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📜  在Python使用 Tkinter 的科学 GUI 计算器

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:08.681000             🧑  作者: Mango

在Python使用 Tkinter 的科学 GUI 计算器

先决条件: Python GUI – tkinter

在本文中,我们将使用Python创建 GUI 科学计算器。如您所见,如今计算大量数字既困难又耗时。我们使用Python创建了一个简单的科学计算器 GUI,它允许您执行简单和复杂的计算。为了实现 GUI,我们将使用Python的 Tkinter 模块。


第 1 步:导入模块

from tkinter import *
import math
import tkinter.messagebox

root = Tk()
# sets the name on the top of the gui
root.title("Scientific Calculator") 
# sets the background color of the calculator 
# as white
root.configure(background = 'white') 
# fixed the width and height of the gui,
# hence can't be expanded/stretched
root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
# sets the geometry
# holds the buttons in the calculator,
# act as a container for numbers and operators
calc = Frame(root)
# create a grid like pattern of the frame 
# i.e buttons

class Calc():
    def __init__(self):
        self.total = 0
        self.current = ''
        self.input_value = True
        self.check_sum = False
        self.op = ''
        self.result = False
    def numberEnter(self, num):
        self.result = False
        firstnum = txtDisplay.get()
        secondnum = str(num)
        if self.input_value:
            self.current = secondnum
            self.input_value = False
            if secondnum == '.':
                if secondnum in firstnum:
            self.current = firstnum+secondnum
    def sum_of_total(self):
        self.result = True
        self.current = float(self.current)
        if self.check_sum == True:
            self.total = float(txtDisplay.get())
    def display(self, value):
        txtDisplay.delete(0, END)
        txtDisplay.insert(0, value)
    def valid_function(self):
        if self.op == "add":
            self.total += self.current
        if self.op == "sub":
            self.total -= self.current
        if self.op == "multi":
            self.total *= self.current
        if self.op == "divide":
            self.total /= self.current
        if self.op == "mod":
            self.total %= self.current
        self.input_value = True
        self.check_sum = False
    def operation(self, op):
        self.current = float(self.current)
        if self.check_sum:
        elif not self.result:
            self.total = self.current
            self.input_value = True
        self.check_sum = True
        self.op = op
        self.result = False
    def Clear_Entry(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = "0"
        self.input_value = True
    def All_Clear_Entry(self):
        self.total = 0
    def pi(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.pi
    def tau(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.tau
    def e(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.e
    def mathPM(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = -(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def squared(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.sqrt(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def cos(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.cos(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def cosh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.cosh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def tan(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.tan(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def tanh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.tanh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def sin(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.sin(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def sinh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.sinh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def log(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def exp(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.exp(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def acosh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.acosh(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def asinh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.asinh(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def expm1(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.expm1(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def lgamma(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.lgamma(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def degrees(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.degrees(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def log2(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log2(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def log10(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log10(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def log1p(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log1p(float(txtDisplay.get()))
added_value = Calc()

txtDisplay = Entry(calc,
                   font=('Helvetica', 20,
txtDisplay.insert(0, "0")

# store all the numbers in a variable
numberpad = "789456123"
# here i will count the rows for placing buttons
# in grid
i = 0
# create an empty list to store
# each button with its particular specifications
btn = []
# j is in that range to place
# the button in that particular row
for j in range(2, 5):
        # k is in this range to place the
    # button in that particular column
    for k in range(3):
                          font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                          bd=4, text=numberpad[i]))
        # set buttons in row & column and
        # separate them with a padding of 1 unit
        btn[i].grid(row=j, column=k, pady=1)
        # put that number as a symbol on that button
        btn[i]["command"] = lambda x=numberpad[i]: added_value.numberEnter(x)
        i += 1

