具有唯一数字的最小的 3 位数字是多少?
在我们的日常生活中,我们使用数字。它们通常被称为数字。我们无法计算物体、日期、时间、金钱或任何没有数字的东西。这些数字有时用于测量,有时用于标记。数字具有允许它们对它们进行算术运算的功能。这些数字用数字和文字表示。例如,3 写成 3,33 写成 33,以此类推。为了进一步学习,学生可以练习用文字写出 1 到 100 的数字。
A number is an arithmetic value that is used to represent and calculate a quantity. Numbers are represented by numerals, which are written symbols such as “2.”
A number system is a method of writing numbers that uses logical digits or symbols to represent them.
- 自然数:自然数是从 1 到无穷大的正整数,其中包含从 1 到无穷大的正整数。自然数集合用字母“N”表示,由N = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,…………
- 整数:非负整数,通常称为整数,是不包含任何小数或小数部分的非负整数。它用字母“W”表示,整数集合包含W = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,…………
- 整数:整数是所有整数的集合,但它们也包括一组负自然数。整数用字母“Z”表示,整数的集合是 Z = -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3。
- 实数:实数都是不包含虚数的正整数和负整数、小数和小数。字母“R”用于表示它。
- 有理数:有理数是可以表示为一个数与另一个数的比率的任何数。任何可以写成 p/q 形式的数字都符合条件。有理数用符号“Q”表示。
- 无理数:无理数是不能表示为一个与另一个的比率的数字,用字母 P 表示。
- 复数:复数 (C) 是可以用 a+bi 形式表示的数字,其中“a”和“b”是实数,I 是虚数。
If a number is 12345 then 5 is at units place, 4 is at tens place, 3 is at hundredth place, 2 is at thousand place, and so on…….
So, a number can be written as: 1*(Digit at ones place) + 10*(Digit at tens place) + 100*(Digit at hundreds place)+………………….
具有唯一数字的最小的 3 位数字是多少?
Three digit numbers start from 100, 101, 102,…………. to 999.
We have to find the number with unique digits, so we can just take 1 as first digit, as a number can’t start with 0,
and to keep the number smallest we can take the 0 as second digit and as we have already used 0 and 1 as digits and we have to use unique digits so to keep the number smallest we have to use the smallest digit other than 0 and 1 i.e. 2 as third digit.
So, here the number will be 102.
Three digit numbers start from 1000, 1001, 1002,…………. to 9999.
We have to find the number with unique digits, so we can just take 1 as first digit, as a number can’t start with 0,and to keep the number smallest we can take the 0 as second digit and as we have already used 0 and 1 as digits and we have to use unique digits so to keep the number smallest we have to use the smallest digit other than 0 and 1 i.e. 2 as third digit and similarly 3 as 4th digit. So, here the number will be 1023.
Three digit numbers start from 100, 101, 102,…………. to 999.
We have to find the largest number with unique digits, so we can just take 9 as first digit as it is the greatest digit and to keep it unique we can just take 8 and 7 as 2nd and 3rd digit respectively. So, here the number will be 987.