Ozone is a triatomic oxygen allotrope that gives the air a distinctive odour after a thunderstorm or near electrical equipment. The odour of ozone surrounding electrical machinery was first reported in 1785, and the chemical composition of ozone was identified in 1872.
臭氧的气味类似于氯的气味,许多人可能会在空气中检测到低至 0.1 ppm 的量。 1865年,臭氧的结构被发现。后来,人们发现该分子具有弯曲的形状并且具有轻微的顺磁性。在正常情况下,臭氧是一种淡蓝色气体,在低温下会凝结成深蓝色液体,然后凝结成紫黑色固体。臭氧与更普遍的分子氧的不相容性导致浓缩的气体和液态臭氧在高温、物理创伤或快速升温至沸点的情况下爆炸性地分解。因此,它仅在商业上少量使用。
臭氧是一种强效氧化剂(比氧气强得多),在许多工业和消费应用中都涉及氧化。高于大约 0.1 ppm 的浓度,臭氧的高氧化潜力导致它损害动物的粘液和呼吸组织,以及植物的组织。虽然这使臭氧成为严重的呼吸危害和靠近地面的污染物,但较高的臭氧层浓度(从 2 到 8 ppm)是有益的,因为它可以防止有害的紫外线到达地球表面。
- 臭氧是一种无色或淡蓝色气体,微溶于水,但更易溶于惰性非极性溶剂,如四氯化碳或碳氟化合物,在其中形成蓝色溶液。
- 它凝结成 161K 左右的深蓝色液体。
- 让这种液体达到其沸点是危险的,因为浓缩的气态和液态臭氧都有爆炸的可能性。
- 在低于 80 摄氏度的温度下,它会凝固为紫黑色液体。
- 大多数人都可以检测到空气中的臭氧,因为它具有类似于氯漂白剂的明显刺鼻气味。
- 臭氧暴露会导致头痛、眼睛灼热和呼吸道刺激。
- 空气中适量的臭氧对乳胶、聚合物和动物肺组织等有机材料具有极大的破坏性。
- 臭氧具有弱顺磁性。
- 臭氧作为一种强氧化剂。反应是
O 3 ⇢ O 2 + O
- 臭氧将过氧化物还原为氧化物并还原为氧气
H 2 O 2 + O 3 ⇢ H 2 O + 2O 2
根据微波光谱学实验,臭氧是一种具有与水相似的对称性的弯曲分子。 OOO 形成的角度为 116.78°。一对孤对是与中心原子杂化的sp 2 。臭氧分子是极性的。该分子可以被描述为具有两个贡献结构的共振杂化物,一个在一侧具有单键,另一个具有双键。它具有与亚硝酸根阴离子相同的等电子特性。
O 2 ⇢ O + O
O 2 + O ⇢ O 3
臭氧是已知的最强氧化剂之一,比O 2强得多。在高浓度下,它同样不稳定并降解为普通氧气。它的半衰期受温度、湿度和空气流动等大气因素的影响。随着温度的升高,该反应的速率加快。火花会导致臭氧爆燃,这可能在臭氧浓度为 10% 或更高时发生。在电化学电池的阳极,氧气也可以用来制造臭氧。出于科学目的,此过程可以产生更少量的臭氧。
Cu + O 3 → CuO + O 2
C + 2O 3 → CO 2 + 2O 2
臭氧是一种有害气体,在人类环境中广泛存在或产生(例如,机舱、带有复印机、激光打印机和消毒器的办公室),其催化分解对于减少污染至关重要。这是最常见的一种分解,尤其是固体催化剂,它具有许多优点,包括在较低温度下更好的转化。此外,产品和催化剂可以立即分离,无需分离过程即可回收催化剂。此外,贵金属(如 Pt、Rh 或 Pd)以及过渡金属(如 Mn、Co、Cu、Fe、Ni 或 Ag)是气相催化分解臭氧中最常用的材料。
在气相中,臭氧分解有两种选择:第一种是热分解,它仅通过热的作用分解臭氧。问题是在低于 250°C 的温度下,这种击穿非常缓慢。然而,通过在更高的温度下工作,可以提高击穿率,尽管需要相当大的能源消耗。第二种是光化学分解,当臭氧暴露于紫外线辐射 (UV) 时会发生光化学分解,从而形成氧气和过氧化自由基。
- 没有过滤系统的水处理厂使用臭氧。
- 常用的设备,如复印机、激光打印机和其他电子设备,都会产生臭氧。
- 臭氧疗法用于通过最大限度地减少细菌、病毒、真菌、酵母和原生动物的影响来消毒和治疗疾病。
- 几种消耗臭氧层的化学物质具有使它们能够有效地将热量从一个位置传递到另一个位置的特性,使其成为良好的制冷剂。
What is an Ozone Layer?
The ozone layer, also known as the ozone shield, is a region of the Earth’s stratosphere that absorbs the majority of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. It has a high concentration of ozone in comparison to the rest of the atmosphere, although it is relatively low in comparison to other gases in the stratosphere. The ozone layer contains fewer than 10ppm of ozone, whereas the average ozone concentration in the Earth’s atmosphere is around 0.3ppm. The ozone layer is primarily located in the lower stratosphere, between 15 and 35 kilometres above Earth, however, its thickness varies seasonally and geographically.
Ozone is a gas that exists naturally in our environment. Each ozone molecule has three oxygen atoms and is designated chemically as O3.
Ozone is typically present in two regions of the atmosphere. The troposphere, which stretches from the surface to roughly 10–15 kilometres height, contains around 10% of the Earth’s ozone. The stratosphere, the region of the atmosphere between the top of the troposphere and about 50 kilometres altitude, contains approximately 90 percent of the Earth’s ozone. The “ozone layer” refers to the region of the stratosphere with the highest concentration of ozone.
Ozone is generated in the atmosphere through multistep chemical processes begun by sunlight. The process begins in the stratosphere with an oxygen molecule being torn apart by UV light from the Sun. Ozone is generated in the troposphere through a separate set of chemical reactions that involve both naturally occurring chemicals and those emitted by sources of air pollution.
问题 4:如何测量大气中的臭氧?
Instruments on the ground and transported aloft on balloons, aircraft, and satellites measure the amount of ozone in the atmosphere. Some instruments use a continuous air sampler to monitor ozone in a tiny detection chamber. Other technologies use ozone’s distinctive optical absorption or emission qualities to assess ozone across vast distances.
问题 5:哪些人类活动排放导致臭氧消耗?
Ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) are released into the atmosphere by some industrial operations and consumer items. The Montreal Protocol regulates the use of produced halogen source gases around the world. These gases transport chlorine and bromine atoms to the stratosphere, where chemical processes destroy ozone. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which were originally utilised in practically all refrigeration and air conditioning systems, and halons, which were used as fire suppressing agents, are two notable examples.