📜  任何排列的绝对差的最大和

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-29 09:39:38             🧑  作者: Mango



Input : { 1, 2, 4, 8 }
Output : 18
Explanation : For the given array there are 
several sequence possible
like : {2, 1, 4, 8}
       {4, 2, 1, 8} and some more.
Now, the absolute difference of an array sequence will be
like for this array sequence {1, 2, 4, 8}, the absolute
difference sum is 
= |1-2| + |2-4| + |4-8| + |8-1|
= 14
For the given array, we get the maximum value for
the sequence {1, 8, 2, 4}
= |1-8| + |8-2| + |2-4| + |4-1|
= 18

为了解决这个问题,我们必须贪心地思考如何才能最大化元素的差值,从而获得最大的和。仅当我们计算一些非常高的值和一些非常低的值(例如(最高-最小))之间的差时,这才有可能。这是我们必须用来解决这个问题的想法。让我们看一下上面的例子,因为序列{1,8,2,4}可能具有最大的差值,因为在这个序列中,我们将得到一些高差值((1-8 | = 7 | 8-2 | |)。 = 6 ..)。在这里,通过将8(最高元素)替换为1和2,我们得到了两个高差值。类似地,对于其他值,我们将在其他值之间放置下一个最高值,因为我们只剩下一个,即最后放置4个。




// CPP implementation of
// above algorithm
using namespace std;
int MaxSumDifference(int a[], int n)
    // final sequence stored in the vector
    vector finalSequence;
    // sort the original array
    // so that we can retrieve
    // the large elements from
    // the end of array elements
    sort(a, a + n);
    // In this loop first we will insert
    // one smallest element not entered
    // till that time in final sequence
    // and then enter a highest element
    // (not entered till that time) in
    // final sequence so that we
    // have large difference value. This
    // process is repeated till all array
    // has completely entered in sequence.
    // Here, we have loop till n/2 because
    // we are inserting two elements at a
    // time in loop.
    for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; ++i) {
        finalSequence.push_back(a[n - i - 1]);
    // If there are odd elements, push the
    // middle element at the end.
    if (n % 2 != 0)
    // variable to store the
    // maximum sum of absolute
    // difference
    int MaximumSum = 0;
    // In this loop absolute difference
    // of elements for the final sequence
    // is calculated.
    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
        MaximumSum = MaximumSum + abs(finalSequence[i] - 
                                  finalSequence[i + 1]);
    // absolute difference of last element
    // and 1st element
    MaximumSum = MaximumSum + abs(finalSequence[n - 1] -
    // return the value
    return MaximumSum;
// Driver function
int main()
    int a[] = { 1, 2, 4, 8 };
    int n = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);
    cout << MaxSumDifference(a, n) << endl;

// Java implementation of
// above algorithm
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class GFG {
    static int MaxSumDifference(Integer []a, int n)
        // final sequence stored in the vector
        List finalSequence = 
                        new ArrayList();
        // sort the original array
        // so that we can retrieve
        // the large elements from
        // the end of array elements
        // In this loop first we will insert
        // one smallest element not entered
        // till that time in final sequence
        // and then enter a highest element
        // (not entered till that time) in
        // final sequence so that we
        // have large difference value. This
        // process is repeated till all array
        // has completely entered in sequence.
        // Here, we have loop till n/2 because
        // we are inserting two elements at a
        // time in loop.
        for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; ++i) {
            finalSequence.add(a[n - i - 1]);
        // If there are odd elements, push the
        // middle element at the end.
        if (n % 2 != 0)
        // variable to store the
        // maximum sum of absolute
        // difference
        int MaximumSum = 0;
        // In this loop absolute difference
        // of elements for the final sequence
        // is calculated.
        for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
            MaximumSum = MaximumSum +
                   - finalSequence.get(i + 1));
        // absolute difference of last element
        // and 1st element
        MaximumSum = MaximumSum +
              Math.abs(finalSequence.get(n - 1)
                       - finalSequence.get(0));
        // return the value
        return MaximumSum;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String args[])
        Integer []a = { 1, 2, 4, 8 };
        int n = a.length;
        System.out.print(MaxSumDifference(a, n));
// This code is contributed by 
// Manish Shaw (manishshaw1)

import numpy as np
class GFG:
    def MaxSumDifference(a,n): 
        # sort the original array
        # so that we can retrieve
        # the large elements from
        # the end of array elements
        # In this loop first we will 
        # insert one smallest element
        # not entered till that time
        # in final sequence and then 
        # enter a highest element(not
        # entered till that time) in
        # final sequence so that we
        # have large difference value. 
        # This process is repeated till 
        # all array has completely
        # entered in sequence. Here, 
        # we have loop till n/2 because
        # we are inserting two elements 
        # at a time in loop.
        j = 0
        finalSequence = [0 for x in range(n)]
        for i in range(0, int(n / 2)):
            finalSequence[j] = a[i]
            finalSequence[j + 1] = a[n - i - 1]
            j = j + 2
        # If there are odd elements, push the
        # middle element at the end.
        if (n % 2 != 0):
           finalSequence[n-1] = a[n/2]
        # variable to store the
        # maximum sum of absolute
        # difference
        MaximumSum = 0
        # In this loop absolute 
        # difference of elements 
        # for the final sequence
        # is calculated.
        for i in range(0, n - 1): 
            MaximumSum = (MaximumSum + 
                          abs(finalSequence[i] - 
                              finalSequence[i + 1]))
        # absolute difference of last
        # element and 1st element
        MaximumSum = (MaximumSum + 
                      abs(finalSequence[n - 1] -
        # return the value
        print (MaximumSum)
# Driver Code
a = [ 1, 2, 4, 8 ]
n = len(a)
GFG.MaxSumDifference(a, n);
# This code is contributed 
# by Prateek Bajaj

// C# implementation of
// above algorithm
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {
    static int MaxSumDifference(int []a, int n)
        // final sequence stored in the vector
        List finalSequence = new List();
        // sort the original array
        // so that we can retrieve
        // the large elements from
        // the end of array elements
        // In this loop first we will insert
        // one smallest element not entered
        // till that time in final sequence
        // and then enter a highest element
        // (not entered till that time) in
        // final sequence so that we
        // have large difference value. This
        // process is repeated till all array
        // has completely entered in sequence.
        // Here, we have loop till n/2 because
        // we are inserting two elements at a
        // time in loop.
        for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; ++i) {
            finalSequence.Add(a[n - i - 1]);
        // If there are odd elements, push the
        // middle element at the end.
        if (n % 2 != 0)
        // variable to store the
        // maximum sum of absolute
        // difference
        int MaximumSum = 0;
        // In this loop absolute difference
        // of elements for the final sequence
        // is calculated.
        for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
            MaximumSum = MaximumSum + Math.Abs(finalSequence[i] - 
                                    finalSequence[i + 1]);
        // absolute difference of last element
        // and 1st element
        MaximumSum = MaximumSum + Math.Abs(finalSequence[n - 1] -
        // return the value
        return MaximumSum;
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main()
        int []a = { 1, 2, 4, 8 };
        int n = a.Length;
        Console.WriteLine(MaxSumDifference(a, n));
// This code is contributed by 
// Manish Shaw (manishshaw1)


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