📜  为输入N构造具有第一个N ^ 2个自然数的矩阵N x N

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-23 20:48:50             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个整数N ,任务是构造一个大小为N x N的矩阵M [] [] ,其数字在[1,N ^ 2]范围内并具有以下条件:

  1. 矩阵M的元素应为1到N ^ 2之间的整数。
  2. 矩阵M的所有元素都是成对截然不同的。
  3. 对于在r到r + a行和c到c + a列(含)中包含单元格的每个正方形子矩阵,对于一些有效整数r,c和a> = 0:M(r,c)+ M(r + a, c + a)是偶数,M(r,c + a)+ M(r + a,c)是偶数。


方法:我们知道两个数字的和是偶数,即使它们的奇偶性相同。假设M (i,j)的奇偶校验是奇数,这意味着M (i + 1,j + 1) ,M (i + 1,j-1) ,M (i-1,j + 1) ) ,M (i-1,j-1)必须为奇数。
下面是N = 4以生成大小为4×4的矩阵的说明:


  • 所有黑色单元格都有一个奇数整数,所有白色单元格都有一个偶数整数。
  • 所有黑色单元格都有一个偶数整数,所有白色单元格都有一个奇数整数。


// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to print the desired matrix
void UniqueMatrix(int N)
    int element_value = 1;
    int i = 0;
    // element_value will start from 1
    // and go up to N ^ 2
    // i is row number and it starts
    // from 0 and go up to N-1
    // Iterate ove all [0, N]
    while(i < N)
        // If is even
        if(i % 2 == 0)
            for(int f = element_value;
                    f < element_value + N; f++)
                // If row number is even print
                // the row in forward order
                cout << f << " ";
            element_value += N;
            for(int k = element_value + N - 1;
                    k > element_value - 1; k--)
                // If row number is odd print
                // the row in reversed order
                cout << k << " ";
            element_value += N;
        cout << endl;
        i = i + 1;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given matrix size
    int N = 4;
    // Function call
// This code is contributed by chitranayal

// Java program for the above approach
public class Gfg
    // Function to print the desired matrix
    public static void UniqueMatrix(int N)
        int element_value = 1;
        int i = 0;
        // element_value will start from 1
        // and go up to N ^ 2
        // i is row number and it starts
        // from 0 and go up to N-1
        // Iterate ove all [0, N]
        while(i < N)
            // If is even
            if(i % 2 == 0)
                for(int f = element_value;
                    f < element_value + N; f++)
                    // If row number is even print
                    // the row in forward order
                    System.out.print(f+" ");
                element_value += N;
                for(int k = element_value + N - 1;
                    k > element_value - 1; k--)
                    // If row number is odd print
                    // the row in reversed order
                    System.out.print(k+" ");
                element_value += N;
            i = i + 1;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String []args)
        // Given matrix size
        int N = 4;
        // Function call
// This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155

# Python3 program for the above approach
# Function to print the desired matrix
def UniqueMatrix(N):
    element_value = 1
    i = 0
    # element_value will start from 1
    # and go up to N ^ 2
    # i is row number and it starts
    # from 0 and go up to N-1
    # Iterate ove all [0, N]
    while(i < N):
        # If is even
        if(i % 2 == 0):
            for f in range(element_value, element_value + N, 1):
                # If row number is even print
                # the row in forward order
                print(f, end =' ')
            element_value += N
            for k in range(element_value + N-1, element_value-1, -1):
                # if row number is odd print
                # the row in reversed order
                print(k, end =' ')
            element_value += N
        i = i + 1
# Driver Code
# Given Matrix Size
N = 4
# Function Call

// C# program for the above approach
using System;
class GFG
    static void UniqueMatrix(int N)
        int element_value = 1;
        int i = 0;
        // element_value will start from 1
        // and go up to N ^ 2
        // i is row number and it starts
        // from 0 and go up to N-1
        // Iterate ove all [0, N]
        while(i < N)
            // If is even
            if(i % 2 == 0)
                for(int f = element_value;
                    f < element_value + N; f++)
                    // If row number is even print
                    // the row in forward order
                    Console.Write(f + " ");
                element_value += N;
                for(int k = element_value + N - 1;
                    k > element_value - 1; k--)
                    Console.Write(k + " ");
                element_value += N;
            i = i + 1;
  // Driver code
  static public void Main ()
    // Given matrix size
    int N = 4;
    // Function call
// This code is contributed by rag2127

1 2 3 4 
8 7 6 5 
9 10 11 12 
16 15 14 13

时间复杂度: O(N ^ 2)
辅助空间: O(N ^ 2)