btnClear = Button(calc, text=chr(67),
                  width=6, height=2,
                  bg='powder blue',
                  font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
    row=1, column=0, pady=1)
btnAllClear = Button(calc, text=chr(67)+chr(69),
                     width=6, height=2,
                     bg='powder blue',
                           20, 'bold'), bd=4,
    row=1, column=1, pady=1)
btnsq = Button(calc, text="\u221A", width=6,
               height=2, bg='powder blue',
               font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
               bd=4, command=added_value.squared).grid(
    row=1, column=2, pady=1)
btnAdd = Button(calc, text="+", width=6,
                height=2, bg='powder blue',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.operation("add")
                ).grid(row=1, column=3, pady=1)
btnSub = Button(calc, text="-", width=6,
                height=2, bg='powder blue',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                command=lambda: added_value.operation("sub")
                ).grid(row=2, column=3, pady=1)
btnMul = Button(calc, text="x", width=6, height=2,
                bg='powder blue',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.operation("multi")
                ).grid(row=3, column=3, pady=1)
btnDiv = Button(calc, text="/", width=6,
                height=2, bg='powder blue',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.operation("divide")
                ).grid(row=4, column=3, pady=1)
btnZero = Button(calc, text="0", width=6,
                 height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                 font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                 bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.numberEnter(0)
                 ).grid(row=5, column=0, pady=1)
btnDot = Button(calc, text=".", width=6,
                height=2, bg='powder blue',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.numberEnter(".")
                ).grid(row=5, column=1, pady=1)
btnPM = Button(calc, text=chr(177), width=6,
               height=2, bg='powder blue',
               font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
               bd=4, command=added_value.mathPM
               ).grid(row=5, column=2, pady=1)
btnEquals = Button(calc, text="=", width=6,
                   height=2, bg='powder blue',
                   font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                   bd=4, command=added_value.sum_of_total
                   ).grid(row=5, column=3, pady=1)
# ROW 1 :
btnPi = Button(calc, text="pi", width=6,
               height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
               font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
               bd=4, command=added_value.pi
               ).grid(row=1, column=4, pady=1)
btnCos = Button(calc, text="Cos", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.cos
                ).grid(row=1, column=5, pady=1)
btntan = Button(calc, text="tan", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.tan
                ).grid(row=1, column=6, pady=1)
btnsin = Button(calc, text="sin", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.sin
                ).grid(row=1, column=7, pady=1)
# ROW 2 :
btn2Pi = Button(calc, text="2pi", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.tau
                ).grid(row=2, column=4, pady=1)
btnCosh = Button(calc, text="Cosh", width=6,
                 height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                 font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                 bd=4, command=added_value.cosh
                 ).grid(row=2, column=5, pady=1)
btntanh = Button(calc, text="tanh", width=6,
                 height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                 font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                 bd=4, command=added_value.tanh
                 ).grid(row=2, column=6, pady=1)
btnsinh = Button(calc, text="sinh", width=6,
                 height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                 font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                 bd=4, command=added_value.sinh
                 ).grid(row=2, column=7, pady=1)
# ROW 3 :
btnlog = Button(calc, text="log", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.log
                ).grid(row=3, column=4, pady=1)
btnExp = Button(calc, text="exp", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.exp
                ).grid(row=3, column=5, pady=1)
btnMod = Button(calc, text="Mod", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.operation("mod")
                ).grid(row=3, column=6, pady=1)
btnE = Button(calc, text="e", width=6,
              height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
              font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
              bd=4, command=added_value.e
              ).grid(row=3, column=7, pady=1)
# ROW 4 :
btnlog10 = Button(calc, text="log10", width=6,
                  height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                  font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                  bd=4, command=added_value.log10
                  ).grid(row=4, column=4, pady=1)
btncos = Button(calc, text="log1p", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.log1p
                ).grid(row=4, column=5, pady=1)
btnexpm1 = Button(calc, text="expm1", width=6,
                  height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                  font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                  bd=4, command=added_value.expm1
                  ).grid(row=4, column=6, pady=1)
btngamma = Button(calc, text="gamma", width=6,
                  height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                  font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                  bd=4, command=added_value.lgamma
                  ).grid(row=4, column=7, pady=1)
# ROW 5 :
btnlog2 = Button(calc, text="log2", width=6,
                 height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                 font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                 bd=4, command=added_value.log2
                 ).grid(row=5, column=4, pady=1)
btndeg = Button(calc, text="deg", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.degrees
                ).grid(row=5, column=5, pady=1)
btnacosh = Button(calc, text="acosh", width=6,
                  height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                  font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                  bd=4, command=added_value.acosh
                  ).grid(row=5, column=6, pady=1)
btnasinh = Button(calc, text="asinh", width=6,
                  height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                  font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                  bd=4, command=added_value.asinh
                  ).grid(row=5, column=7, pady=1)
lblDisplay = Label(calc, text="Scientific Calculator",
                   font=('Helvetica', 30, 'bold'),
                   bg='black', fg='white', justify=CENTER)
lblDisplay.grid(row=0, column=4, columnspan=4)

