按照惯例,首先列出行,然后是列。因此,前面矩阵的大小(或顺序)为 4 x 3,表示它包含 4 行和 3 列。矩阵的元素是出现在矩阵的行和列中的数字。上述矩阵中第一行第一列的元素为1;第一行第二列的元素是2;等等。
矩阵的逆矩阵是另一个矩阵,当它与给定矩阵相乘时,会产生乘法恒等式。对于矩阵 A 及其逆矩阵 A -1 ,恒等属性成立。
A.A-1 = A-1A = I, where I is the identity matrix.
- 次要:为每个矩阵元素定义次要。删除包含该元素的行和列后产生的行列式是该元素的次要元素。对于矩阵 ,第一个元素 1 的小调是, .
- 辅因子:元素的辅因子是通过将次要与 -1 乘以元素的顺序表示中的行和列元素之和的指数来计算的。
Cofactor of aij = (-1)i+j Mij, where Mij is the minor of that element
- 行列式:矩阵的行列式等于矩阵的特定行或列的元素及其辅因子的乘积之和。
- 矩阵的伴随:矩阵的伴随是矩阵的辅因子矩阵的转置。
矩阵 A 的逆矩阵,即 A -1是使用矩阵逆公式计算的,该公式涉及将矩阵的伴随除以其行列式。
adj A = adjoint of the matrix A
|A| = determinant of the matrix A
矩阵 A 的逆矩阵可以通过以下步骤计算:
步骤 1:确定所有 A 元素的小调。
步骤 2:接下来,计算所有元素的辅因子,并通过将 A 的元素替换为它们各自的辅因子来构建辅因子矩阵。
第 3 步:对 A 的辅因子矩阵进行转置以找到它的伴随矩阵(写为 adj A)。
第 4 步:将 adj A 乘以行列式的倒数。
We have,
Find the adjoint of matrix A by computing the cofactors of each element and then getting the cofactor matrix’s transpose.
adj A =
Find the value of determinant of the matrix.
|A| = 4(18–25) – 3(54–5) + 8(30–2)
= 49
So, the inverse of the matrix is,
A–1 =
We have,
Find the adjoint of matrix A by computing the cofactors of each element and then getting the cofactor matrix’s transpose.
adj A =
Find the value of determinant of the matrix.
|A| = 2(4–6) – 3(4–4) + 1(3–2)
= –3
So, the inverse of the matrix is,
A–1 =
问题 2. 求矩阵 A= 的逆矩阵使用公式。
We have,
Find the adjoint of matrix A by computing the cofactors of each element and then getting the cofactor matrix’s transpose.
adj A =
Find the value of determinant of the matrix.
|A| = 6(0–4) – 2(0–8) + 3(0–0)
= 16
So, the inverse of the matrix is,
A–1 =
问题 3. 求矩阵 A= 的逆使用公式。
We have,
Find the adjoint of matrix A by computing the cofactors of each element and then getting the cofactor matrix’s transpose.
adj A =
Find the value of determinant of the matrix.
|A| = 1(1–0) – 2(0–0) + 3(0–0)
= 1
So, the inverse of the matrix is,
A–1 =
问题 4. 求矩阵 A= 的逆使用公式。
We have,
Find the adjoint of matrix A by computing the cofactors of each element and then getting the cofactor matrix’s transpose.
adj A =
Find the value of determinant of the matrix.
|A| = 1(1–16) – 2(2–12) + 3(8–3)
= 20
So, the inverse of the matrix is,
A–1 =
问题 5. 求矩阵 A= 的逆矩阵使用公式。
We have,
Find the adjoint of matrix A by computing the cofactors of each element and then getting the cofactor matrix’s transpose.
adj A =
Find the value of determinant of the matrix.
|A| = 2(0–3) – 3(0–3) + 4(1–2)
= –1
So, the inverse of the matrix is,
A–1 =
问题 6. 求矩阵 A= 的逆使用公式。
We have,
Find the adjoint of matrix A by computing the cofactors of each element and then getting the cofactor matrix’s transpose.
adj A =
Find the value of determinant of the matrix.
|A| = 3(63–81) – 5(45–72) + 7(45–56)
= 4
So, the inverse of the matrix is,
A–1 =