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📜  使用 Tree Rerooting 技术从每个节点到所有其他节点的路径长度总和

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:04.395000             🧑  作者: Mango

使用 Tree Rerooting 技术从每个节点到所有其他节点的路径长度总和

对于无向树中的每个节点,使用 Tree Rerooting 技术找到从它到所有其他节点的路径长度总和。






  1. 对于每个节点执行以下操作:
    • 将树根在该节点,并如上所述找到dp
  2. 由于树以'node'为根,所有其他节点都将位于其子树中。所以dp[node]将是'node'的必需答案。
// C++ code to implement above approach
using namespace std;
// Dfs computes dp, answer for each node
// with respect to its subtree it also
// computes size of each subtree
void dfs(int node, int par,
         vector >& g,
         vector& size, vector& dp)
    // Initialise given subtree with dp = 0
    // [as there is no paths currently] and
    // size 1, because tehre is only
    // one node in subtree
    size[node] = 1;
    dp[node] = 0;
    for (auto nebr : g[node]) {
        // For every neighbour of node
        // which is not its parent
        // 1. compute size and dp for
        // nebr by dfs
        // 2. update size and dp for node,
        // based on nebr
        // See explanation to understand
        // the dp transition
        if (nebr != par) {
            dfs(nebr, node, g, size, dp);
            size[node] += size[nebr];
            dp[node] += dp[nebr] +
// Creates a edge between a and b,
// given graph g
void edge(int a, int b,
          vector >& g)
    // Convert into 0-based indexing
    // Push b to adjacency list of a
    // and vice versa because given
    // tree is undirected
// Function to get the sum of paths
vector pathSum(vector > &g,
                   int N)
    vector dp(N), ans(N), size(N);
    // For root 'r'
    // 1. compute dp for tree rooted at 'r'
    // 2. as all nodes belong to some
    // subtree of root, answer will be
    // equal to dp
    for (int r = 0; r < N; ++r) {
        dfs(r, -1, g, size, dp);
        ans[r] = dp[r];
    return ans;
// Driver code
int main()
    int N = 7;
    vector > g(N);
    edge(1, 2, g);
    edge(1, 3, g);
    edge(2, 4, g);
    edge(2, 5, g);
    edge(5, 6, g);
    edge(5, 7, g);
    vector res = pathSum(g, N);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        cout << res[i] << " ";
    cout << endl;
    return 0;

// Java code to implement above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG
  static int N = 7;
  static int dp[] = new int[N];
  static int ans[] = new int[N];
  static int size[] = new int[N];
  // Dfs computes dp, answer for each node
  // with respect to its subtree it also
  // computes size of each subtree
  static void dfs(int node, int par, Vector []g)
    // Initialise given subtree with dp = 0
    // [as there is no paths currently] and
    // size 1, because tehre is only
    // one node in subtree
    size[node] = 1;
    dp[node] = 0;
    for (int nebr : g[node]) {
      // For every neighbour of node
      // which is not its parent
      // 1. compute size and dp for
      // nebr by dfs
      // 2. update size and dp for node,
      // based on nebr
      // See explanation to understand
      // the dp transition
      if (nebr != par) {
        dfs(nebr, node, g);
        size[node] += size[nebr];
        dp[node] += dp[nebr] +
  // Creates a edge between a and b,
  // given graph g
  static void edge(int a, int b,
                   Vector [] g)
    // Convert into 0-based indexing
    // Push b to adjacency list of a
    // and vice versa because given
    // tree is undirected
  // Function to get the sum of paths
  static int[] pathSum(Vector []g)
    // For root 'r'
    // 1. compute dp for tree rooted at 'r'
    // 2. as all nodes belong to some
    // subtree of root, answer will be
    // equal to dp
    for (int r = 0; r < N; ++r) {
      dfs(r, -1, g);
      ans[r] = dp[r];
    return ans;
  // Driver code
  public static void main(String[] args)
    Vector []g = new Vector[N];
    for (int i = 0; i < g.length; i++)
      g[i] = new Vector();
    edge(1, 2, g);
    edge(1, 3, g);
    edge(2, 4, g);
    edge(2, 5, g);
    edge(5, 6, g);
    edge(5, 7, g);
    int[] res = pathSum(g);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
      System.out.print(res[i]+ " ");
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

