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📜  门| GATE-CS-2016(套装2)|问题 20(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:28:45.067000             🧑  作者: Mango

门 | GATE-CS-2016(套装2)|问题 20




class Door:
    """Represents a door."""

    def __init__(self):
        """Initializes the door as closed and unlocked."""
        self._is_closed = True
        self._is_locked = False

    def open(self):
        """Opens the door."""
        if not self._is_locked and self._is_closed:
            self._is_closed = False
            print("Door is now open.")
        elif self._is_locked:
            print("Cannot open door. It is locked.")
            print("Door is already open.")

    def close(self):
        """Closes the door."""
        if self._is_closed:
            print("Door is already closed.")
            self._is_closed = True
            print("Door is now closed.")

    def lock(self):
        """Locks the door."""
        if self._is_locked:
            print("Door is already locked.")
            self._is_locked = True
            print("Door is now locked.")

    def unlock(self):
        """Unlocks the door."""
        if not self._is_locked:
            print("Door is already unlocked.")
            self._is_locked = False
            print("Door is now unlocked.")


# Create a door instance
door = Door()

# Open the door
door.open()     # Output: Door is now open.

# Try to open the door when it is already open
door.open()     # Output: Door is already open.

# Close the door
door.close()    # Output: Door is now closed.

# Try to close the door when it is already closed
door.close()    # Output: Door is already closed.

# Lock the door
door.lock()     # Output: Door is now locked.

# Try to open the door when it is locked
door.open()     # Output: Cannot open door. It is locked.

# Unlock the door
door.unlock()   # Output: Door is now unlocked.

# Open the door after unlocking it
door.open()     # Output: Door is now open.
