Ionic compounds are formed when ions with opposing negative and positive charges create ionic bonds and form ionic compounds, which are exactly what they sound like: compounds comprised of ions. Because one atom’s loss or gain matches the loss or gain of the other, one atom basically ‘donates’ an electron to the other atom with whom it couples up.
- Ionic化合物是离子化合物。
- Ionic化合物具有高熔点和沸点。它们看起来强壮而脆弱。
- 它们主要通过物体的电荷分布之间的静电力保持在一起。
- 有可以描述的离子化合物。每种化合物都有自己的配方。
The precise formula for an ionic compound may be found by following two criteria:
- The charge on the component ions can be computed based on the valence electron transfer required to satisfy the octet rule.
- The cations and anions are joined in such a way that an electrically neutral compound is formed.
- 识别阳离子(带正电荷的部分)。阳离子主要是位于元素周期表左侧的金属。它是最正电(最负电)的离子。
- 识别阴离子(带负电荷的部分)。它是具有最大负电势的离子。卤素和非金属是阴离子的例子。
- 请记住,氢可以带正电荷或负电荷。
- 先写阳离子,再写阴离子。
- 调整阳离子和阴离子下标,使净电荷等于 0。要平衡电荷,请使用阳离子和阴离子之间的最低整数比。
1. 二元Ionic化合物
实施例 1:氯化钠的离子式。
氯化钠含有 Na +和 Cl -离子:
- 这是一个正电荷和一个负电荷。
- 收费的数量已经相同。
- 因此,公式为NaCl。
实施例 2:氧化镁的离子式。
氧化镁含有Mg2 +和O2-离子:
- 这是两个正电荷和两个负电荷。
- 收费的数量已经相同。
- 因此公式是MgO。
以下是二元离子化合物的更多示例: Ionic Compound Formula Cation Anion 1. Lithium fluoride LiF Li+ F– 2. Silver chloride AgCl Ag+ Cl– 3. Calcium chloride CaCl2 Ca2+ Cl– 4. Iron(II) oxide FeO Fe2+ O2- 5. Aluminum chloride AlCl3 Al3+ Cl– 6. Iron(III) chloride FeCl3 Fe3+ Cl–
2. 多原子Ionic化合物
多原子离子是具有总电荷的共价连接原子的集合,因此形成离子。例如,氢氧根离子具有分子式OH -1 。氢氧化物是由键合的氧和氢组成的化学分子。氢氧化物在形成化合物的过程中从某个地方获得了一个额外的电子,产生了OH -1 。当用这些多原子离子制造离子化合物时,处理它们的方式与处理单原子离子(只有一个原子)相同。
实施例 1:氢氧化钙的离子式。
氢氧化钙含有 Ca 2+和 OH –离子:
- 这是两个正电荷和一个负电荷。
- 为了使电荷数相同,我们需要一个 Ca 2+离子和两个 OH –离子。
- 因此,公式是Ca(OH) 2 。
以下是多原子离子化合物的更多示例: Ionic Compound Formula Cation Anion 1. Ammonium hydroxide NH4OH NH4+ OH– 2. Ammonium nitrate NH4NO3 NH4+ NO3– 3. Ammonium carbonate (NH4)2CO3 NH4+ CO3-2 4. Ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4 NH4+ SO4-2
问题 1:定义原子以及它们是由什么组成的?
An atom is the smallest part of an element that can take part in a chemical reaction. Atoms are made up of three particles protons, neutrons, and electrons.
Atom was first introduced by the Greek philosopher Democritus in 450 B.C. We cannot see atoms with our naked eyes because they are too tiny particles i.e. its atomic radii is of the order 10-10 m to 10-9 m.
Molecules are the group of two or more atoms that forms the smallest and are held together by chemical bonds. We should say ‘one mole of nitrogen atoms’ or ‘one mole of nitrogen molecule’ because the above statement does not clarify whether we are discussing atoms or molecules of nitrogen.
Ionic compounds are the ions compounds that appear strong and brittle. Ionic compounds have a high melting point because there is a strong electrostatic force of attraction between the oppositely charged ions which needs a large amount of energy to break the strong bonding force between them.
Lithium Flouride is a salt that is formed from the neutralization of weak hydrofluoric acid and strong base lithium hydroxide. So, they are considered to be basic in nature.
问题 6:我们的身体需要哪种离子化合物,为什么?
Sodium Chloride is an ionic compound that is essential for our body to maintain blood pressure, absorb and transport nutrients, and maintain the right balance of fluid.
问题 7:当我们吞下氟化钠时会发生什么?
When a large number of fluoride gels are swallowed it causes pain, vomiting, or nausea they can also lead to serious problems like lowering our body’s level of calcium.