# use askyesno function to
# stop/continue the program exection 
def iExit(): 
    iExit = tkinter.messagebox.askyesno("Scientific Calculator",
                                        "Do you want to exit ?")
    if iExit>0:
def Scientific():
    root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
def Standard():
    root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
menubar = Menu(calc)
# ManuBar 1 :
filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0)
menubar.add_cascade(label = 'File', menu = filemenu)
filemenu.add_command(label = "Standard", command = Standard)
filemenu.add_command(label = "Scientific", command = Scientific)
filemenu.add_command(label = "Exit", command = iExit)
# ManuBar 2 :
editmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0)
menubar.add_cascade(label = 'Edit', menu = editmenu)
editmenu.add_command(label = "Cut")
editmenu.add_command(label = "Copy")
editmenu.add_command(label = "Paste")

from tkinter import *
import math
import tkinter.messagebox
root = Tk()
root.title("Scientific Calculator")
root.configure(background = 'white')
root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
calc = Frame(root)
class Calc():
    def __init__(self):
    def numberEnter(self, num):
        if self.input_value:
            self.current = secondnum
            if secondnum == '.':
                if secondnum in firstnum:
            self.current = firstnum+secondnum
    def sum_of_total(self):
        if self.check_sum==True:
    def display(self, value):
        txtDisplay.delete(0, END)
        txtDisplay.insert(0, value)
    def valid_function(self):
        if self.op == "add":
            self.total += self.current
        if self.op == "sub":
            self.total -= self.current
        if self.op == "multi":
            self.total *= self.current
        if self.op == "divide":
            self.total /= self.current
        if self.op == "mod":
            self.total %= self.current
    def operation(self, op):
        self.current = float(self.current)
        if self.check_sum:
        elif not self.result:
    def Clear_Entry(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = "0"
    def All_Clear_Entry(self):
    def pi(self):
        self.result =  False
        self.current = math.pi
    def tau(self):
        self.result =  False
        self.current = math.tau
    def e(self):
        self.result =  False
        self.current = math.e
    def mathPM(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = -(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def squared(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.sqrt(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def cos(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.cos(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def cosh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.cosh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def tan(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.tan(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def tanh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.tanh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def sin(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.sin(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def sinh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.sinh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def log(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def exp(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.exp(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def acosh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.acosh(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def asinh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.asinh(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def expm1(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.expm1(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def lgamma(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.lgamma(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def degrees(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.degrees(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def log2(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log2(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def log10(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log10(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def log1p(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log1p(float(txtDisplay.get()))
added_value = Calc()
txtDisplay = Entry(calc, font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'),
txtDisplay.grid(row=0,column=0, columnspan=4, pady=1)
numberpad = "789456123"
btn = []
for j in range(2,5):
    for k in range(3):
        btn.append(Button(calc, width=6, height=2,
        btn[i].grid(row=j, column= k, pady = 1)
        btn[i]["command"]=lambda x=numberpad[i]:added_value.numberEnter(x)
btnClear = Button(calc, text=chr(67),width=6,
                  height=2,bg='powder blue',
                  ,bd=4, command=added_value.Clear_Entry
