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📜  使用Cramer规则的三个变量的线性方程组

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-04 17:23:02             🧑  作者: Mango

a 1 x + b 1 y + c 1 z = d 1
a 2 x + b 2 y + c 2 z = d 2
a 3 x + b 3 y + c 3 z = d 3

D = \begin{vmatrix} a_1 & b_1 & c_1\\ a_2 & b_2 & c_2\\ a_3 & b_3 & c_3\\ \end{vmatrix}   [Tex] D_1 = \ begin {vmatrix} d_1&b_1&c_1 \\ d_2&b_2&c_2 \\ d_3&b_3&c_3 \\ \ end {vmatrix} [/ Tex] D_2 = \begin{vmatrix} a_1 & d_1 & c_1\\ a_2 & d_2 & c_2\\ a_3 & d_3 & c_3\\ \end{vmatrix}   [Tex] D_3 = \ begin {vmatrix} a_1&b_1&d_1 \\ a_2&b_2&d_2 \\ a_3&b_3&d_3 \\ \ end {vmatrix} [/ Tex]



// CPP program to calculate solutions of linear
// equations using cramer's rule
using namespace std;
// This functions finds the determinant of Matrix
double determinantOfMatrix(double mat[3][3])
    double ans;
    ans = mat[0][0] * (mat[1][1] * mat[2][2] - mat[2][1] * mat[1][2])
          - mat[0][1] * (mat[1][0] * mat[2][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[2][0])
          + mat[0][2] * (mat[1][0] * mat[2][1] - mat[1][1] * mat[2][0]);
    return ans;
// This function finds the solution of system of
// linear equations using cramer's rule
void findSolution(double coeff[3][4])
    // Matrix d using coeff as given in cramer's rule
    double d[3][3] = {
        { coeff[0][0], coeff[0][1], coeff[0][2] },
        { coeff[1][0], coeff[1][1], coeff[1][2] },
        { coeff[2][0], coeff[2][1], coeff[2][2] },
    // Matrix d1 using coeff as given in cramer's rule
    double d1[3][3] = {
        { coeff[0][3], coeff[0][1], coeff[0][2] },
        { coeff[1][3], coeff[1][1], coeff[1][2] },
        { coeff[2][3], coeff[2][1], coeff[2][2] },
    // Matrix d2 using coeff as given in cramer's rule
    double d2[3][3] = {
        { coeff[0][0], coeff[0][3], coeff[0][2] },
        { coeff[1][0], coeff[1][3], coeff[1][2] },
        { coeff[2][0], coeff[2][3], coeff[2][2] },
    // Matrix d3 using coeff as given in cramer's rule
    double d3[3][3] = {
        { coeff[0][0], coeff[0][1], coeff[0][3] },
        { coeff[1][0], coeff[1][1], coeff[1][3] },
        { coeff[2][0], coeff[2][1], coeff[2][3] },
    // Calculating Determinant of Matrices d, d1, d2, d3
    double D = determinantOfMatrix(d);
    double D1 = determinantOfMatrix(d1);
    double D2 = determinantOfMatrix(d2);
    double D3 = determinantOfMatrix(d3);
    printf("D is : %lf \n", D);
    printf("D1 is : %lf \n", D1);
    printf("D2 is : %lf \n", D2);
    printf("D3 is : %lf \n", D3);
    // Case 1
    if (D != 0) {
        // Coeff have a unique solution. Apply Cramer's Rule
        double x = D1 / D;
        double y = D2 / D;
        double z = D3 / D; // calculating z using cramer's rule
        printf("Value of x is : %lf\n", x);
        printf("Value of y is : %lf\n", y);
        printf("Value of z is : %lf\n", z);
    // Case 2
    else {
        if (D1 == 0 && D2 == 0 && D3 == 0)
            printf("Infinite solutions\n");
        else if (D1 != 0 || D2 != 0 || D3 != 0)
            printf("No solutions\n");
// Driver Code
int main()
    // storing coefficients of linear equations in coeff matrix
    double coeff[3][4] = {
        { 2, -1, 3, 9 },
        { 1, 1, 1, 6 },
        { 1, -1, 1, 2 },
    return 0;