// C# code to implement above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
    static int N = 7;
    static int[] dp = new int[N];
    static int[] ans = new int[N];
    static int[] size = new int[N];
    // Dfs computes dp, answer for each node
    // with respect to its subtree it also
    // computes size of each subtree
    static void dfs(int node, int par, List[] g)
        // Initialise given subtree with dp = 0
        // [as there is no paths currently] and
        // size 1, because tehre is only
        // one node in subtree
        size[node] = 1;
        dp[node] = 0;
        foreach (int nebr in g[node])
            // For every neighbour of node
            // which is not its parent
            // 1. compute size and dp for
            // nebr by dfs
            // 2. update size and dp for node,
            // based on nebr
            // See explanation to understand
            // the dp transition
            if (nebr != par)
                dfs(nebr, node, g);
                size[node] += size[nebr];
                dp[node] += dp[nebr] +
    // Creates a edge between a and b,
    // given graph g
    static void edge(int a, int b,
                     List[] g)
        // Convert into 0-based indexing
        // Push b to adjacency list of a
        // and vice versa because given
        // tree is undirected
    // Function to get the sum of paths
    static int[] pathSum(List[] g)
        // For root 'r'
        // 1. compute dp for tree rooted at 'r'
        // 2. as all nodes belong to some
        // subtree of root, answer will be
        // equal to dp
        for (int r = 0; r < N; ++r)
            dfs(r, -1, g);
            ans[r] = dp[r];
        return ans;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        List[] g = new List[N];
        for (int i = 0; i < g.Length; i++)
            g[i] = new List();
        edge(1, 2, g);
        edge(1, 3, g);
        edge(2, 4, g);
        edge(2, 5, g);
        edge(5, 6, g);
        edge(5, 7, g);
        int[] res = pathSum(g);
        for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
            Console.Write(res[i] + " ");
// This code is contributed by Saurabh Jaiswal

// C++ code to implement above approach
using namespace std;
// The function dfs0 computes dp,
// answer for each node with respect to
// its subtree it also computes
// size of each subtree
void dfs0(int node, int par,
          vector >& g,
          vector& dp, vector& size)
    // Initialise given subtree with dp = 0
    // as there is no paths currently and
    // size 1, because there is only
    // one node in subtree
    dp[node] = 0;
    size[node] = 1;
    for (auto nebr : g[node]) {
        // For every neighbour of node
        // which is not its parent
        // 1. compute size and dp for
        // nebr by dfs
        // 2. update size and dp for node,
        // based on nebr
        // See explanation to understand
        // the dp transition
        if (par != nebr) {
            dfs0(nebr, node, g, dp, size);
            size[node] += size[nebr];
            dp[node] += size[nebr] +
// Rerooting the tree from 'from' to 'to'
void reroot(int from, int to,
            vector& dp,
            vector& size)
    // 'to' is no longer a child of 'from'
    dp[from] -= size[to] + dp[to];
    size[from] -= size[to];
    // 'from' is now a child of 'to'
    size[to] += size[from];
    dp[to] += size[from] + dp[from];
void dfs1(int node, int par,
          vector >& g,
          vector& dp, vector& ans,
          vector& size)
    // Current dfs considers 'node' as root
    // so currently dp[node]
    // will be the answer
    ans[node] = dp[node];
    // For all neighbours which are
    // not parent of node
    for (auto nebr : g[node]) {
        if (par != nebr) {
            // Reroot the tree to 'nebr'
            reroot(node, nebr, dp, size);
            // Compute ans for 'nebr'
            // as a root of tree with dfs
            dfs1(nebr, node, g, dp, ans,
            // reroot the tree back
            // to 'node'
            reroot(nebr, node, dp, size);
// Creates a edge between a and b,
// given graph g
void edge(int a, int b,
          vector >& g)
    // Convert into 0-based indexing
    // push b to adjacency list
    // of a and vice versa
    // because given tree is undirected
// Function to calculate sum of paths
vector pathSum(vector > &g,
                   int N)
    vector dp(N), ans(N), size(N);
    // Compute answer for each subtree
    // with tree rooted at 0
    dfs0(0, -1, g, dp, size);
    // Compute answer for each node
    // as root of tree, rerooting
    dfs1(0, -1, g, dp, ans, size);
    return ans;
// Driver code
int main()
    int N = 7;
    vector > g(N);
    edge(1, 2, g);
    edge(1, 3, g);
    edge(2, 4, g);
    edge(2, 5, g);
    edge(5, 6, g);
    edge(5, 7, g);
    vector res = pathSum(g, N);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        cout << res[i] << " ";
    cout << endl;
    return 0;