                 ).grid(row=1, column= 0, pady = 1)
btnAllClear = Button(calc, text=chr(67)+chr(69),
                     width=6, height=2,
                     bg='powder blue', 
                    ).grid(row=1, column= 1, pady = 1)
btnsq = Button(calc, text="\u221A",width=6, height=2,
               bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica',
              ).grid(row=1, column= 2, pady = 1)
btnAdd = Button(calc, text="+",width=6, height=2,
                bg='powder blue',
                ).grid(row=1, column= 3, pady = 1)
btnSub = Button(calc, text="-",width=6,
                height=2,bg='powder blue',
                ).grid(row=2, column= 3, pady = 1)
btnMul = Button(calc, text="x",width=6, 
                height=2,bg='powder blue', 
                ).grid(row=3, column= 3, pady = 1)
btnDiv = Button(calc, text="/",width=6, 
                height=2,bg='powder blue',
                ).grid(row=4, column= 3, pady = 1)
btnZero = Button(calc, text="0",width=6,
                 ).grid(row=5, column= 0, pady = 1)
btnDot = Button(calc, text=".",width=6,
                height=2,bg='powder blue', 
                ).grid(row=5, column= 1, pady = 1)
btnPM = Button(calc, text=chr(177),width=6, 
               height=2,bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'),
              ).grid(row=5, column= 2, pady = 1)
btnEquals = Button(calc, text="=",width=6,
                   height=2,bg='powder blue',
                  ).grid(row=5, column= 3, pady = 1)
# ROW 1 :
btnPi = Button(calc, text="pi",width=6,
              ).grid(row=1, column= 4, pady = 1)
btnCos = Button(calc, text="Cos",width=6, 
               ).grid(row=1, column= 5, pady = 1)
btntan = Button(calc, text="tan",width=6, 
               ).grid(row=1, column= 6, pady = 1)
btnsin = Button(calc, text="sin",width=6,
               ).grid(row=1, column= 7, pady = 1)
# ROW 2 :
btn2Pi = Button(calc, text="2pi",width=6, 
               ).grid(row=2, column= 4, pady = 1)
btnCosh = Button(calc, text="Cosh",width=6,
                ).grid(row=2, column= 5, pady = 1)
btntanh = Button(calc, text="tanh",width=6, 
                ).grid(row=2, column= 6, pady = 1)
btnsinh = Button(calc, text="sinh",width=6, 
                ).grid(row=2, column= 7, pady = 1)
# ROW 3 :
btnlog = Button(calc, text="log",width=6,
               ).grid(row=3, column= 4, pady = 1)
btnExp = Button(calc, text="exp",width=6, height=2,
               ).grid(row=3, column= 5, pady = 1)
btnMod = Button(calc, text="Mod",width=6,
                ).grid(row=3, column= 6, pady = 1)
btnE   = Button(calc, text="e",width=6, 
               ).grid(row=3, column= 7, pady = 1)
# ROW 4 :
btnlog10 = Button(calc, text="log10",width=6, 
                 ).grid(row=4, column= 4, pady = 1)
btncos   = Button(calc, text="log1p",width=6,
                 ).grid(row=4, column= 5, pady = 1)
btnexpm1 = Button(calc, text="expm1",width=6,
                  bd = 4,command=added_value.expm1
                 ).grid(row=4, column= 6, pady = 1)
btngamma = Button(calc, text="gamma",width=6,
                 ).grid(row=4, column= 7, pady = 1)
# ROW 5 :
btnlog2 = Button(calc, text="log2",width=6, 
                ).grid(row=5, column= 4, pady = 1)
btndeg = Button(calc, text="deg",width=6, 
               ).grid(row=5, column= 5, pady = 1)
btnacosh = Button(calc, text="acosh",width=6,
                 ).grid(row=5, column= 6, pady = 1)
btnasinh = Button(calc, text="asinh",width=6, 
                 ).grid(row=5, column= 7, pady = 1)
lblDisplay = Label(calc, text = "Scientific Calculator",
lblDisplay.grid(row=0, column= 4,columnspan=4)
def iExit():
    iExit = tkinter.messagebox.askyesno("Scientific Calculator",
                                        "Do you want to exit ?")
    if iExit>0:
def Scientific():
    root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
def Standard():
    root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
menubar = Menu(calc)
# ManuBar 1 :
filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0)
menubar.add_cascade(label = 'File', menu = filemenu)
filemenu.add_command(label = "Standard", command = Standard)
filemenu.add_command(label = "Scientific", command = Scientific)
filemenu.add_command(label = "Exit", command = iExit)
# ManuBar 2 :
editmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0)
menubar.add_cascade(label = 'Edit', menu = editmenu)
editmenu.add_command(label = "Cut")
editmenu.add_command(label = "Copy")
editmenu.add_command(label = "Paste")

第 2 步:在这里,我们将使用 Tkinter 为计算器的 GUI 创建几何图形或所谓的布局。


root = Tk()
# sets the name on the top of the gui
root.title("Scientific Calculator") 
# sets the background color of the calculator 
# as white
root.configure(background = 'white') 
# fixed the width and height of the gui,
# hence can't be expanded/stretched
root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
# sets the geometry
# holds the buttons in the calculator,
# act as a container for numbers and operators
calc = Frame(root)
# create a grid like pattern of the frame 
# i.e buttons

