📅 最后修改于: 2020-11-13 04:52:04 🧑 作者: Mango
Sr.No. | Methods and Descriptions |
1 |
Void display(GLAutoDrawable drawable) It is called by the object of GLAutoDrawable interface to initiate OpenGL rendering by the client. i.e., this method contains the logic used to draw graphical elements using OpenGL API. |
2 |
Void dispose(GLAutoDrawable drawable) This method signals the listener to perform the release of all OpenGL resources per each GLContext, such as memory buffers and GLSL programs. |
3 |
Void init(GLAutoDrawble drawable) It is called by the object of GLAutoDrawable interface immediately after the OpenGL context is initialized. |
4 |
Void reshape(GLAutoDrawble drawble, int x, int y, int width, int height) It is called by the object of GLAutoDrawable interface during the first repaint after the component has been resized. It is also called whenever the position of the component on the window, is changed. |
此接口提供了用于执行OpenGL渲染的基于事件的机制(GLEventListener) 。 GLAutoDrawable会在对象的生存期内自动创建与GLAutoDrawable关联的主渲染上下文。
Sr.No | Methods and Descriptions |
1 |
GL getGL() Returns the GL pipeline object that is used by the current object of GLAutoDrawable interface. |
2 |
void addGLEventListener(GLEventListener Listener) Adds the given listener to the end of current drawable queue. |
3 |
void addGLEventListener(int index, GLEventListener listener) Adds the given listener at the given index of this drawable queue. |
4 |
void destroy() Destroys all resources associated with this object of GLAutoDrawable interface, including the GLContext. |
GLCanvas和GLJpanel是实现GLAutoDrawable接口的JOGL GUI的两个主要类,可以用作OpenGL命令的绘图表面。
GLCanvas是一个重量级的AWT组件,它提供OpenGL渲染支持。这是AWTAutoGLDrawable接口的主要实现。它还继承了java.awt.Canvas类。由于它是重量级组件,因此在某些情况下, GLJCanvas可能无法正确地与回转组件集成。因此,在与Swing一起使用时必须小心。每当遇到GLJCanvas问题时,就必须使用GLJPanel类。
Sr.No | Constructor and Description |
1 |
GLCanvas() It creates a new GLCanvas component with a default set of OpenGL capabilities, using the default OpenGL capabilities selection mechanism, on the default screen device. |
2 |
GLCanvas(GLCapabilitiesImmutable) It creates a new GLCanvas component with the requested set of OpenGL capabilities using the default OpenGL capabilities selection mechanism on the default screen device. |
Sr. No. | Methods and Description |
1 |
void addGLEventListener(GLEventListener listener) Adds the given listener to the end of this drawable queue. |
2 |
void addGLEventListener(int indexGLEventListener listener) Adds the given listener at the given index of this drawable queue. |
获取CapabilitiesImmutable接口对象的一种方法是实例化GLCapabilities类,该类实现了该接口。 GLCapabilities类的实例可用于实现此目的。
此类指定一组OpenGL功能。它以GLCapabilities对象为参数。 GLCapabilities类描述了渲染上下文必须支持的所需功能,例如OpenGL配置文件。
Sr. No. | Methods and Description |
1 |
GLCapabilities(GLProfile glprofile) It creates a GLCapabilities object. |
获取CapabilitiesImmutable接口的对象的一种方法是实例化GLCapabilities类,该类实现了该接口。 GLCapabilities类的实例可用于实现此目的。
由于发布了多个版本的OpenGL API;您需要为Java虚拟机(JVM)指定程序中使用的OpenGL API的确切版本。这是使用GLProfile类完成的。
Sr.No. | Method and Description |
1 |
Static GLProfile get(String profile) Uses the default device. |
Sr.No | Predefined String value (Interface name) and Description |
1 |
GL2 This interface contains all OpenGL [1.0 … 3.0] methods as well as most of its extensions defined at the time of this specification. |
2 |
GLES1 This interface contains all OpenGL ES [1.0 … 1.1] methods as well as most of its extensions defined at the time of this specification. |
3 |
GLES2 This interface contains all OpenGL ES 2.0 methods as well as most of its extensions defined at the time of this specification. |
4 |
GLES3 This interface contains all OpenGL ES 3.0 methods as well as most of its extensions defined at the time of this specification. |
5 |
GL2ES1 This Interface contains the common subset of GL2 and GLES1. |
6 |
GL2ES2 This Interface contains the common subset of GL3, GL2, and GLES2. |
7 |
GL2GL3 This Interface contains the common subset of core GL3 (OpenGL 3.1+) and GL2. |
8 |
GL3 This interface contains all OpenGL [3.1 … 3.3] core methods as well as most of its extensions defined at the time of this specification. |
9 |
GL3bc This interface contains all OpenGL [3.1 … 3.3] compatibility methods, as well as most of its extensions defined at the time of this specification. |
10 |
GL3ES3 This interface contains the common subset of core GL3 (OpenGL 3.1+) and GLES3 (OpenGL ES 3.0). |
11 |
GL4 This interface contains all OpenGL [4.0 … 4.3] core methods, as well as most of its extensions defined at the time of this specification. |
12 |
GL4bc This interface contains all OpenGL [4.0 … 4.3] compatibility profile, as well as most of its extensions defined at the time of this specification. |
13 |
GL4ES3 Interface containing the common subset of core GL4 (OpenGL 4.0+) and GLES3 (OpenGL ES 3.0). |
Sr. No. | Constructors and Description |
1 |
GJPanel() It creates a new GLJPanel component with a default set of OpenGL capabilities. |
2 |
(GLCapabilitiesImmutable) It creates a new GLJPanel component with the requested set of OpenGL capabilities. |
3 |
GLJPanel(GLCapabilitiesImmutable userCapsRequest, GLCapabilitiesChooser chooser) It creates a new GLJPanel component. |
Sr.No. | Methods and Description |
1 |
void addGLEventListener(GLEventListener listener) This method adds the given listener to the end of this drawable queue. |
2 |
void addGLEventListener(int indexGLEventListener listener) This method adds the given listener at the given index of this drawable queue. |