📜  程序计算无向图中已连接组件的数量

📅  最后修改于: 2021-06-01 00:59:35             🧑  作者: Mango

给定无向图g ,任务是打印图中的已连接组件数。



  1. 将所有顶点初始化为未访问。
  2. 对于所有顶点,检查是否尚未访问顶点,然后在该顶点上执行DFS,并将变量计数增加1。


// C++ program for above approach
using namespace std;
// Graph class represents a undirected graph
// using adjacency list representation
class Graph {
    // No. of vertices
    int V;
    // Pointer to an array containing adjacency lists
    list* adj;
    // A function used by DFS
    void DFSUtil(int v, bool visited[]);
    // Constructor
    Graph(int V);
    void addEdge(int v, int w);
    int NumberOfconnectedComponents();
// Function to return the number of
// connected components in an undirected graph
int Graph::NumberOfconnectedComponents()
    // Mark all the vertices as not visited
    bool* visited = new bool[V];
    // To store the number of connected components
    int count = 0;
    for (int v = 0; v < V; v++)
        visited[v] = false;
    for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) {
        if (visited[v] == false) {
            DFSUtil(v, visited);
            count += 1;
    return count;
void Graph::DFSUtil(int v, bool visited[])
    // Mark the current node as visited
    visited[v] = true;
    // Recur for all the vertices
    // adjacent to this vertex
    list::iterator i;
    for (i = adj[v].begin(); i != adj[v].end(); ++i)
        if (!visited[*i])
            DFSUtil(*i, visited);
Graph::Graph(int V)
    this->V = V;
    adj = new list[V];
// Add an undirected edge
void Graph::addEdge(int v, int w)
// Driver code
int main()
    Graph g(5);
    g.addEdge(1, 0);
    g.addEdge(2, 3);
    g.addEdge(3, 4);
    cout << g.NumberOfconnectedComponents();
    return 0;

// Java program for above approach
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class ConnectedComponentCount
    private int v;
    private int e;
    private Map> adjMap;
    private static Map visited;
    ConnectedComponentCount(int vertices)
        v = vertices;
        adjMap = new HashMap>();
        visited = new HashMap();
    // Function to add edges
    private void addEdge(int s, int d)
                     new HashSet());
                     new HashSet());
        visited.put(s, 0);
        visited.put(d, 0);
    // To mark vertices which can be visites
    private void findDFS(int vertex)
        // Mark as visited
        // Print the vertex
        System.out.println("vertex " + vertex +
                                   " visited");
        for(Integer child : adjMap.get(vertex))
            if(visited.get(child) == 0){
    // Function to print graph
    private void printGraph()
        for(HashSet v :
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String args[])
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.println("Enter the number
                           of vertices (V): ");
        int vertices = sc.nextInt();
        System.out.println("Enter the number
                                of edges (E): ");
        int edges = sc.nextInt();
        // To count total number of
        // components
        int ccCount = 0;
        ConnectedComponentCount ccc =
                 new ConnectedComponentCount(
        // Input of edges
        while (edges > 0)
            System.out.println("Enter the
                                nodes s & d: ");
            int s = sc.nextInt();
            int d = sc.nextInt();
            edges-- ;
        // Function to print graph                     
        // Traversing every node
        for(Integer vertex : visited.keySet())
            // Check if vertex is already
            // visited  or not
            if(visited.get(vertex) == 0)
                // Function Call for findDFS
                // Print Component Found
                System.out.println("CC Found");
                // Increase the counter
        // Print number of components                       
        System.out.println("Number of cc component: "
                                        + ccCount);
//The code is contributed by Alfred Skaria

# Python3 program for above approach
# Graph class represents a undirected graph
# using adjacency list representation
class Graph:
    def __init__(self, V):
        # No. of vertices
        self.V = V
        # Pointer to an array containing
        # adjacency lists
        self.adj = [[] for i in range(self.V)]
    # Function to return the number of
    # connected components in an undirected graph
    def NumberOfconnectedComponents(self):
        # Mark all the vertices as not visited
        visited = [False for i in range(self.V)]
        # To store the number of connected
        # components
        count = 0
        for v in range(self.V):
            if (visited[v] == False):
                self.DFSUtil(v, visited)
                count += 1
        return count
    def DFSUtil(self, v, visited):
        # Mark the current node as visited
        visited[v] = True
        # Recur for all the vertices
        # adjacent to this vertex
        for i in self.adj[v]:
            if (not visited[i]):
                self.DFSUtil(i, visited)
    # Add an undirected edge
    def addEdge(self, v, w):
# Driver code       
if __name__=='__main__':
    g = Graph(5)
    g.addEdge(1, 0)
    g.addEdge(2, 3)
    g.addEdge(3, 4)
# This code is contributed by rutvik_56


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