// Java code to implement above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
  static int N = 7;
  static int dp[] = new int[N];
  static int ans[] = new int[N];
  static int size[] = new int[N];
  // The function dfs0 computes dp,
  // answer for each node with respect to
  // its subtree it also computes
  // size of each subtree
  static void dfs0(int node, int par, Vector []g)
    // Initialise given subtree with dp = 0
    // as there is no paths currently and
    // size 1, because there is only
    // one node in subtree
    dp[node] = 0;
    size[node] = 1;
    for (int nebr : g[node]) {
      // For every neighbour of node
      // which is not its parent
      // 1. compute size and dp for
      // nebr by dfs
      // 2. update size and dp for node,
      // based on nebr
      // See explanation to understand
      // the dp transition
      if (par != nebr) {
        dfs0(nebr, node, g);
        size[node] += size[nebr];
        dp[node] += size[nebr] +
  // Rerooting the tree from 'from' to 'to'
  static void reroot(int from, int to)
    // 'to' is no longer a child of 'from'
    dp[from] -= size[to] + dp[to];
    size[from] -= size[to];
    // 'from' is now a child of 'to'
    size[to] += size[from];
    dp[to] += size[from] + dp[from];
  static void dfs1(int node, int par,Vector []g)
    // Current dfs considers 'node' as root
    // so currently dp[node]
    // will be the answer
    ans[node] = dp[node];
    // For all neighbours which are
    // not parent of node
    for (int nebr : g[node]) {
      if (par != nebr) {
        // Reroot the tree to 'nebr'
        reroot(node, nebr);
        // Compute ans for 'nebr'
        // as a root of tree with dfs
        dfs1(nebr, node, g);
        // reroot the tree back
        // to 'node'
        reroot(nebr, node);
  // Creates a edge between a and b,
  // given graph g
  static void edge(int a, int b,
                   Vector [] g)
    // Convert into 0-based indexing
    // push b to adjacency list
    // of a and vice versa
    // because given tree is undirected
  // Function to calculate sum of paths
  static int[] pathSum(Vector []g)
    // Compute answer for each subtree
    // with tree rooted at 0
    dfs0(0, -1, g);
    // Compute answer for each node
    // as root of tree, rerooting
    dfs1(0, -1, g);
    return ans;
  // Driver code
  public static void main(String[] args)
    int N = 7;
    Vector []g = new Vector[N];
    for (int i = 0; i < g.length; i++)
      g[i] = new Vector();
    edge(1, 2, g);
    edge(1, 3, g);
    edge(2, 4, g);
    edge(2, 5, g);
    edge(5, 6, g);
    edge(5, 7, g);
    int[] res = pathSum(g);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
      System.out.print(res[i]+ " ");
// This code contributed by shikhasingrajput

// C# code to implement above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GFG{
  static int N = 7;
  static int []dp = new int[N];
  static int []ans = new int[N];
  static int []size = new int[N];
  // The function dfs0 computes dp,
  // answer for each node with respect to
  // its subtree it also computes
  // size of each subtree
  static void dfs0(int node, int par, List []g)
    // Initialise given subtree with dp = 0
    // as there is no paths currently and
    // size 1, because there is only
    // one node in subtree
    dp[node] = 0;
    size[node] = 1;
    foreach (int nebr in g[node]) {
      // For every neighbour of node
      // which is not its parent
      // 1. compute size and dp for
      // nebr by dfs
      // 2. update size and dp for node,
      // based on nebr
      // See explanation to understand
      // the dp transition
      if (par != nebr) {
        dfs0(nebr, node, g);
        size[node] += size[nebr];
        dp[node] += size[nebr] +
  // Rerooting the tree from 'from' to 'to'
  static void reroot(int from, int to)
    // 'to' is no longer a child of 'from'
    dp[from] -= size[to] + dp[to];
    size[from] -= size[to];
    // 'from' is now a child of 'to'
    size[to] += size[from];
    dp[to] += size[from] + dp[from];
  static void dfs1(int node, int par,List []g)
    // Current dfs considers 'node' as root
    // so currently dp[node]
    // will be the answer
    ans[node] = dp[node];
    // For all neighbours which are
    // not parent of node
    foreach (int nebr in g[node]) {
      if (par != nebr) {
        // Reroot the tree to 'nebr'
        reroot(node, nebr);
        // Compute ans for 'nebr'
        // as a root of tree with dfs
        dfs1(nebr, node, g);
        // reroot the tree back
        // to 'node'
        reroot(nebr, node);
  // Creates a edge between a and b,
  // given graph g
  static void edge(int a, int b,
                   List [] g)
    // Convert into 0-based indexing
    // push b to adjacency list
    // of a and vice versa
    // because given tree is undirected
  // Function to calculate sum of paths
  static int[] pathSum(List []g)
    // Compute answer for each subtree
    // with tree rooted at 0
    dfs0(0, -1, g);
    // Compute answer for each node
    // as root of tree, rerooting
    dfs1(0, -1, g);
    return ans;
  // Driver code
  public static void Main(String[] args)
    int N = 7;
    List []g = new List[N];
    for (int i = 0; i < g.Length; i++)
      g[i] = new List();
    edge(1, 2, g);
    edge(1, 3, g);
    edge(2, 4, g);
    edge(2, 5, g);
    edge(5, 6, g);
    edge(5, 7, g);
    int[] res = pathSum(g);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
      Console.Write(res[i]+ " ");
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

