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📜  在中间插入成对绝对差后,通过从两端选择最大值来创建新的手机号码

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:09.937000             🧑  作者: Mango


给定一个字符串ph[] ,任务是找到连续元素的绝对差并将结果插入连续元素之间。通过这样做,电话号码的大小将从10增加到19 。现在我们必须比较第一个和最后一个数字并选择最大值,这样我们将获得一个新的电话号码。



  • 将字符串变量S[]初始化为空字符串。
  • 使用变量i遍历范围[0, N-1)并执行以下任务:
    • ph[i]添加到变量S。
    • 将变量s初始化为int(ph[i]) – int(ph[i+1])并将x初始化为abs(s)。
    • str(x)添加到变量S。
  • ph[9]添加到变量S。
  • 将变量s初始化为0 ,将e初始化为len(S)-1。
  • 将字符串变量ph2[]初始化为空字符串。
  • 在while循环中遍历直到s不等于e并执行以下任务:
    • S[s]S[e]的最大值添加到变量ph2[]。
    • s的值加1 ,将e的值减1。
  • S[e]添加到变量ph2[]。
  • 执行上述步骤后,打印ph2[]的值作为答案。


// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to create the phone number
string phNumber(string ph, int n)
    // Empty string to store extended number
    string S = "";
    // Loop for extend phone number
    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
        // Add character form string
        S += ph[i];
        // Finding absolute difference
        int x = abs(ph[i] - ph[i + 1]);
        // Adding the difference to S
        S += to_string(x);
    // Adding last digit of ph
    S += ph[9];
    // Using 2 pointer algorithm to form comparison
    // s is start index
    int s = 0;
    // e is end index
    int e = S.length() - 1;
    // ph2 an empty string for
    // storing the the phone number
    string ph2 = "";
    // Loop till e become equal to s
    while (s != e) {
        // Comparing element at s and e
        // index and adding maximum
        if (S[s] > S[e]) {
            ph2 += S[s];
        else {
            ph2 += S[e];
        // Increment start index
        s += 1;
        // Decrement end index
        e -= 1;
    // When s = e loop will terminate
    // so adding element at index s = e
    ph2 += S[e];
    // Return phone number
    return ph2;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Original phone number
    string ph = "9647253846";
    // Calling function to create new number
    string num = phNumber(ph, ph.length());
    // Print the new number
    cout << num;
// This code is contributed by Samim Hossain Mondal.

// Java program for the above approach
class GFG {
  // Function to create the phone number
  static String phNumber(String ph, int n) {
    // Empty string to store extended number
    String S = "";
    // Loop for extend phone number
    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
      // Add character form string
      S += ph.charAt(i);
      // Finding absolute difference
      int x = Math.abs(ph.charAt(i) - ph.charAt(i + 1));
      // Adding the difference to S
      S += Integer.toString(x);
    // Adding last digit of ph
    S += ph.charAt(9);
    // Using 2 pointer algorithm to form comparison
    // s is start index
    int s = 0;
    // e is end index
    int e = S.length() - 1;
    // ph2 an empty string for
    // storing the the phone number
    String ph2 = "";
    // Loop till e become equal to s
    while (s != e) {
      // Comparing element at s and e
      // index and adding maximum
      if (S.charAt(s) > S.charAt(e)) {
        ph2 += S.charAt(s);
      } else {
        ph2 += S.charAt(e);
      // Increment start index
      s += 1;
      // Decrement end index
      e -= 1;
    // When s = e loop will terminate
    // so adding element at index s = e
    ph2 += S.charAt(e);
    // Return phone number
    return ph2;
  // Driver Code
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    // Original phone number
    String ph = "9647253846";
    // Calling function to create new number
    String num = phNumber(ph, ph.length());
    // Print the new number
// This code is contributed by gfgking

# Function to create the phone number
def phNumber(ph, n):
    # Empty string to store extended number
    S =""
    # Loop for extend phone number
    for i in range(n-1):
          # Add character form string
        S+= ph[i]
        # Finding absolute difference
        s = int(ph[i])-int(ph[i + 1])
        x = abs(s)
        # Adding the difference to S
        S+= str(x)
    # Adding last digit of ph
    S+= ph[9]
    # Using 2 pointer algorithm to form comparison
    # s is start index
    s = 0
    # e is end index
    e = len(S)-1
    # ph2 an empty string for
    # storing the the phone number
    ph2 =""
    # Loop till e become equal to s
    while s != e:
        # Comparing element at s and e
        # index and adding maximum
        ph2+= max(S[s], S[e])
        # Increment start index
        s+= 1
        # Decrement end index
        e-= 1
    # When s = e loop will terminate
    # so adding element at index s = e
    ph2+= S[e]
    # Return phone number
    return ph2
# Original phone number
ph = "9647253846"
# Calling function to create new number
num = phNumber(ph, len(ph))
# Print the new number

// C# program for the above approach
using System;
class GFG {
  // Function to create the phone number
  static string phNumber(string ph, int n)
    // Empty string to store extended number
    string S = "";
    // Loop for extend phone number
    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
      // Add character form string
      S += ph[i];
      // Finding absolute difference
      int x = Math.Abs(ph[i] - ph[i + 1]);
      // Adding the difference to S
      S += x.ToString();
    // Adding last digit of ph
    S += ph[9];
    // Using 2 pointer algorithm to form comparison
    // s is start index
    int s = 0;
    // e is end index
    int e = S.Length - 1;
    // ph2 an empty string for
    // storing the the phone number
    string ph2 = "";
    // Loop till e become equal to s
    while (s != e) {
      // Comparing element at s and e
      // index and adding maximum
      if (S[s] > S[e]) {
        ph2 += S[s];
      else {
        ph2 += S[e];
      // Increment start index
      s += 1;
      // Decrement end index
      e -= 1;
    // When s = e loop will terminate
    // so adding element at index s = e
    ph2 += S[e];
    // Return phone number
    return ph2;
  // Driver Code
  public static void Main()
    // Original phone number
    string ph = "9647253846";
    // Calling function to create new number
    string num = phNumber(ph, ph.Length);
    // Print the new number
// This code is contributed by ukasp.



时间复杂度: O(N)
辅助空间: O(N)