// Java program to calculate solutions of linear
// equations using cramer's rule
class GFG
// This functions finds the determinant of Matrix
static double determinantOfMatrix(double mat[][])
    double ans;
    ans = mat[0][0] * (mat[1][1] * mat[2][2] - mat[2][1] * mat[1][2])
        - mat[0][1] * (mat[1][0] * mat[2][2] - mat[1][2] * mat[2][0])
        + mat[0][2] * (mat[1][0] * mat[2][1] - mat[1][1] * mat[2][0]);
    return ans;
// This function finds the solution of system of
// linear equations using cramer's rule
static void findSolution(double coeff[][])
    // Matrix d using coeff as given in cramer's rule
    double d[][] = {
        { coeff[0][0], coeff[0][1], coeff[0][2] },
        { coeff[1][0], coeff[1][1], coeff[1][2] },
        { coeff[2][0], coeff[2][1], coeff[2][2] },
    // Matrix d1 using coeff as given in cramer's rule
    double d1[][] = {
        { coeff[0][3], coeff[0][1], coeff[0][2] },
        { coeff[1][3], coeff[1][1], coeff[1][2] },
        { coeff[2][3], coeff[2][1], coeff[2][2] },
    // Matrix d2 using coeff as given in cramer's rule
    double d2[][] = {
        { coeff[0][0], coeff[0][3], coeff[0][2] },
        { coeff[1][0], coeff[1][3], coeff[1][2] },
        { coeff[2][0], coeff[2][3], coeff[2][2] },
    // Matrix d3 using coeff as given in cramer's rule
    double d3[][] = {
        { coeff[0][0], coeff[0][1], coeff[0][3] },
        { coeff[1][0], coeff[1][1], coeff[1][3] },
        { coeff[2][0], coeff[2][1], coeff[2][3] },
    // Calculating Determinant of Matrices d, d1, d2, d3
    double D = determinantOfMatrix(d);
    double D1 = determinantOfMatrix(d1);
    double D2 = determinantOfMatrix(d2);
    double D3 = determinantOfMatrix(d3);
    System.out.printf("D is : %.6f \n", D);
    System.out.printf("D1 is : %.6f \n", D1);
    System.out.printf("D2 is : %.6f \n", D2);
    System.out.printf("D3 is : %.6f \n", D3);
    // Case 1
    if (D != 0)
        // Coeff have a unique solution. Apply Cramer's Rule
        double x = D1 / D;
        double y = D2 / D;
        double z = D3 / D; // calculating z using cramer's rule
        System.out.printf("Value of x is : %.6f\n", x);
        System.out.printf("Value of y is : %.6f\n", y);
        System.out.printf("Value of z is : %.6f\n", z);
    // Case 2
        if (D1 == 0 && D2 == 0 && D3 == 0)
            System.out.printf("Infinite solutions\n");
        else if (D1 != 0 || D2 != 0 || D3 != 0)
            System.out.printf("No solutions\n");
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    // storing coefficients of linear
    // equations in coeff matrix
    double coeff[][] = {{ 2, -1, 3, 9 },
                        { 1, 1, 1, 6 },
                        { 1, -1, 1, 2 }};
// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992

# Python3 program to calculate
# solutions of linear equations
# using cramer's rule
# This functions finds the
# determinant of Matrix
def determinantOfMatrix(mat):
    ans = (mat[0][0] * (mat[1][1] * mat[2][2] -
                        mat[2][1] * mat[1][2]) -
           mat[0][1] * (mat[1][0] * mat[2][2] -
                        mat[1][2] * mat[2][0]) +
           mat[0][2] * (mat[1][0] * mat[2][1] -
                        mat[1][1] * mat[2][0]))
    return ans
# This function finds the solution of system of
# linear equations using cramer's rule
def findSolution(coeff):
    # Matrix d using coeff as given in
    # cramer's rule
    d = [[coeff[0][0], coeff[0][1], coeff[0][2]],
         [coeff[1][0], coeff[1][1], coeff[1][2]],
         [coeff[2][0], coeff[2][1], coeff[2][2]]]
    # Matrix d1 using coeff as given in
    # cramer's rule
    d1 = [[coeff[0][3], coeff[0][1], coeff[0][2]],
          [coeff[1][3], coeff[1][1], coeff[1][2]],
          [coeff[2][3], coeff[2][1], coeff[2][2]]]
    # Matrix d2 using coeff as given in
    # cramer's rule
    d2 = [[coeff[0][0], coeff[0][3], coeff[0][2]],
          [coeff[1][0], coeff[1][3], coeff[1][2]],
          [coeff[2][0], coeff[2][3], coeff[2][2]]]
    # Matrix d3 using coeff as given in
    # cramer's rule
    d3 = [[coeff[0][0], coeff[0][1], coeff[0][3]],
          [coeff[1][0], coeff[1][1], coeff[1][3]],
          [coeff[2][0], coeff[2][1], coeff[2][3]]]
    # Calculating Determinant of Matrices
    # d, d1, d2, d3
    D = determinantOfMatrix(d)
    D1 = determinantOfMatrix(d1)
    D2 = determinantOfMatrix(d2)
    D3 = determinantOfMatrix(d3)
    print("D is : ", D)
    print("D1 is : ", D1)
    print("D2 is : ", D2)
    print("D3 is : ", D3)
    # Case 1
    if (D != 0):
        # Coeff have a unique solution.
        # Apply Cramer's Rule
        x = D1 / D
        y = D2 / D
        # calculating z using cramer's rule
        z = D3 / D 
        print("Value of x is : ", x)
        print("Value of y is : ", y)
        print("Value of z is : ", z)
    # Case 2
        if (D1 == 0 and D2 == 0 and
            D3 == 0):
            print("Infinite solutions")
        elif (D1 != 0 or D2 != 0 or
              D3 != 0):
            print("No solutions")
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # storing coefficients of linear
    # equations in coeff matrix
    coeff = [[2, -1, 3, 9],
             [1, 1, 1, 6],
             [1, -1, 1, 2]]
# This code is contributed by Chitranayal