12 9 17 14 10 15 15 

时间复杂度: O(N 2 ),其中 N 是节点数。
辅助空间: O(N)

Rerooting Approach:解决方案可以通过计算一个根的答案并每次rerooting树以计算其他节点来进一步优化解决方案。


将树从 1 重新生根到 2


  • 在给定的图中,使用以下方法从“1”重新植根到“2”
    • 从 1 的孩子中删除 2
    • 2 的孩子加 1

由于没有对每个节点进行重新计算,并且重新生根只需要 O(1),因此整体时间复杂度也降低了。


// C++ code to implement above approach
using namespace std;
// The function dfs0 computes dp,
// answer for each node with respect to
// its subtree it also computes
// size of each subtree
void dfs0(int node, int par,
          vector >& g,
          vector& dp, vector& size)
    // Initialise given subtree with dp = 0
    // as there is no paths currently and
    // size 1, because there is only
    // one node in subtree
    dp[node] = 0;
    size[node] = 1;
    for (auto nebr : g[node]) {
        // For every neighbour of node
        // which is not its parent
        // 1. compute size and dp for
        // nebr by dfs
        // 2. update size and dp for node,
        // based on nebr
        // See explanation to understand
        // the dp transition
        if (par != nebr) {
            dfs0(nebr, node, g, dp, size);
            size[node] += size[nebr];
            dp[node] += size[nebr] +
// Rerooting the tree from 'from' to 'to'
void reroot(int from, int to,
            vector& dp,
            vector& size)
    // 'to' is no longer a child of 'from'
    dp[from] -= size[to] + dp[to];
    size[from] -= size[to];
    // 'from' is now a child of 'to'
    size[to] += size[from];
    dp[to] += size[from] + dp[from];
void dfs1(int node, int par,
          vector >& g,
          vector& dp, vector& ans,
          vector& size)
    // Current dfs considers 'node' as root
    // so currently dp[node]
    // will be the answer
    ans[node] = dp[node];
    // For all neighbours which are
    // not parent of node
    for (auto nebr : g[node]) {
        if (par != nebr) {
            // Reroot the tree to 'nebr'
            reroot(node, nebr, dp, size);
            // Compute ans for 'nebr'
            // as a root of tree with dfs
            dfs1(nebr, node, g, dp, ans,
            // reroot the tree back
            // to 'node'
            reroot(nebr, node, dp, size);
// Creates a edge between a and b,
// given graph g
void edge(int a, int b,
          vector >& g)
    // Convert into 0-based indexing
    // push b to adjacency list
    // of a and vice versa
    // because given tree is undirected
// Function to calculate sum of paths
vector pathSum(vector > &g,
                   int N)
    vector dp(N), ans(N), size(N);
    // Compute answer for each subtree
    // with tree rooted at 0
    dfs0(0, -1, g, dp, size);
    // Compute answer for each node
    // as root of tree, rerooting
    dfs1(0, -1, g, dp, ans, size);
    return ans;
// Driver code
int main()
    int N = 7;
    vector > g(N);
    edge(1, 2, g);
    edge(1, 3, g);
    edge(2, 4, g);
    edge(2, 5, g);
    edge(5, 6, g);
    edge(5, 7, g);
    vector res = pathSum(g, N);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
        cout << res[i] << " ";
    cout << endl;
    return 0;