第 3 步:现在我们将创建一个类,我们将在其中创建科学计算器的所有功能,以便可以轻松调用和执行这些功能。


class Calc():
    def __init__(self):
        self.total = 0
        self.current = ''
        self.input_value = True
        self.check_sum = False
        self.op = ''
        self.result = False
    def numberEnter(self, num):
        self.result = False
        firstnum = txtDisplay.get()
        secondnum = str(num)
        if self.input_value:
            self.current = secondnum
            self.input_value = False
            if secondnum == '.':
                if secondnum in firstnum:
            self.current = firstnum+secondnum
    def sum_of_total(self):
        self.result = True
        self.current = float(self.current)
        if self.check_sum == True:
            self.total = float(txtDisplay.get())
    def display(self, value):
        txtDisplay.delete(0, END)
        txtDisplay.insert(0, value)
    def valid_function(self):
        if self.op == "add":
            self.total += self.current
        if self.op == "sub":
            self.total -= self.current
        if self.op == "multi":
            self.total *= self.current
        if self.op == "divide":
            self.total /= self.current
        if self.op == "mod":
            self.total %= self.current
        self.input_value = True
        self.check_sum = False
    def operation(self, op):
        self.current = float(self.current)
        if self.check_sum:
        elif not self.result:
            self.total = self.current
            self.input_value = True
        self.check_sum = True
        self.op = op
        self.result = False
    def Clear_Entry(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = "0"
        self.input_value = True
    def All_Clear_Entry(self):
        self.total = 0
    def pi(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.pi
    def tau(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.tau
    def e(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.e
    def mathPM(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = -(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def squared(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.sqrt(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def cos(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.cos(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def cosh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.cosh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def tan(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.tan(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def tanh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.tanh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def sin(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.sin(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def sinh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.sinh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def log(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def exp(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.exp(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def acosh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.acosh(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def asinh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.asinh(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def expm1(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.expm1(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def lgamma(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.lgamma(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def degrees(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.degrees(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def log2(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log2(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def log10(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log10(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def log1p(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log1p(float(txtDisplay.get()))
added_value = Calc()

第 4 步:下面的代码将通过将字体样式、字体大小、背景颜色、前景色作为参数传递给入口函数,在计算器的 GUI 中创建一个显示。


txtDisplay = Entry(calc,
                   font=('Helvetica', 20,
txtDisplay.insert(0, "0")

第 5 步:在这里,我们将为计算器创建一个数字键盘。


# store all the numbers in a variable
numberpad = "789456123"
# here i will count the rows for placing buttons
# in grid
i = 0
# create an empty list to store
# each button with its particular specifications
btn = []
# j is in that range to place
# the button in that particular row
for j in range(2, 5):
        # k is in this range to place the
    # button in that particular column
    for k in range(3):
                          font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                          bd=4, text=numberpad[i]))
        # set buttons in row & column and
        # separate them with a padding of 1 unit
        btn[i].grid(row=j, column=k, pady=1)
        # put that number as a symbol on that button
        btn[i]["command"] = lambda x=numberpad[i]: added_value.numberEnter(x)
        i += 1

第 6 步:现在我们将所有按钮/运算符放置在网格中各自的位置。这取决于您通过更改它们的行和列值来根据您的选择设置它们。在这里,每个按钮函数只是将运算符的名称,宽度,高度,背景,前景,字体以及按钮的相应列和行位置作为参数。


