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📜  Van Emde Boas树|套装2 |插入,查找,最小和最大查询

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-17 13:45:59             🧑  作者: Mango

强烈建议先查看Van Emde Boas Tree上的先前文章。


  1. 如果树中没有键,则只需将树的最小值和最大值分配给键。
  2. 否则,我们将深入树中并执行以下操作:
    • 如果要插入的键小于树的当前最小值,则交换两个值,因为新键将是树的实际最小值,并且已经位于最小值处的键将用于进一步的过程。

      可以将此概念视为Van Emde Boas Tree中的延迟传播。因为这个旧的最小值实际上是递归Van Emde Boas结构簇中的一个最小值。因此,实际上直到需求出现时,我们才开始深入研究结构。

    • 如果我们不在基本情况下,则意味着树的Universe大小大于2,则:
      • 如果树的cluster [High(key)]为空,则在摘要上递归调用insert,并且在进行延迟传播时,我们只给键分配最小值和最大值,然后停止递归。
      • 否则,我们在存在密钥的群集上调用插入。
  3. 同样,我们检查最大值,如果密钥大于当前最大值,则将其设置为最大值。







  • 在搜索的任何时候,如果键是树的最小或最大值,这意味着该键存在,则返回true。
  • 如果达到基本情况,但以上条件为假,则该键一定不能出现在树中,因此返回true。
  • 否则,递归地在键的集群(即High(key))及其在集群的位置(即Low(key))上调用该函数。
  • 在这里,我们允许Universe_size为2的任意幂,因此,如果出现Universe_size小于键值的情况,则返回false。

最小和最大值:Van Emde Boas树存储最小值和最大值作为其属性,因此如果存在它,我们可以返回其值,否则返回null。

using namespace std;
class Van_Emde_Boas {
    int universe_size;
    int minimum;
    int maximum;
    Van_Emde_Boas* summary;
    vector clusters;
    // Function to return cluster numbers
    // in which key is present
    int high(int x)
        int div = ceil(sqrt(universe_size));
        return x / div;
    // Function to return position of x in cluster
    int low(int x)
        int mod = ceil(sqrt(universe_size));
        return x % mod;
    // Function to return the index from
    // cluster number and position
    int generate_index(int x, int y)
        int ru = ceil(sqrt(universe_size));
        return x * ru + y;
    // Constructor
    Van_Emde_Boas(int size)
        universe_size = size;
        minimum = -1;
        maximum = -1;
        // Base case
        if (size <= 2) {
            summary = nullptr;
            clusters = vector(0, nullptr);
        else {
            int no_clusters = ceil(sqrt(size));
            // Assigning VEB(sqrt(u)) to summary
            summary = new Van_Emde_Boas(no_clusters);
            // Creating array of VEB Tree pointers of size sqrt(u)
            clusters = vector(no_clusters, nullptr);
            // Assigning VEB(sqrt(u)) to all its clusters
            for (int i = 0; i < no_clusters; i++) {
                clusters[i] = new Van_Emde_Boas(ceil(sqrt(size)));
// Function to return the minimum value
// from the tree if it exists
int VEB_minimum(Van_Emde_Boas* helper)
    return (helper->minimum == -1 ? -1 : helper->minimum);
// Function to return the maximum value
// from the tree if it exists
int VEB_maximum(Van_Emde_Boas* helper)
    return (helper->maximum == -1 ? -1 : helper->maximum);
// Function to insert a key in the tree
void insert(Van_Emde_Boas* helper, int key)
    // If no key is present in the tree
    // then set both minimum and maximum
    // to the key (Read the previous article
    // for more understanding about it)
    if (helper->minimum == -1) {
        helper->minimum = key;
        helper->maximum = key;
    else {
        if (key < helper->minimum) {
            // If the key is less than current minimum
            // then swap it with the current minimum
            // because this minimum is actually
            // minimum of one of the internal cluster
            // so as we go deeper into the Van Emde Boas
            // we need to take that minimum to its real position
            // This concept is similar to "Lazy Propagation"
            swap(helper->minimum, key);
        // Not base case then...
        if (helper->universe_size > 2) {
            // If no key is present in the cluster then insert key into
            // both cluster and summary
            if (VEB_minimum(helper->clusters[helper->high(key)]) == -1) {
                insert(helper->summary, helper->high(key));
                // Sets the minimum and maximum of cluster to the key
                // as no other keys are present we will stop at this level
                // we are not going deeper into the structure like
                // Lazy Propagation
                helper->clusters[helper->high(key)]->minimum = helper->low(key);
                helper->clusters[helper->high(key)]->maximum = helper->low(key);
            else {
                // If there are other elements in the tree then recursively
                // go deeper into the structure to set attributes accordingly
                insert(helper->clusters[helper->high(key)], helper->low(key));
        // Sets the key as maximum it is greater than current maximum
        if (key > helper->maximum) {
            helper->maximum = key;
// Function that returns true if the
// key is present in the tree
bool isMember(Van_Emde_Boas* helper, int key)
    // If universe_size is less than the key
    // then we can not search the key so returns
    // false
    if (helper->universe_size < key) {
        return false;
    // If at any point of our traversal
    // of the tree if the key is the minimum
    // or the maximum of the subtree, then
    // the key is present so returns true
    if (helper->minimum == key || helper->maximum == key) {
        return true;
    else {
        // If after attending above condition,
        // if the size of the tree is 2 then
        // the present key must be
        // maximum or minimum of the tree if it
        // is not then it returns false becuase key
        // can not be present in the sub tree
        if (helper->universe_size == 2) {
            return false;
        else {
            // Recursive call over the cluster
            // in which the key can be present
            // and also pass the new position of the key
            // i.e., low(key)
            return isMember(helper->clusters[helper->high(key)],
// Driver code
int main()
    Van_Emde_Boas* veb = new Van_Emde_Boas(8);
    // Inserting Keys
    insert(veb, 2);
    insert(veb, 3);
    insert(veb, 6);
    cout << boolalpha;
    // Checking isMember query
    cout << isMember(veb, 3) << endl;
    cout << isMember(veb, 4) << endl;
    // Maximum of VEB
    cout << VEB_maximum(veb) << endl;
    // Minimum of VEB
    cout << VEB_minimum(veb) << endl;