距目标 K 距离内的节点总和
给定一棵二叉树,一个目标节点和一个正整数K ,任务是找到距离目标节点K内所有节点的总和(包括总和中目标节点的值)。
Input: target = 9, K = 1,
Binary Tree = 1
/ \
2 9
/ / \
4 5 7
/ \ / \
8 19 20 11
/ / \
30 40 50
Output: 22
Explanation: Nodes within distance 1 from 9 is 9 + 5 + 7 + 1 = 22
Input: target = 40, K = 2,
Binary Tree = 1
/ \
2 9
/ / \
4 5 7
/ \ / \
8 19 20 11
/ / \
30 40 50
Output: 113
Explanation: Nodes within distance 2 from 40 is
40 + 19 + 50 + 4 = 113
Use a data structure to store the parent of each node. Now utilise that data structure to perform a DFS traversal from target and calculate the sum of all the nodes within K distance from that node.
- 创建一个哈希表(比如par )来存储每个节点的父节点。
- 执行 DFS 并存储每个节点的父节点。
- 现在在树中找到目标。
- 创建一个哈希表来标记访问过的节点。
- 从目标启动 DFS:
- 如果距离不是 K,则将值添加到最终总和中。
- 如果该节点未被访问,则在par和每个节点的链接的帮助下,继续对其邻居(即父节点和子节点)进行 DFS 遍历。
- 在当前节点的递归完成时返回其邻居的总和
- 返回距目标K距离内的所有节点的总和。
// C++ code to implement above approach
using namespace std;
// Structure of a tree node
struct Node {
int data;
Node* left;
Node* right;
Node(int val)
this->data = val;
this->left = 0;
this->right = 0;
// Function for marking the parent node
// for all the nodes using DFS
void dfs(Node* root,
unordered_map& par)
if (root == 0)
if (root->left != 0)
par[root->left] = root;
if (root->right != 0)
par[root->right] = root;
dfs(root->left, par);
dfs(root->right, par);
// Function calling for finding the sum
void dfs3(Node* root, int h, int& sum, int k,
unordered_map& vis,
unordered_map& par)
if (h == k + 1)
if (root == 0)
if (vis[root])
sum += root->data;
vis[root] = 1;
dfs3(root->left, h + 1, sum, k, vis, par);
dfs3(root->right, h + 1, sum, k, vis, par);
dfs3(par[root], h + 1, sum, k, vis, par);
// Function for finding
// the target node in the tree
Node* dfs2(Node* root, int target)
if (root == 0)
return 0;
if (root->data == target)
return root;
Node* node1 = dfs2(root->left, target);
Node* node2 = dfs2(root->right, target);
if (node1 != 0)
return node1;
if (node2 != 0)
return node2;
// Function to find the sum at distance K
int sum_at_distK(Node* root, int target,
int k)
// Hash Table to store
// the parent of a node
unordered_map par;
// Make the parent of root node as NULL
// since it does not have any parent
par[root] = 0;
// Mark the parent node for all the
// nodes using DFS
dfs(root, par);
// Find the target node in the tree
Node* node = dfs2(root, target);
// Hash Table to mark
// the visited nodes
unordered_map vis;
int sum = 0;
// DFS call to find the sum
dfs3(node, 0, sum, k, vis, par);
return sum;
// Driver Code
int main()
// Taking Input
Node* root = new Node(1);
root->left = new Node(2);
root->right = new Node(9);
root->left->left = new Node(4);
root->right->left = new Node(5);
root->right->right = new Node(7);
root->left->left->left = new Node(8);
root->left->left->right = new Node(19);
root->right->right->left = new Node(20);
= new Node(11);
= new Node(30);
= new Node(40);
= new Node(50);
int target = 9, K = 1;
// Function call
cout << sum_at_distK(root, target, K);
return 0;
时间复杂度: O(N) 其中 N 是树中的节点数
辅助空间: O(N)