📜  Semantic-UI Divider Variations Fitted Variant(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:34:55.196000             🧑  作者: Mango

Semantic-UI Divider Variations - Fitted Variant

Semantic-UI is a user interface framework that helps developers create beautiful, responsive, and customizable websites and web applications. One of the many components that comes with Semantic-UI is the Divider element.

The Divider element in Semantic-UI is a simple horizontal line that can be used to divide content within a page or section. There are many variations of the divider element in Semantic-UI, but in this article, we will focus on the Fitted variant.

Fitted Variant

The Fitted variant of the Divider element removes any extra space above or below the line, making it fit snugly against the content above and below it. This is useful when you want to create a cleaner and more compact appearance.

To use the Fitted variant of the Divider element in Semantic-UI, simply add the fitted class to the div element that contains the Divider. Here's an example:

<div class="ui divider fitted"></div>

You can also combine the Fitted variant with other variations of the Divider element, such as the Horizontal and Vertical variations, to create unique designs.

Final Thoughts

The Fitted variant of the Semantic-UI Divider element is a simple but useful way to divide content within a page or section. Whether you're creating a website or web application, Semantic-UI provides a wide range of components and variations to help you create beautiful and responsive user interfaces.

To learn more about Semantic-UI, check out their official documentation at https://semantic-ui.com/.