📜  scipy stats.burr() | Python(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:20:00.153000             🧑  作者: Mango

Scipy stats.burr() | Python

Scipy is a powerful scientific computing library for Python, which provides a wide range of functions for statistical analysis. One of the functions available in Scipy is stats.burr(), which is used to generate a Burr distribution.

What is a Burr distribution?

A Burr distribution is a probability distribution that is used to model a wide range of phenomena in science and engineering. It is a continuous probability distribution that is also known as the "scaled beta distribution of the second kind".

How to use stats.burr() in Python?

To use stats.burr() in Python, you need to import the scipy.stats module, which is included in the Scipy library. Once you have imported the module, you can call the stats.burr() function to generate a Burr distribution.

Here is an example code snippet for generating a Burr distribution using stats.burr():

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import burr

a = 3.84  # Shape parameter
c = 1.23  # Scale parameter
loc = 0   # Location parameter
rv = burr(a, c, loc)  # Create the Burr distribution

# Generate 1000 random numbers from the Burr distribution
r = rv.rvs(size=1000)

# Compute the mean and standard deviation of the generated numbers
mean = np.mean(r)
std_dev = np.std(r)

print("Mean:", mean)
print("Standard deviation:", std_dev)

In the above code, we define the shape, scale, and location parameters for the Burr distribution, and then create an instance of the distribution using stats.burr(). We then generate 1000 random numbers from the distribution using the rvs() method, and compute their mean and standard deviation using numpy.


In conclusion, stats.burr() is a useful function in Scipy for generating Burr distributions, which are commonly used in statistical analysis. By using this function in Python, you can easily generate samples from the Burr distribution and perform statistical analysis on them.