官拥有咨询管辖权。根据印度宪法,每个州都应该有自己的高等法院。孟买高等法院是印度最古老的高等法院。地区和州的人口分布决定了地区法院的设立。它负责该地区的民事和刑事诉讼。
- 争议解决:法院系统为解决公民、公民与政府、州政府和联邦政府之间的问题提供了一种手段。
- 司法审查:作为宪法的最后解释者,司法机构有权推翻议会通过的具体立法,如果它认为这些立法违反了宪法的基本框架。这被称为司法审查。维护法治和执行基本权利:任何印度公民如果认为其基本权利受到侵犯,都可以向最高法院或高等法院提出申诉。
问题 1:解释“Indira Sawhney 等人反对印度联邦”案,以及由此产生的关键改革。
Some individuals and organizations filed the Indira Sawhney and others against Union of India case in response to government decisions on the SEBC’s 27 percent quota. The most significant revision was the Supreme Court’s modification of the initial decree, declaring that well-to-do members of the backward classes should be barred from benefiting from the reserve.
As a result, on September 8, 1993, the Department of Personnel and Training issued another Office Memorandum.
问题 2:给出 Lok Sabha 和 Rajya Sabha 之间的三个关键区别。
There are some distinctions between the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha The people elect members of the Lok Sabha directly. Members of the Rajya Sabha are elected by the members of the Legislative Assemblies in an indirect election. The Lok Sabha has a total of 552 members, with the President nominating two of them. The Rajya Sabha can have a maximum of 250 members, with the President nominating 12 of them. The Lok Sabha has a 5-year term. Before the end of the term, the House can be dissolved. Members of the Rajya Sabha have a six-year term, however one-third of them leave every two years.
It can’t be dissolved because it’s a permanent house.
In Parliament, the ruling party’s point of view is dominant, but we should have debates and discussions since this helps to highlight the positive and negative aspects of the matter at hand.Positive features may be adopted by the ruling party, while undesirable aspects may be deleted even if the law is not amended in its whole. Debate and discussion in Parliament are required to provide information to the public on a specific topic for a decision that will be made by the ruling party. Furthermore, it is unclear whether the ruling party is open to fresh ideas and discussions that could influence it to embrace new policies.
As a result, democracy requires open debate and discussion.
问题 4:区分政治高管和常任高管。
Political executives differ from permanent executives in this way- Political Executives Permanent Executives 1- They are elected by the people (voters) for a particular length of time. 1-It is appointed for a long period of time. 2-Political executives are political leaders. 2-Permanent executives are civil servants. 3-Political leaders must answer to the people. 3- Permanent government-accountable executives
问题 5:说出印度总统的三项立法权。
The President of India has three legislative powers:
- The President is not a member of either house of Parliament. He or she is, nonetheless, an important component of the legislative process. She or he has a significant impact on the creation of laws.
- The President has the authority to call a special session of the Lok Sabha. She/he has the power to call a joint session of both chambers of Parliament.
- The President has the authority to transmit communications to either chamber of Parliament, whether it is about a pending law or something else.