电感 - 定义、推导、类型、示例
与磁场变化率成正比的磁通量称为感应。线圈上的感应电动势与通过它的电流变化的速率有关。电感是该关系中的比例常数。 H是电感的SI单位(亨利)。用字母 L 表示。当电流变化率为 1 亨利时,在线圈中产生 1 (V) 伏特 EMF 所需的电感量定义为 1 H(亨利)。
- 电感器的导线具有特定的匝数。
- 用于制造核心的材料。
- 核心的外观。
Take a look at a DC source that has the switch turned on. When the switch is turned on, the current flows from zero to a specific value, causing a change in the flow rate. Consider the flux shift caused by current flow. The flux change is measured in terms of time, as follows:
Use Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction to solve the problem.
E = N(dϕ/dt)
Where, N is the coil’s number of turns, and E is the induced EMF across the coil.
Write the above equation as follows using Lenz’s law:
E = -N(dϕ/dt)
For computing the value of inductance, the previous equation is adjusted.
E = -N(dϕ/dt)
∴ E = -L(di/dt)
N = dΦ = L di
NΦ = Li
Li = NΦ = NBA
Where, B denotes the flux density and A denotes the coil area.
Hl = Ni
Where H denotes the magnetic flux’s magnetizing force.
B = μH
Li = NBA
L = NBA/i = N2BA/Ni
N2BA/Hl = N2μHA/Hl
L = μN2A/l = μN2πr2/l
- 自感应
- 自感系数:电流与线圈的磁链数成正比,即 Nφ 成正比,或 Nφ = Li(N 是线圈的匝数,Nφ – 总磁链)。因此自感应系数为 L = (Nφ/i)。
- 如果 i = 1amp,N = 1,则 L = φ 即当线圈中的电流为 1 amp 时,自感应系数等于与线圈相关的磁通。
- 法拉第第二定律感应电动势 e = -N(dφ/dt)。这给出了 e = -L(di/dt);如果 di/dt = amp/sec 那么 |e| = L。当线圈中电流的变化率为单位时,自感应系数等于线圈中感应的电动势。
- 'L'的单位和量纲公式: SI单位,韦伯/安培 = (特斯拉 × m 2 )/安培 = (N × m)/安培2 = 焦耳/安培2 = (库仑 × 伏特)/安培2 = (伏特×秒)/安培=(欧姆×秒)。
但实际单位是亨利(H)。量纲公式 [L] = [ML 2 T -2 A -2 ]
- 自感 (L) 的相关性:“L”由匝数 (N)、横截面积 (A) 和介质的磁导率决定,而不是由流动或变化的电流决定,而是由匝数 (N)、横截面积 (A) 和介质的磁导率 (μ)。 'L' 在有稳定电流流过电路之前不会在电路中发挥作用。只有当电流发生变化时,“L”才会进入画面。
- 电感的磁势能:为了在电路中产生连续的电流,源电动势必须对抗线圈的自感做功,为此而扩展的任何能量都存储在线圈的磁场中,称为磁势能 (U)。
U = 1/2 (Li)i = Nφi/2
L 的各种公式
- 圆形线圈, L = μ 0 πN 2 r/2
- 电磁铁, L = μ 0 N 2 r/l = μ 0 n 2 Al
- 环形, L = μ 0 N 2 r/2
- 方形线圈, L = 2√2μ 0 N 2 a/π
- 互感
- 互感系数:N 2 φ 2是由于初级电流而与次级相连的总磁通,N 2 φ 2与 i 1 = N 2 φ 2 = Mi 1成正比,其中 N 1是数量初级的匝数,N 2是次级的匝数,φ 2是次级每匝的磁通量,i 1是流过初级的电流,M 是互感系数。
- 根据法拉第第二定律,在次级 e 2 =-N(dφ 2 /dt) 中感应电动势; e 2 =-M(di 1 /dt)
- 如果 di 1 /dt = 1Amp/sec 那么 |e 2 |=M。当主线圈中的电流变化率为单位时,互感系数等于次级线圈中感应的电动势。
- 'M'的单位和量纲公式:是SI单位,韦伯/安培=(特斯拉×米2 )/安培=(N×米)/安培2 =焦耳/安培2 =(库仑×伏特)/安培2 =(伏特×秒)/安培=(欧姆×秒)。
但实际单位是亨利(H)。它的维数公式 [M] = [ML 2 T -2 A -2 ]。
- 互感的相关性:
- 两个线圈的匝数相同(N 1 ,N 2 )。
- 两个线圈的自感系数(L 1 ,L 2 )。
- 线圈横截面积。
- 两个线圈缠绕在其上的材料的性质或线圈之间的介质的磁导率 (μ r )。
- 两个线圈被这个距离分开。 (随着 d 变大,M 缩小。)
- 主线圈和次级线圈的方向(90 度方向无磁通关系 M=0)。
- 在初级线圈和次级线圈之间,存在“K”耦合因子。
- M、L 1和 L 2之间的关系: 对于两个磁耦合线圈 M = K √L 1 L 2 ,其中 k – 耦合系数或耦合因子,定义为,
K = 次级连接的磁通量 / 初级连接的磁通量
- 两个同心共面圆形线圈,M = πμ 0 N 1 N 2 r 2 /2R
- 两个电磁阀,M = μ 0 N 1 N 2 A/l
- 两个同心共面方形线圈,M = μ 0 2√2N 1 N 2 l 2 /πL
- 系列
如果两个互感自感线圈L 1和L 2串联连接并相隔足够大的距离,使得它们之间的互感不显着,则净自感L s = L 1 + L 2 。
当它们靠近时,净电感为 L s = L 1 + L 2 ± 2M。
- 平行线
当两个互感自感线圈L 1和L 2并联并相隔较大距离时,净电感L为1/L p = 1/L 1 + 1/L 2 。
∴ L p = L 1 L 2 /L 1 + L 2
L p = L 1 L 2 – M 2 /L 1 + L 2 ± 2M
