📜  基础 CSS 媒体对象部分对齐

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:13.705000             🧑  作者: Mango

基础 CSS 媒体对象部分对齐

Foundation CSS是由 ZURB 于 2011 年 9 月创建的开源和响应式前端框架,可以轻松创建可在任何设备上运行的令人惊叹的响应式网站、应用程序和电子邮件。许多公司,如 Facebook、eBay、Mozilla、Adobe,甚至迪士尼,都在使用它。该框架基于bootstrap,类似于SaaS。该框架建立在类似 Saas 的引导程序上。它更加复杂、灵活且易于定制。它还带有 CLI,因此很容易与模块捆绑器一起使用。它提供了 Fastclick.js 工具,用于在移动设备上更快地呈现。

Foundation CSS中的媒体对象通过使用媒体对象类添加带有一些内容(通常是文本)的媒体(通常是图像)。我们可以使用这些类来添加媒体和一些文本内容。我们可以使用media-object 类创建分区,使用media-object-section创建 section

基础 CSS 媒体对象基础类:

  • media-object :该类用于创建媒体和内容的划分。
  • media-object-section:此类用于创建部分。


句法 :


注意:从 https://get.foundation/sites/docs/installation.html 或 https://codepen.io/ZURBFoundation/pen/aWKpOj 下载必要的文件,用于试用示例。压缩的 CSS 可能无法正常工作(即通过 CDN 调用)。

示例 1 :此示例说明了基础 CSS 中的部分对齐中间媒体对象。


    Foundation CSS Media Object Section Alignment





Foundation CSS Media Object              Section Alignment - middle


              A Computer Science portal for geeks.               It contains well written, well thought               and well explained computer science and               programming articles. A Computer Science                portal for geeks. It contains well written,               well thought and well explained computer                science and programming articles.             


              A Computer Science portal for geeks.               It contains well written, well thought               and well explained computer science and               programming articles. A Computer Science                portal for geeks. It contains well written,               well thought and well explained computer                science and programming articles.             


              A Computer Science portal for geeks.               It contains well written, well thought               and well explained computer science and               programming articles. A Computer Science                portal for geeks. It contains well written,               well thought and well explained computer                science and programming articles.             



    Foundation CSS Media Object Section Alignment





Foundation CSS Media Object              Section Alignment - bottom


              A Computer Science portal for geeks.               It contains well written, well thought               and well explained computer science and               programming articles. A Computer Science                portal for geeks. It contains well written,               well thought and well explained computer                science and programming articles.             


              A Computer Science portal for geeks.               It contains well written, well thought               and well explained computer science and               programming articles. A Computer Science                portal for geeks. It contains well written,               well thought and well explained computer                science and programming articles.             


              A Computer Science portal for geeks.               It contains well written, well thought               and well explained computer science and               programming articles. A Computer Science                portal for geeks. It contains well written,               well thought and well explained computer                science and programming articles.             



基础 CSS 媒体对象部分对齐

基础 CSS 媒体对象部分对齐

示例 2 :此示例说明了基础 CSS 中的部分对齐底部媒体对象。


    Foundation CSS Media Object Section Alignment





Foundation CSS Media Object              Section Alignment - bottom


              A Computer Science portal for geeks.               It contains well written, well thought               and well explained computer science and               programming articles. A Computer Science                portal for geeks. It contains well written,               well thought and well explained computer                science and programming articles.             


              A Computer Science portal for geeks.               It contains well written, well thought               and well explained computer science and               programming articles. A Computer Science                portal for geeks. It contains well written,               well thought and well explained computer                science and programming articles.             


              A Computer Science portal for geeks.               It contains well written, well thought               and well explained computer science and               programming articles. A Computer Science                portal for geeks. It contains well written,               well thought and well explained computer                science and programming articles.             



基础 CSS 媒体对象部分对齐

基础 CSS 媒体对象部分对齐

参考: https://get.foundation/sites/docs/media-object.html#section-alignment