btnClear = Button(calc, text=chr(67),
                  width=6, height=2,
                  bg='powder blue',
                  font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
    row=1, column=0, pady=1)
btnAllClear = Button(calc, text=chr(67)+chr(69),
                     width=6, height=2,
                     bg='powder blue',
                           20, 'bold'), bd=4,
    row=1, column=1, pady=1)
btnsq = Button(calc, text="\u221A", width=6,
               height=2, bg='powder blue',
               font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
               bd=4, command=added_value.squared).grid(
    row=1, column=2, pady=1)
btnAdd = Button(calc, text="+", width=6,
                height=2, bg='powder blue',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.operation("add")
                ).grid(row=1, column=3, pady=1)
btnSub = Button(calc, text="-", width=6,
                height=2, bg='powder blue',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                command=lambda: added_value.operation("sub")
                ).grid(row=2, column=3, pady=1)
btnMul = Button(calc, text="x", width=6, height=2,
                bg='powder blue',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.operation("multi")
                ).grid(row=3, column=3, pady=1)
btnDiv = Button(calc, text="/", width=6,
                height=2, bg='powder blue',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.operation("divide")
                ).grid(row=4, column=3, pady=1)
btnZero = Button(calc, text="0", width=6,
                 height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                 font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                 bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.numberEnter(0)
                 ).grid(row=5, column=0, pady=1)
btnDot = Button(calc, text=".", width=6,
                height=2, bg='powder blue',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.numberEnter(".")
                ).grid(row=5, column=1, pady=1)
btnPM = Button(calc, text=chr(177), width=6,
               height=2, bg='powder blue',
               font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
               bd=4, command=added_value.mathPM
               ).grid(row=5, column=2, pady=1)
btnEquals = Button(calc, text="=", width=6,
                   height=2, bg='powder blue',
                   font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                   bd=4, command=added_value.sum_of_total
                   ).grid(row=5, column=3, pady=1)
# ROW 1 :
btnPi = Button(calc, text="pi", width=6,
               height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
               font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
               bd=4, command=added_value.pi
               ).grid(row=1, column=4, pady=1)
btnCos = Button(calc, text="Cos", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.cos
                ).grid(row=1, column=5, pady=1)
btntan = Button(calc, text="tan", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.tan
                ).grid(row=1, column=6, pady=1)
btnsin = Button(calc, text="sin", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.sin
                ).grid(row=1, column=7, pady=1)
# ROW 2 :
btn2Pi = Button(calc, text="2pi", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.tau
                ).grid(row=2, column=4, pady=1)
btnCosh = Button(calc, text="Cosh", width=6,
                 height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                 font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                 bd=4, command=added_value.cosh
                 ).grid(row=2, column=5, pady=1)
btntanh = Button(calc, text="tanh", width=6,
                 height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                 font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                 bd=4, command=added_value.tanh
                 ).grid(row=2, column=6, pady=1)
btnsinh = Button(calc, text="sinh", width=6,
                 height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                 font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                 bd=4, command=added_value.sinh
                 ).grid(row=2, column=7, pady=1)
# ROW 3 :
btnlog = Button(calc, text="log", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.log
                ).grid(row=3, column=4, pady=1)
btnExp = Button(calc, text="exp", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.exp
                ).grid(row=3, column=5, pady=1)
btnMod = Button(calc, text="Mod", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=lambda: added_value.operation("mod")
                ).grid(row=3, column=6, pady=1)
btnE = Button(calc, text="e", width=6,
              height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
              font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
              bd=4, command=added_value.e
              ).grid(row=3, column=7, pady=1)
# ROW 4 :
btnlog10 = Button(calc, text="log10", width=6,
                  height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                  font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                  bd=4, command=added_value.log10
                  ).grid(row=4, column=4, pady=1)
btncos = Button(calc, text="log1p", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.log1p
                ).grid(row=4, column=5, pady=1)
btnexpm1 = Button(calc, text="expm1", width=6,
                  height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                  font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                  bd=4, command=added_value.expm1
                  ).grid(row=4, column=6, pady=1)
btngamma = Button(calc, text="gamma", width=6,
                  height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                  font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                  bd=4, command=added_value.lgamma
                  ).grid(row=4, column=7, pady=1)
# ROW 5 :
btnlog2 = Button(calc, text="log2", width=6,
                 height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                 font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                 bd=4, command=added_value.log2
                 ).grid(row=5, column=4, pady=1)
btndeg = Button(calc, text="deg", width=6,
                height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                bd=4, command=added_value.degrees
                ).grid(row=5, column=5, pady=1)
btnacosh = Button(calc, text="acosh", width=6,
                  height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                  font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                  bd=4, command=added_value.acosh
                  ).grid(row=5, column=6, pady=1)
btnasinh = Button(calc, text="asinh", width=6,
                  height=2, bg='black', fg='white',
                  font=('Helvetica', 20, 'bold'),
                  bd=4, command=added_value.asinh
                  ).grid(row=5, column=7, pady=1)
lblDisplay = Label(calc, text="Scientific Calculator",
                   font=('Helvetica', 30, 'bold'),
                   bg='black', fg='white', justify=CENTER)
lblDisplay.grid(row=0, column=4, columnspan=4)