自感与互感Self Induction Mutual Induction The coil’s self-inductance is a property of the coil. The characteristic of a pair of coils is mutual inductance. When the main current in the coil declines, the induced current resists the decay of current in the coil. When the main current in the coil declines, the induced current created in the nearby coil opposes the decay of the current in the coil. When the coil’s primary current grows, the induced current opposes the expansion of current in the coil. When the coil’s primary current grows, the induced current created in the adjoining coil opposes the coil’s current development.
- 与磁场变化率成正比的磁通量称为感应。
- 线圈上的感应电动势与通过它的电流变化的速率有关。
- 电感是该关系中的比例常数。
- H是电感的SI单位(亨利)。它用字母 L 表示。
- 法拉第电磁感应定律是一种电磁基本定律,它描述了磁场如何与电路相互作用以产生电动势 (EMF)。
- 法拉第定律是这种现象的名称,称为电磁感应。
- 互感是一对导体的特性,而自感是导体单独的特性。
问题1:三个线圈串联在一起。每个线圈的电感分别为 5H、4H 和 6H。计算电感当量。
Given: L1 = 5H, L2 = 4H, L3 = 6H
The series inductance all sum as
L = L1 + L2 + L3
∴ L = 5 + 4 + 6
∴ L = 15H
The following are some of the factors that influence inductance:
- The inductor’s wire has a specific number of turns.
- The material that was used to make the core.
- The core’s appearance.
Faraday established the Electromagnetic Induction Law, which states that by altering the magnetic flux, an electromotive force is induced in the circuit. The concept of induction is derived from Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. The electromotive force generated to counteract a change in current at a specific time interval is known as inductance.
问题 3:定义线圈的自感。为它建立一个 SI 单位。
The property of a coil that opposes the growth or decay of the current flowing through it is known as self-induction.
Henry is the SI unit of self-inductance (H).
问题 4:考虑一个 500 匝螺线管绕在相对磁导率为 800 的铁芯上。螺线管的长度为 40 厘米,其半径为 3 厘米。电流从 0 变为 3 A。以 0.4 秒为间隔计算电流变化的平均感应电动势。
N = 500 turns, μr = 800, Length = 40 cm = 0.4 m
Radius, r = 3 cm = 0.03 m
Change in current, di = 3 – 0 = 3 A
Change in time, dt = 0.4 sec
Self-inductance is given as
L = μN2Al = μ0μrN2πr2/l
∴ L = (4)(3.14)(10-7)(800)(5002)(3.14)(3 × 10-2)2/0.4
∴ L = 1.77 H
ε = L di/dt = 1.77 × 3/0.4
∴ ε = 13.275 V
问题 5:解释电感的组合。
- Series:
If two mutually inducting self inductance coils L1 and L2 are connected in series and separated by a large enough distance that mutual induction between them is insignificant, then net self inductance Ls = L1 + L2.
When they’re near together, the net inductance is Ls = L1 + L2 ± 2M.
- Parallel:
When two mutually inducting self-inductance coils L1 and L2 are linked in parallel and separated by a large distance, the net inductance L is 1/Lp = 1/L1 + 1/L2.
∴ Lp = L1L2/L1+L2
When they are in close proximity to one another,
Lp = L1L2 – M2/L1 + L2 ± 2M
问题 6:写出自感和互感的区别。
回答:Self Induction Mutual Induction The coil’s self inductance is a property of the coil. The characteristic of a pair of coils is mutual inductance. When the main current in the coil declines, the induced current resists the decay of current in the coil. When the main current in the coil declines, the induced current created in the nearby coil opposes the decay of the current in the coil. When the coil’s primary current grows, the induced current opposes the expansion of current in the coil. When the coil’s primary current grows, the induced current created in the adjoining coil opposes the coil’s current development.
Given: L = 6H, f = 70Hz
X = 2πfL
X = 2 × 3.14 × 70 × 6
X = 2637.6 Ω