📜  scipy stats.beta() | Python(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:05:05.512000             🧑  作者: Mango

Scipy.stats.beta() | Python


Scipy is a Python library that provides scientific computing functions. It includes modules for calculations involving mathematics, science, and engineering. One such module is the scipy.stats module which provides random variable classes and functions for probability distributions.

One of the distributions that can be generated using this module is the beta distribution. The scipy.stats.beta() function generates a beta distribution object that can be used to generate random numbers that follow the distribution.


The syntax for scipy.stats.beta() function is as follows:

scipy.stats.beta(a, b, loc=0, scale=1)
  • a: Shape parameter a of the beta distribution.
  • b: Shape parameter b of the beta distribution.
  • loc: Location parameter. Default is 0.
  • scale: Scale parameter. Default is 1.

Let's see an example of how to use the scipy.stats.beta() function to generate a beta distribution.

import scipy.stats as stats

a = 2
b = 5
loc = 0
scale = 1

beta_dist = stats.beta(a, b, loc, scale)

Here, we have generated a beta distribution with shape parameters a=2 and b=5, and location and scale parameters set to their default values.

We can now use the beta distribution object to generate random numbers. For example, we can generate the first 10 random numbers using the rvs() method of the beta distribution object.

random_numbers = beta_dist.rvs(size=10)



[0.24205309 0.23266687 0.1397222  0.18261409 0.29798011 
 0.21847459 0.37630167 0.67600762 0.14696951 0.2255054 ]

The scipy.stats.beta() function provides an easy way to generate a beta distribution in Python. With the ability to specify the shape, location, and scale parameters of the distribution, this function can be used in a wide range of applications.