// C# program to calculate solutions of linear
// equations using cramer's rule
using System;
class GFG
// This functions finds the determinant of Matrix
static double determinantOfMatrix(double [,]mat)
    double ans;
    ans = mat[0,0] * (mat[1,1] * mat[2,2] - mat[2,1] * mat[1,2])
        - mat[0,1] * (mat[1,0] * mat[2,2] - mat[1,2] * mat[2,0])
        + mat[0,2] * (mat[1,0] * mat[2,1] - mat[1,1] * mat[2,0]);
    return ans;
// This function finds the solution of system of
// linear equations using cramer's rule
static void findSolution(double [,]coeff)
    // Matrix d using coeff as given in cramer's rule
    double [,]d = {
        { coeff[0,0], coeff[0,1], coeff[0,2] },
        { coeff[1,0], coeff[1,1], coeff[1,2] },
        { coeff[2,0], coeff[2,1], coeff[2,2] },
    // Matrix d1 using coeff as given in cramer's rule
    double [,]d1 = {
        { coeff[0,3], coeff[0,1], coeff[0,2] },
        { coeff[1,3], coeff[1,1], coeff[1,2] },
        { coeff[2,3], coeff[2,1], coeff[2,2] },
    // Matrix d2 using coeff as given in cramer's rule
    double [,]d2 = {
        { coeff[0,0], coeff[0,3], coeff[0,2] },
        { coeff[1,0], coeff[1,3], coeff[1,2] },
        { coeff[2,0], coeff[2,3], coeff[2,2] },
    // Matrix d3 using coeff as given in cramer's rule
    double [,]d3 = {
        { coeff[0,0], coeff[0,1], coeff[0,3] },
        { coeff[1,0], coeff[1,1], coeff[1,3] },
        { coeff[2,0], coeff[2,1], coeff[2,3] },
    // Calculating Determinant of Matrices d, d1, d2, d3
    double D = determinantOfMatrix(d);
    double D1 = determinantOfMatrix(d1);
    double D2 = determinantOfMatrix(d2);
    double D3 = determinantOfMatrix(d3);
    Console.Write("D is : {0:F6} \n", D);
    Console.Write("D1 is : {0:F6} \n", D1);
    Console.Write("D2 is : {0:F6} \n", D2);
    Console.Write("D3 is : {0:F6} \n", D3);
    // Case 1
    if (D != 0)
        // Coeff have a unique solution. Apply Cramer's Rule
        double x = D1 / D;
        double y = D2 / D;
        double z = D3 / D; // calculating z using cramer's rule
        Console.Write("Value of x is : {0:F6}\n", x);
        Console.Write("Value of y is : {0:F6}\n", y);
        Console.Write("Value of z is : {0:F6}\n", z);
    // Case 2
        if (D1 == 0 && D2 == 0 && D3 == 0)
            Console.Write("Infinite solutions\n");
        else if (D1 != 0 || D2 != 0 || D3 != 0)
            Console.Write("No solutions\n");
// Driver Code
public static void Main()
    // storing coefficients of linear
    // equations in coeff matrix
    double [,]coeff = {{ 2, -1, 3, 9 },
                        { 1, 1, 1, 6 },
                        { 1, -1, 1, 2 }};
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

D is : -2.000000 
D1 is : -2.000000 
D2 is : -4.000000 
D3 is : -6.000000 
Value of x is : 1.000000
Value of y is : 2.000000
Value of z is : 3.000000