第 7 步:现在最后我们将创建计算器 GUI 的菜单栏。


# use askyesno function to
# stop/continue the program exection 
def iExit(): 
    iExit = tkinter.messagebox.askyesno("Scientific Calculator",
                                        "Do you want to exit ?")
    if iExit>0:
def Scientific():
    root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
def Standard():
    root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
menubar = Menu(calc)
# ManuBar 1 :
filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0)
menubar.add_cascade(label = 'File', menu = filemenu)
filemenu.add_command(label = "Standard", command = Standard)
filemenu.add_command(label = "Scientific", command = Scientific)
filemenu.add_command(label = "Exit", command = iExit)
# ManuBar 2 :
editmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0)
menubar.add_cascade(label = 'Edit', menu = editmenu)
editmenu.add_command(label = "Cut")
editmenu.add_command(label = "Copy")
editmenu.add_command(label = "Paste")



from tkinter import *
import math
import tkinter.messagebox
root = Tk()
root.title("Scientific Calculator")
root.configure(background = 'white')
root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
calc = Frame(root)
class Calc():
    def __init__(self):
    def numberEnter(self, num):
        if self.input_value:
            self.current = secondnum
            if secondnum == '.':
                if secondnum in firstnum:
            self.current = firstnum+secondnum
    def sum_of_total(self):
        if self.check_sum==True:
    def display(self, value):
        txtDisplay.delete(0, END)
        txtDisplay.insert(0, value)
    def valid_function(self):
        if self.op == "add":
            self.total += self.current
        if self.op == "sub":
            self.total -= self.current
        if self.op == "multi":
            self.total *= self.current
        if self.op == "divide":
            self.total /= self.current
        if self.op == "mod":
            self.total %= self.current
    def operation(self, op):
        self.current = float(self.current)
        if self.check_sum:
        elif not self.result:
    def Clear_Entry(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = "0"
    def All_Clear_Entry(self):
    def pi(self):
        self.result =  False
        self.current = math.pi
    def tau(self):
        self.result =  False
        self.current = math.tau
    def e(self):
        self.result =  False
        self.current = math.e
    def mathPM(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = -(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def squared(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.sqrt(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def cos(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.cos(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def cosh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.cosh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def tan(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.tan(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def tanh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.tanh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def sin(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.sin(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def sinh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.sinh(math.radians(float(txtDisplay.get())))
    def log(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def exp(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.exp(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def acosh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.acosh(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def asinh(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.asinh(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def expm1(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.expm1(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def lgamma(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.lgamma(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def degrees(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.degrees(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def log2(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log2(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def log10(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log10(float(txtDisplay.get()))
    def log1p(self):
        self.result = False
        self.current = math.log1p(float(txtDisplay.get()))
added_value = Calc()
txtDisplay = Entry(calc, font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'),
txtDisplay.grid(row=0,column=0, columnspan=4, pady=1)
numberpad = "789456123"
btn = []
for j in range(2,5):
    for k in range(3):
