硫酸铜配方 - 结构、性质、用途、示例问题
Bluestone 或 Blue Vitriol 是硫酸铜的两个名称。因为它是一种我们用于染色的无机盐,所以它是一种极好的染色剂。同样,它在一些有机过程中起到催化剂的作用。它主要用作杀菌剂,用于治疗水果和蔬菜的病害。
硫酸铜是一种化学物质,可称为硫酸亚铜 (Cu 2 SO 4 ) 或硫酸铜 (CuSO 4 )。然而,后者是由术语硫酸铜表示的优选化学物质。 CuSO 4在科学上被称为硫酸铜 (II),但它通常被称为蓝色硫酸盐、罗马硫酸盐、铜硫酸盐和青石。
五水硫酸铜,化学式为CuSO 4 .5H 2 O,是最普遍的类型。这种形状的亮蓝色使它与众不同。然而,应该注意的是,这种盐的无水形式是一种白色粉末。 CuSO 4由铜阳离子 (Cu 2+ ) 和硫酸根阴离子 (SO 4 2- ) 之间的离子连接构成。
CuSO 4的性质
- 硫酸铜的无水和五水合物形式的摩尔质量分别为 159.609 和 249.685 克/摩尔。
- 无水 CuSO 4呈灰白色粉末状,而五水合物呈鲜艳的蓝色。
- 无水和五水合物形式的密度分别为 3.6 g/cm 3和 2.286 g/cm 3 。
- 水合和无水的硫酸铜在加热时会分解,因此它们的沸点并不准确。
- CuSO 4 .5H 2 O 晶体包含正交晶体结构,而无水CuSO 4晶体具有三斜结构。
- 硫酸铜中的铜离子与浓盐酸中的氯离子反应,生成四氯铜酸盐 (II)。化学反应由-
Cu 2+ + 4Cl - -> CuCl 4 2-
- 当加热到 650ºC 时,CuSO 4会发生分解反应,生成氧化铜 (CuO) 和 SO 3 (三氧化硫)。
- 硫酸铜极易溶于水,在 10ºC 时的溶解度值为 1.055 摩尔,在 30ºC 时为 1.502 摩尔。
- 由于具有杀死多种真菌的能力,这种化学品的五水合物 CuSO 4 .5H 2 O 被用作杀真菌剂。
- 硫酸铜用于 Benedict 溶液和 Fehling 溶液,用于降糖测试。
- 它还用于通过测试血液样本来诊断贫血等疾病。
- 在植物染色过程中也用作染料固定剂。
- 硫酸铜水溶液可用作电阻元件液体电阻器。
- 它也可以用作装饰材料,因为它可以为水泥、陶瓷和其他金属提供颜色。
- 硫酸铜也被添加到装订胶中,以防止昆虫接触印刷的纸张。
CuSO4.5H2O, the compound’s pentahydrate, is employed as a fungicide since it can kill a wide range of fungus. Fehling’s and Benedict’s solutions include copper sulphate. With the use of this chemical, blood samples can be analysed for illnesses such as anaemia.
The water molecules around the Central Metal (Cu) serve as ligands in hydrated CuSO4, resulting in a d-d transition and so emitting blue colour in the visible area, making hydrated CuSO4 seem blue. Because anhydrous CuSO4 has no water during crystallisation, it preserves its white colour.
Copper(II) sulphate is a hydrated, blue solid with water molecules attached to it. When it is anhydrous – that is, when it is not molecularly coupled to water – it turns yellowish. When it is hydrated, five molecules of water are normally linked to one cooper sulphate molecule. Heating the CuSO4 causes it to dehydrate.
The chemical is a blue solid that is present in aqueous solution. That is, the substance’s molecules are only weakly linked to one another. It appears yellowish in its anhydrous state. When a chemical isn’t coupled to a water molecule, this happens. The chemical, on the other hand, has five water molecules bound to it in its hydrated state. The chemical dissolves when heated. Because they both disintegrate when heated, both the anhydrous and pentahydrate forms dissolve. As a result, a specific boiling point cannot be given for them.
The purest form of copper sulphate is anhydrous copper sulphate, which is white. Because the water molecules are confined in its ionic lattice, the compound takes the shape of a dry solid. It has the unusual feature of turning blue when water is added to it. The presence of water is detected by this type of colour shift. The hydrated form of the chemical, pentahydrate copper sulphate, emits a blue light. It does so due to the presence of water molecules, which causes a d-d transition in its structure.