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📜  回归分析和使用 C++ 的最佳拟合线

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:05.074000             🧑  作者: Mango

回归分析和使用 C++ 的最佳拟合线

本文讨论线性回归的基础知识及其在 C++ 编程语言中的实现。回归分析是数据科学家用来预测与某些输入数据对应的值的常用分析方法。

简单的回归分析方法是线性回归。线性回归是一种统计方法,用于对因变量与给定的一组自变量之间的关系进行建模。我们将在 C++ 中实现相同的功能。

输入数据集通常以 .csv(逗号分隔值)文件的形式出现,我们将从该文件中复制该文件并放入 .txt 文件中作为 C++ 程序的输入文件。要从文件中获取输入,请在与程序文件相同的目录中创建一个名为 input.txt 的文件,并将数据放入该文件中,以便第一行的值为N ,即该数据集中的条目数。

执行 :

// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
class regression {
    // Dynamic arrary which is going
    // to contain all (i-th x)
    vector x;
    // Dynamic arrary which is going
    // to contain all (i-th y)
    vector y;
    // Store the coefficient/slope in
    // the best fitting line
    float coeff;
    // Store the constant term in
    // the best fitting line
    float constTerm;
    // Contains sum of product of
    // all (i-th x) and (i-th y)
    float sum_xy;
    // Contains sum of all (i-th x)
    float sum_x;
    // Contains sum of all (i-th y)
    float sum_y;
    // Contains sum of square of
    // all (i-th x)
    float sum_x_square;
    // Contains sum of square of
    // all (i-th y)
    float sum_y_square;
    // Constructor to provide the default
    // values to all the terms in the
    // object of class regression
        coeff = 0;
        constTerm = 0;
        sum_y = 0;
        sum_y_square = 0;
        sum_x_square = 0;
        sum_x = 0;
        sum_xy = 0;
    // Function that calculate the coefficient/
    // slope of the best fitting line
    void calculateCoefficient()
        float N = x.size();
        float numerator
            = (N * sum_xy - sum_x * sum_y);
        float denominator
            = (N * sum_x_square - sum_x * sum_x);
        coeff = numerator / denominator;
    // Member function that will calculate
    // the constant term of the best
    // fitting line
    void calculateConstantTerm()
        float N = x.size();
        float numerator
            = (sum_y * sum_x_square - sum_x * sum_xy);
        float denominator
            = (N * sum_x_square - sum_x * sum_x);
        constTerm = numerator / denominator;
    // Function that return the number
    // of entries (xi, yi) in the data set
    int sizeOfData()
        return x.size();
    // Function that return the coeffecient/
    // slope of the best fitting line
    float coefficient()
        if (coeff == 0)
        return coeff;
    // Function that return the constant
    // term of the best fitting line
    float constant()
        if (constTerm == 0)
        return constTerm;
    // Function that print the best
    // fitting line
    void PrintBestFittingLine()
        if (coeff == 0 && constTerm == 0) {
        cout << "The best fitting line is y = "
             << coeff << "x + " << constTerm << endl;
    // Function to take input from the dataset
    void takeInput(int n)
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            // In a csv file all the values of
            // xi and yi are separated by commas
            char comma;
            float xi;
            float yi;
            cin >> xi >> comma >> yi;
            sum_xy += xi * yi;
            sum_x += xi;
            sum_y += yi;
            sum_x_square += xi * xi;
            sum_y_square += yi * yi;
    // Function to show the data set
        for (int i = 0; i < 62; i++) {
        printf("|%15s%5s %15s%5s%20s\n",
               "X", "", "Y", "", "|");
        for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
            printf("|%20f %20f%20s\n",
                   x[i], y[i], "|");
        for (int i = 0; i < 62; i++) {
    // Function to predict the value
    // correspondng to some input
    float predict(float x)
        return coeff * x + constTerm;
    // Function that returns overall
    // sum of square of errors
    float errorSquare()
        float ans = 0;
        for (int i = 0;
             i < x.size(); i++) {
            ans += ((predict(x[i]) - y[i])
                    * (predict(x[i]) - y[i]));
        return ans;
    // Functions that return the error
    // i.e the difference between the
    // actual value and value predicted
    // by our model
    float errorIn(float num)
        for (int i = 0;
             i < x.size(); i++) {
            if (num == x[i]) {
                return (y[i] - predict(x[i]));
        return 0;
// Driver code
int main()
    freopen("input.txt", "r",
    regression reg;
    // Number of pairs of (xi, yi)
    // in the dataset
    int n;
    cin >> n;
    // Calling function takeInput to
    // take input of n pairs
    // Printing the best fitting line
    cout << "Predicted value at 2060 = "
         << reg.predict(2060) << endl;
    cout << "The errorSquared  = "
         << reg.errorSquare() << endl;
    cout << "Error in 2050 = "
         << reg.errorIn(2050) << endl;

input.txt 文件的内容是:

1714, 2.4
1664, 2.52
1760, 2.54
1685, 2.74
1693, 2.83
1670, 2.91
1764, 3
1764, 3
1792, 3.01
1850, 3.01
1735, 3.02
1775, 3.07
1735, 3.08
1712, 3.08
1773, 3.12
1872, 3.17
1755, 3.17
1674, 3.17
1842, 3.17
1786, 3.19
1761, 3.19
1722, 3.19
1663, 3.2
1687, 3.21
1974, 3.24
1826, 3.28
1787, 3.28
1821, 3.28
2020, 3.28
1794, 3.28
1769, 3.28
1934, 3.28
1775, 3.29
1855, 3.29
1880, 3.29
1849, 3.31
1808, 3.32
1954, 3.34
1777, 3.37
1831, 3.37
1865, 3.37
1850, 3.38
1966, 3.38
1702, 3.39
1990, 3.39
1925, 3.4
1824, 3.4
1956, 3.4
1857, 3.41
1979, 3.41
1802, 3.41
1855, 3.42
1907, 3.42
1634, 3.42
1879, 3.44
1887, 3.47
1730, 3.47
1953, 3.47
1781, 3.47
1891, 3.48
1964, 3.49
1808, 3.49
1893, 3.5
2041, 3.51
1893, 3.51
1832, 3.52
1850, 3.52
1934, 3.54
1861, 3.58
1931, 3.58
1933, 3.59
1778, 3.59
1975, 3.6
1934, 3.6
2021, 3.61
2015, 3.62
1997, 3.64
2020, 3.65
1843, 3.71
1936, 3.71
1810, 3.71
1987, 3.73
1962, 3.76
2050, 3.81


The best fitting line is y = 0.00165565x + 0.27511
Predicted value at 2060 = 3.68575
The errorSquared  = 3.63727
Error in 2050 = 0.140807

1. 如果将所有数据项绘制成一个图表,那么我们将在图表中得到几个点,现在最佳拟合线是最接近图表上每个点的线。



2. 下一个任务是找到最佳拟合线。因为任何直线都可以用 y = ax + b 的形式表示,其中 a 是直线的系数或斜率,b 是常数项。
3. 因此,要找到最佳拟合线,计算ab 的值。有一个简单的公式可以计算 a 和 b 的值,如下所示 -

a 和 b 的公式

a 和 b 的公式

4. 计算出 a 和 b 的值后,可以将图形上的线表示为:

