// C++ program for implementation of falling matrix.
// Width of the matrix line
const int width = 70;
// Defines the number of flips in Boolean Array 'switches'
const int flipsPerLine =5;
// Delay between two successive line print
const int sleepTime = 100;
using namespace std;
int main()
int i=0, x=0;
// srand initialized with time function
// to get distinct rand values at runtime
// Used to decide whether to print
// the character in that particular iteration
bool switches[width] = {0};
// Set of characters to print from
const string ch = "1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjkl"
const int l = ch.size();
// Green font over black console, duh!
system("Color 0A");
// Indefinite Loop
while (true)
// Loop over the width
// Increment by 2 gives better effect
for (i=0;i
笔记 :
- 由于系统已禁用,因此无法使用“在IDE上运行”按钮运行该程序。
- 如果在编译该程序时出现编译器错误。在GCC上使用以下命令对其进行编译。
$ g++ -std=c++11 abc.cpp -o falling.o $ falling.o
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