// Java code to implement above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
  static int N = 7;
  static int dp[] = new int[N];
  static int ans[] = new int[N];
  static int size[] = new int[N];
  // The function dfs0 computes dp,
  // answer for each node with respect to
  // its subtree it also computes
  // size of each subtree
  static void dfs0(int node, int par, Vector []g)
    // Initialise given subtree with dp = 0
    // as there is no paths currently and
    // size 1, because there is only
    // one node in subtree
    dp[node] = 0;
    size[node] = 1;
    for (int nebr : g[node]) {
      // For every neighbour of node
      // which is not its parent
      // 1. compute size and dp for
      // nebr by dfs
      // 2. update size and dp for node,
      // based on nebr
      // See explanation to understand
      // the dp transition
      if (par != nebr) {
        dfs0(nebr, node, g);
        size[node] += size[nebr];
        dp[node] += size[nebr] +
  // Rerooting the tree from 'from' to 'to'
  static void reroot(int from, int to)
    // 'to' is no longer a child of 'from'
    dp[from] -= size[to] + dp[to];
    size[from] -= size[to];
    // 'from' is now a child of 'to'
    size[to] += size[from];
    dp[to] += size[from] + dp[from];
  static void dfs1(int node, int par,Vector []g)
    // Current dfs considers 'node' as root
    // so currently dp[node]
    // will be the answer
    ans[node] = dp[node];
    // For all neighbours which are
    // not parent of node
    for (int nebr : g[node]) {
      if (par != nebr) {
        // Reroot the tree to 'nebr'
        reroot(node, nebr);
        // Compute ans for 'nebr'
        // as a root of tree with dfs
        dfs1(nebr, node, g);
        // reroot the tree back
        // to 'node'
        reroot(nebr, node);
  // Creates a edge between a and b,
  // given graph g
  static void edge(int a, int b,
                   Vector [] g)
    // Convert into 0-based indexing
    // push b to adjacency list
    // of a and vice versa
    // because given tree is undirected
  // Function to calculate sum of paths
  static int[] pathSum(Vector []g)
    // Compute answer for each subtree
    // with tree rooted at 0
    dfs0(0, -1, g);
    // Compute answer for each node
    // as root of tree, rerooting
    dfs1(0, -1, g);
    return ans;
  // Driver code
  public static void main(String[] args)
    int N = 7;
    Vector []g = new Vector[N];
    for (int i = 0; i < g.length; i++)
      g[i] = new Vector();
    edge(1, 2, g);
    edge(1, 3, g);
    edge(2, 4, g);
    edge(2, 5, g);
    edge(5, 6, g);
    edge(5, 7, g);
    int[] res = pathSum(g);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
      System.out.print(res[i]+ " ");
// This code contributed by shikhasingrajput


// C# code to implement above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GFG{
  static int N = 7;
  static int []dp = new int[N];
  static int []ans = new int[N];
  static int []size = new int[N];
  // The function dfs0 computes dp,
  // answer for each node with respect to
  // its subtree it also computes
  // size of each subtree
  static void dfs0(int node, int par, List []g)
    // Initialise given subtree with dp = 0
    // as there is no paths currently and
    // size 1, because there is only
    // one node in subtree
    dp[node] = 0;
    size[node] = 1;
    foreach (int nebr in g[node]) {
      // For every neighbour of node
      // which is not its parent
      // 1. compute size and dp for
      // nebr by dfs
      // 2. update size and dp for node,
      // based on nebr
      // See explanation to understand
      // the dp transition
      if (par != nebr) {
        dfs0(nebr, node, g);
        size[node] += size[nebr];
        dp[node] += size[nebr] +
  // Rerooting the tree from 'from' to 'to'
  static void reroot(int from, int to)
    // 'to' is no longer a child of 'from'
    dp[from] -= size[to] + dp[to];
    size[from] -= size[to];
    // 'from' is now a child of 'to'
    size[to] += size[from];
    dp[to] += size[from] + dp[from];
  static void dfs1(int node, int par,List []g)
    // Current dfs considers 'node' as root
    // so currently dp[node]
    // will be the answer
    ans[node] = dp[node];
    // For all neighbours which are
    // not parent of node
    foreach (int nebr in g[node]) {
      if (par != nebr) {
        // Reroot the tree to 'nebr'
        reroot(node, nebr);
        // Compute ans for 'nebr'
        // as a root of tree with dfs
        dfs1(nebr, node, g);
        // reroot the tree back
        // to 'node'
        reroot(nebr, node);
  // Creates a edge between a and b,
  // given graph g
  static void edge(int a, int b,
                   List [] g)
    // Convert into 0-based indexing
    // push b to adjacency list
    // of a and vice versa
    // because given tree is undirected
  // Function to calculate sum of paths
  static int[] pathSum(List []g)
    // Compute answer for each subtree
    // with tree rooted at 0
    dfs0(0, -1, g);
    // Compute answer for each node
    // as root of tree, rerooting
    dfs1(0, -1, g);
    return ans;
  // Driver code
  public static void Main(String[] args)
    int N = 7;
    List []g = new List[N];
    for (int i = 0; i < g.Length; i++)
      g[i] = new List();
    edge(1, 2, g);
    edge(1, 3, g);
    edge(2, 4, g);
    edge(2, 5, g);
    edge(5, 6, g);
    edge(5, 7, g);
    int[] res = pathSum(g);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
      Console.Write(res[i]+ " ");
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

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时间复杂度: O(N)
辅助空间: O(N)