        btn.append(Button(calc, width=6, height=2,
        btn[i].grid(row=j, column= k, pady = 1)
        btn[i]["command"]=lambda x=numberpad[i]:added_value.numberEnter(x)
btnClear = Button(calc, text=chr(67),width=6,
                  height=2,bg='powder blue',
                  ,bd=4, command=added_value.Clear_Entry
                 ).grid(row=1, column= 0, pady = 1)
btnAllClear = Button(calc, text=chr(67)+chr(69),
                     width=6, height=2,
                     bg='powder blue', 
                    ).grid(row=1, column= 1, pady = 1)
btnsq = Button(calc, text="\u221A",width=6, height=2,
               bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica',
              ).grid(row=1, column= 2, pady = 1)
btnAdd = Button(calc, text="+",width=6, height=2,
                bg='powder blue',
                ).grid(row=1, column= 3, pady = 1)
btnSub = Button(calc, text="-",width=6,
                height=2,bg='powder blue',
                ).grid(row=2, column= 3, pady = 1)
btnMul = Button(calc, text="x",width=6, 
                height=2,bg='powder blue', 
                ).grid(row=3, column= 3, pady = 1)
btnDiv = Button(calc, text="/",width=6, 
                height=2,bg='powder blue',
                ).grid(row=4, column= 3, pady = 1)
btnZero = Button(calc, text="0",width=6,
                 ).grid(row=5, column= 0, pady = 1)
btnDot = Button(calc, text=".",width=6,
                height=2,bg='powder blue', 
                ).grid(row=5, column= 1, pady = 1)
btnPM = Button(calc, text=chr(177),width=6, 
               height=2,bg='powder blue', font=('Helvetica',20,'bold'),
              ).grid(row=5, column= 2, pady = 1)
btnEquals = Button(calc, text="=",width=6,
                   height=2,bg='powder blue',
                  ).grid(row=5, column= 3, pady = 1)
# ROW 1 :
btnPi = Button(calc, text="pi",width=6,
              ).grid(row=1, column= 4, pady = 1)
btnCos = Button(calc, text="Cos",width=6, 
               ).grid(row=1, column= 5, pady = 1)
btntan = Button(calc, text="tan",width=6, 
               ).grid(row=1, column= 6, pady = 1)
btnsin = Button(calc, text="sin",width=6,
               ).grid(row=1, column= 7, pady = 1)
# ROW 2 :
btn2Pi = Button(calc, text="2pi",width=6, 
               ).grid(row=2, column= 4, pady = 1)
btnCosh = Button(calc, text="Cosh",width=6,
                ).grid(row=2, column= 5, pady = 1)
btntanh = Button(calc, text="tanh",width=6, 
                ).grid(row=2, column= 6, pady = 1)
btnsinh = Button(calc, text="sinh",width=6, 
                ).grid(row=2, column= 7, pady = 1)
# ROW 3 :
btnlog = Button(calc, text="log",width=6,
               ).grid(row=3, column= 4, pady = 1)
btnExp = Button(calc, text="exp",width=6, height=2,
               ).grid(row=3, column= 5, pady = 1)
btnMod = Button(calc, text="Mod",width=6,
                ).grid(row=3, column= 6, pady = 1)
btnE   = Button(calc, text="e",width=6, 
               ).grid(row=3, column= 7, pady = 1)
# ROW 4 :
btnlog10 = Button(calc, text="log10",width=6, 
                 ).grid(row=4, column= 4, pady = 1)
btncos   = Button(calc, text="log1p",width=6,
                 ).grid(row=4, column= 5, pady = 1)
btnexpm1 = Button(calc, text="expm1",width=6,
                  bd = 4,command=added_value.expm1
                 ).grid(row=4, column= 6, pady = 1)
btngamma = Button(calc, text="gamma",width=6,
                 ).grid(row=4, column= 7, pady = 1)
# ROW 5 :
btnlog2 = Button(calc, text="log2",width=6, 
                ).grid(row=5, column= 4, pady = 1)
btndeg = Button(calc, text="deg",width=6, 
               ).grid(row=5, column= 5, pady = 1)
btnacosh = Button(calc, text="acosh",width=6,
                 ).grid(row=5, column= 6, pady = 1)
btnasinh = Button(calc, text="asinh",width=6, 
                 ).grid(row=5, column= 7, pady = 1)
lblDisplay = Label(calc, text = "Scientific Calculator",
lblDisplay.grid(row=0, column= 4,columnspan=4)
def iExit():
    iExit = tkinter.messagebox.askyesno("Scientific Calculator",
                                        "Do you want to exit ?")
    if iExit>0:
def Scientific():
    root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
def Standard():
    root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
menubar = Menu(calc)
# ManuBar 1 :
filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0)
menubar.add_cascade(label = 'File', menu = filemenu)
filemenu.add_command(label = "Standard", command = Standard)
filemenu.add_command(label = "Scientific", command = Scientific)
filemenu.add_command(label = "Exit", command = iExit)
# ManuBar 2 :
editmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff = 0)
menubar.add_cascade(label = 'Edit', menu = editmenu)
editmenu.add_command(label = "Cut")
editmenu.add_command(label = "Copy")
editmenu.add_command(label = "Paste")
