📅  最后修改于: 2020-11-19 08:30:06             🧑  作者: Mango
Button类代表按钮控件的最基本类型。 Silverlight可以识别三种类型的按钮控件:熟悉的Button , CheckBox和RadioButton 。所有这些控件都是从ButtonBase派生的内容控件。 Button类的层次继承如下:
Sr. No. | Property & Description |
1 |
Background Gets or sets a brush that provides the background of the control. (Inherited from Control) |
2 |
BorderBrush Gets or sets a brush that describes the border fill of a control. (Inherited from Control) |
3 |
BorderThickness Gets or sets the border thickness of a control. (Inherited from Control) |
4 |
Content Gets or sets the content of a ContentControl. (Inherited from ContentControl) |
5 |
ClickMode Gets or sets a value that indicates when the Click event occurs, in terms of device behavior. (Inherited from ButtonBase) |
6 |
ContentTemplate Gets or sets the data template that is used to display the content of the ContentControl. (Inherited from ContentControl) |
7 |
FontFamily Gets or sets the font used to display text in the control. (Inherited from Control) |
8 |
FontSize Gets or sets the size of the text in this control. (Inherited from Control) |
9 |
FontStyle Gets or sets the style in which the text is rendered. (Inherited from Control) |
10 |
FontWeight Gets or sets the thickness of the specified font. (Inherited from Control) |
11 |
Foreground Gets or sets a brush that describes the foreground color. (Inherited from Control) |
12 |
Height Gets or sets the suggested height of a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement) |
13 |
HorizontalAlignment Gets or sets the horizontal alignment characteristics that are applied to a FrameworkElement when it is composed in a layout parent, such as a panel or items control. (Inherited from FrameworkElement) |
14 |
IsEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can interact with the control. (Inherited from Control) |
15 |
IsPressed Gets a value that indicates whether a ButtonBase is currently in a pressed state. (Inherited from ButtonBase) |
16 |
Margin Gets or sets the outer margin of a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement) |
17 |
Name Gets or sets the identifying name of the object. When a XAML processor creates the object tree from XAML markup, run-time code can refer to the XAMLdeclared object by this name. (Inherited from FrameworkElement) |
18 |
Opacity Gets or sets the degree of the object’s opacity. (Inherited from UIElement) |
19 |
Resources Gets the locally defined resource dictionary. In XAML, you can establish resource items as child object elements of a frameworkElement.Resources property element, through XAML implicit collection syntax. (Inherited from FrameworkElement) |
20 |
Style Gets or sets an instance Style that is applied for this object during layout and rendering. (Inherited from FrameworkElement) |
21 |
Template Gets or sets a control template. The control template defines the visual appearance of a control in UI, and is defined in XAML markup. (Inherited from Control) |
22 |
VerticalAlignment Gets or sets the vertical alignment characteristics that are applied to a FrameworkElement when it is composed in a parent object such as a panel or items control. (Inherited from FrameworkElement) |
23 |
Visibility Gets or sets the visibility of a UIElement. A UIElement that is not visible is not rendered and does not communicate its desired size to layout. (Inherited from UIElement) |
24 |
Width Gets or sets the width of a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement) |
Sr. No. | Method & Description |
1 |
ClearValue Clears the local value of a dependency property. (Inherited from DependencyObject) |
2 |
FindName Retrieves an object that has the specified identifier name. (Inherited from FrameworkElement) |
3 |
OnApplyTemplate Invoked whenever application code or internal processes (such as a rebuilding layout pass) call ApplyTemplate. In simplest terms, this means the method is called just before a UI element displays in your app. Override this method to influence the default post-template logic of a class. (Inherited from FrameworkElement) |
4 |
OnContentChanged Invoked when the value of the Content property changes. (Inherited from ContentControl) |
5 |
OnDragEnter Called before the DragEnter event occurs. (Inherited from Control) |
6 |
OnDragLeave Called before the DragLeave event occurs. (Inherited from Control) |
7 |
OnDragOver Called before the DragOver event occurs. (Inherited from Control) |
8 |
OnDrop Called before the Drop event occurs. (Inherited from Control) |
9 |
OnGotFocus Called before the GotFocus event occurs. (Inherited from Control) |
10 |
OnKeyDown Called before the KeyDown event occurs. (Inherited from Control) |
11 |
OnKeyUp Called before the KeyUp event occurs. (Inherited from Control) |
12 |
OnLostFocus Called before the LostFocus event occurs. (Inherited from Control) |
13 |
SetBinding Attaches a binding to a FrameworkElement, using the provided binding object. (Inherited from FrameworkElement) |
Sr. No. | Event & Description |
1 |
Click Occurs when a button control is clicked. (Inherited from ButtonBase) |
2 |
DataContextChanged Occurs when the value of the FrameworkElement.DataContext property changes. (Inherited from FrameworkElement) |
3 |
DragEnter Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the target. (Inherited from UIElement) |
4 |
DragLeave Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the origin. (Inherited from UIElement) |
5 |
DragOver Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the potential drop target. (Inherited from UIElement) |
6 |
DragStarting Occurs when a drag operation is initiated. (Inherited from UIElement) |
7 |
GotFocus Occurs when a UIElement receives focus. (Inherited from UIElement) |
8 |
Holding Occurs when an otherwise unhandled Hold interaction occurs over the hit test area of this element. (Inherited from UIElement) |
9 |
IsEnabledChanged Occurs when the IsEnabled property changes. (Inherited from Control) |
10 |
KeyDown Occurs when a keyboard key is pressed while the UIElement has focus. (Inherited from UIElement) |
11 |
KeyUp Occurs when a keyboard key is released while the UIElement has focus. (Inherited from UIElement) |
12 |
LostFocus Occurs when a UIElement loses focus. (Inherited from UIElement) |
13 |
SizeChanged Occurs when either the ActualHeight or the ActualWidth property changes value on a FrameworkElement. (Inherited from FrameworkElement) |
Sr. No. | Buttons & Description |
1 | HyperlinkButton
The HyperlinkButton does not draw the standard button background. Instead, it simply renders the content that you supply. |
2 | ToggleButton & RepeatButton
RepeatButton control fires Click events continuously, as long as the button is held down. ToggleButton control represents a button that has two states (clicked or unclicked). |
3 | CheckBox
A control that a user can select (check) or de-select (uncheck). It provides a list of options that a user can select, such as a list of settings to apply to an application. |
4 | RadioButton
The RadioButton is a button that allows a user to select a single option from a group of options. |