地球上大约有 2,000 种矿物是已知元素,但这个数字值得商榷,因为有些人认为有更多,而另一些人则认为可能由于研究问题而减少。
- 非金属矿物:非金属矿物包括石灰石、云母、煤、石膏、白云石、磷酸盐、盐、锰、花岗岩等。它们被用于许多部门以制造各种商品。它们最常见于沉积岩中,沉积岩是矿物、生物遗迹、岩石颗粒等多种成分聚集的结果。非金属是不常作为金属提取原料的矿物(非金属矿物)。非金属类别广泛存在于矿物中,具有重要的经济意义。非金属矿物没有光泽或闪光。非金属矿物是优良的电绝缘体和热绝缘体。例如,电气行业中的云母和水泥行业中的石灰石。它们还用于制造肥料和耐火材料。
- 金属矿物:金属矿物是含有一种或多种金属的矿物。一般来说,它们以矿藏的形式存在,是热和电的优良导体,如铁、铜、金、铝土矿和锰。它们具有延展性和延展性,它们可以很容易地被锤打成薄片或拉伸成金属丝来制造新物品。它们最常见于熔岩或岩浆冷却和凝固产生的火成岩中。由于金属矿物通常坚硬且表面闪闪发光,因此其中某些可以用作珠宝中的珠宝。由于各种原因,它们还被用于各种领域,例如从石英中获得的硅被广泛用于计算机业务;从铝土矿中提取的铝用于汽车和装瓶行业。
- 能源矿物:几乎所有活动都使用能源,从烹饪到光和热、车辆和机械的供应。分类为常规和非常规能源;其中常规资源包括柴火、牛粪饼、煤炭、石油、天然气和电力,非常规资源包括风能、潮汐能、地热能、沼气和原子能。
- 黑色金属
- 有色矿物
它们是用于金属铁的商业开采的岩石和矿物。矿石中含有大量氧化铁,颜色从深灰色到亮黄色到深紫色到锈红色不等。磁铁矿、赤铁矿、针铁矿、褐铁矿和菱铁矿都是铁矿物的例子。 “天然矿石”或“直运矿石”是指含有高比例赤铁矿或磁铁矿(大约 60% 以上铁)的矿石,可直接送入高炉生产铁。
生产生铁需要铁矿石作为原材料,生铁是钢铁的关键原材料——钢铁占所有开采铁矿石的 98%。
- Odisha – Jharkhand Belt: Badampahar mines in the Mayurbhanj and Kendujhar districts of Odisha contain high-grade hematite ore. Hematite iron ore is mined at Gua and Noamundi in the neighboring Singhbhum district of Jharkhand. This belt is India’s biggest producer of iron ore, accounting for 52 percent of total production in 2016-2017. Jharkhand’s Palamau and Singhbhum districts are major hematite iron ore producers.
- Durg-Bastar-Chandrapur Belt: Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra are the states that make up the Belt. This belt is noted for its high-grade hematite, which can be found in the Bailadila range of hills in Chhattisgarh’s Bastar district. There are 14 occurrences of ultra high grade hematite iron ore in the range of hills. It possesses the finest physical qualities required for steel production. The Vishakhapatnam port is mostly used to export to Japan and South Korea.
- Ballari – Chitradurga – Chikkamagaluru – Takakura Belt: Karnataka has significant iron ore deposits. The Kudremukh mines in Karnataka’s western Ghats are a 100 percent export operation. The Kudremukh deposits are known to be among the world’s biggest. The ore is delivered as a slurry to a port near Mangalore through a pipeline.
- Maharashtra – Goa Belt: The state of Goa and the Maharashtra district of Ratnagiri are included in this belt, however the ore in this belt is not of great quality, but it is efficiently utilised. The port of Marmagao is used to export iron ore.
只有锰含量超过 35% 的矿石才被认为具有经济可行性。当铁矿石(铁和氧的组合)转化为铁时,锰会消除氧和硫。它也是将铁转化为钢的重要合金。它使钢不那么脆,并使其作为合金具有更高的强度。
钢和锰铁合金是由这种金属制成的。为了制造一吨钢,大约需要使用 10% 的锰。用它制成的产品包括杀虫剂、漂白粉和油漆。
In 2016-2017, Madhya Pradesh has the highest proportion of manganese output in India, accounting for 27% .
有色金属是不含铁的合金或金属。除了铁 (Fe) 有时在拉丁词 ferrum 之后被称为铁素体,意思是“铁”,其他有色金属元素都是有色金属。有色金属比黑色金属更昂贵,但它们具有所需的特性,例如重量轻(铝)、高导电性(铜)、非磁性和耐腐蚀(锌)。在高炉中用作熔剂的铝土矿是钢铁工业中使用的有色矿物的一个例子。
铜的商业生产主要通过熔炼或浸出,随后通常从硫化物溶液中电沉积。生产的大部分铜用于电气工业;其余的与其他金属混合制成合金。 (作为电镀层,在技术方面也很重要。)黄铜(铜和锌)、青铜(铜和锡)、镍银都是以铜为主要成分(铜、锌、和镍,没有银)。
The Khetri mines in Rajasthan, the Balaghat mines in Madhya Pradesh, and the Singhbhum area of Jharkhand are the leading copper producers in India.
热带地区粘土岩石的表面风化产生铝土矿,铝土矿由氧化铝组成。它含有 15-25% 的铝,是用于商业铝提取的唯一矿石。在地表附近发现铝土矿,通常与粘土矿物、氧化铁和二氧化钛结合。铝土矿是制造建筑水泥所需铝的主要来源。
The Amarkantak plateau, Maikal hills, and the Bilaspur-Katni plateau region are the key bauxite deposit areas in Madhya Pradesh. Odisha is India’s largest bauxite producer, accounting for 49% of the country’s total.
India has a lot of natural resources, however their distribution is unequal for a variety of reasons:
- Oil is discovered in sedimentary rocks on the peninsula’s western and eastern flanks, hence Gujarat and Assam have petroleum resources.
- However, there are no oil resources in the rest of India.
- Mineral deposits are usually found in Chotanagpur’s peninsular plateau region and Rajasthan’s rock systems.
- There are no mineral reserves in the vast alluvial plains of North India, mountainous regions, or coastal plains.
问题 2:说出影响储备经济可行性的三个要素。
- Mineral concentration in the ore, both in terms of quality and quantity.
- Magnetite, for example, is preferable to hematite because it has a higher iron content.
- Extraction expenses. Mining is unprofitable if the cost of extraction is too high.
- Mines in close proximity to enterprises .
问题 3:解释铝土矿是如何形成的以及从中衍生出什么金属。
Surface rocks are weathered to produce bauxite. The breakdown of a wide variety of rocks rich in aluminium silicates produces bauxite deposits.
Bauxite is used to extract aluminium.
问题 4:磁铁矿和赤铁矿的特性之一是什么?
Magnetite: This is the highest quality iron ore, with a 72 percent iron content.
It possesses outstanding magnetic properties, which make it very useful in the electric sector.
Hematite: In terms of amount consumed, it is the most significant industrial iron ore.
It has a pure iron content of 60 to 70 percent.
India’s second most important energy source is mineral oil.
It offers heat and lightning fuel, as well as lubricants for machinery and raw materials for a variety of manufacturing industries.
Petroleum refineries serve as a “nodal industry” producing synthetic textiles, fertilizers, and a variety of chemical products.