📜  使用Python和 Graphviz 将 Epsilon-NFA 转换为 DFA

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:33.332000             🧑  作者: Mango

使用Python和 Graphviz 将 Epsilon-NFA 转换为 DFA

有限自动机 (FA)是一种简单的机器,用于匹配输入字符串中的模式。有限自动机是一个五元组,即它有五个元素。在本文中,我们将了解如何使用Python和 Graphviz 将 epsilon-NFA 转换为 DFA。

FA 的五元组表示为:

\langle Q, \Sigma, q_0, F, \delta \rangle


  1. 有限状态集 (Q)
  2. 一组有限的输入字母 ( \Sigma      )
  3. 开始状态 ( {q_0}      )
  4. 一组有限的最终状态 (F)
  5. 转换函数( \delta      )


  • 确定性有限自动机 (DFA)
  • 非确定性有限自动机 (NFA)


确定性有限自动机 (DFA)

确定性有限自动机 (DFA)是一种 FA,其中对于转换函数中定义的输入字母表,机器只能进入一个固定状态。

DFA 不允许{\epsilon}      (null) 字母表,这意味着如果没有检测到字母表,机器将不会改变状态。

对于 DFA,

\delta:Q X \Sigma\rightarrow Q

例如,DFA 接受由 f 和 g 组成的所有字符串,其中包含“gfg”作为子字符串。


非确定性有限自动机 (NFA)

非确定性有限自动机 (NFA)是一种 FA,其中机器可以针对输入字母表进入多个状态。

对于 NFA,

\delta: Q X \Sigma\rightarrow 2^Q

NFA 允许\epsilon      移动称为E-NFAEpsilon-NFA

NFA 允许\epsilon      (null) 字母表意味着即使没有检测到输入字母表,机器也可以改变状态。

对于 E-NFA,

\delta: Q X (\Sigma\cup\epsilon)\rightarrow 2^Q

例如,NFA 接受由 f 和 g 组成的所有字符串,其中包含“gfg”作为子字符串。


2^Q      是因为,对于每个过渡,都有 2 种可能性,过渡或不过渡。这适用于每个 Q 状态。所以2^Q      将是每个转换的全部可能配置。


计算机可以理解 FA 的基本形式,即 DFA。但是由于 NFA 的特性,我们人类可以轻松理解 NFA 和更好的 E-NFA。所以我们需要将 E-NFA 转换为 DFA。

将 E-NFA 转换为 DFA 的步骤:

\epsilon      – 闭包:这是我们可以在没有任何输入的情况下进入的状态集,即\epsilon      移动。

第 1 步:查找\epsilon      – NFA 开始状态的关闭,这将是 DFA 的开始状态。

第 2 步:从这组开始,对每个字母表进行评估\epsilon      – 关闭此字母表的转换集。

步骤 3:对于我们遇到的每个新的闭包集合,我们将重复步骤 2,直到没有新的集合。

Step 4: DFA 中包含 NFA 最终状态的集合将成为最终集合状态。


让给定的 E-NFA 为:


NFA: \langle Q, \Sigma, q_0, F, \delta \rangle


\Sigma      : {a, b, c}

q_0      : 一种




它是一种语言的 NFA,它接受以下类型的字符串:{ {a^lb^mc^n}      , 在哪里{l\ge0,m\ge1,n\ge1}      }


States{\epsilon}       – closure

第 1 步:查找\epsilon      – NFA 开始状态的关闭,这将是 DFA 的开始状态。

\epsilon        – 关闭 NFA 的启动状态。

\epsilon        – 关闭 (A) : {A,B,C}

步骤 2,3:从这组开始,对于每个字母,评估\epsilon      – 关闭此字母表的转换集。和 对于我们遇到的每一组新的闭包集,我们将重复步骤 2,直到没有新的集合被留下。

DFA 的当前状态集:{ABC}

  • {ABC} -> a = A -> a : ABC
  • {ABC} -> b = BD -> b : BD
  • {ABC} -> c = CD -> c : CD

DFA 的当前状态集:{ABC, BD, CD}

  • {BD} -> a = \phi
  • {BD} -> b = BD
  • {BD} -> c = \phi
  • {CD} -> a = \phi
  • {CD} -> b = \phi
  • {CD} -> c = CD

DFA、Q 的国家:{ABC、BD、CD、 \phi      }



Step 4: DFA 中包含 NFA 最终状态的集合将成为最终集合状态。

D 是 NFA 的最终状态。因此,在其集合中包含 D 的所有状态都将是 DFA 中的最终状态。

所以 DFA, F 的最终状态:{BD, CD}

DFA 获得:


\phi      也称为死状态,因为它没有出边。所以机器到达死亡状态后,就无法到达最终状态。



要在Python中安装 graphviz,请在终端中运行以下命令:

pip install graphviz



  1. 状态数: no_state
  2. 状态数组:状态
  3. 字母数量: no_alphabet
  4. 字母数组:字母
  5. 开始状态:开始
  6. 最终状态数: no_final
  7. 最终状态数组:决赛
  8. 转换次数: no_transition
  9. 转换数组:转换
    转换的类型:[From State, Alphabet, To State]

效用 :

  1. 从状态获取索引的字典/映射: states_dict
  2. 字典/地图从字母表中获取索引: alphabets_dict
  3. 转换表字典从“状态”和“字母”对获取“到”状态数组: transition_table
  4. 存储 NFA 图形的 Digraph 对象: graph


  1. NFA 类的构造函数: __init__()
  2. 从用户那里获取输入: fromUser()
  3. NFA 五元组的表示: __repr__()
  4. 查找状态的 Epsilon 闭包: getEpsilonClosure(state)
    为了找到一个状态的 epsilon 闭包,我们维护一个堆栈来获取接下来要评估的状态,并维护一个字典来跟踪哪些状态已经被评估。
    我们从 start 状态开始一个 while 循环,并找到它的 epsilon 转换状态。
    我们将所有这些状态推送到堆栈 (stack.push(stata)) 并在字典中标记它们 (dict[state]=0)。
  5. 从状态数组中为转换后的 DFA 图找到适当的状态名称: getStateName(state_list)
    由于我们将从评估中获得状态列表,因此要在 DFA 图中显示,我们需要一个正确的名称,它将是集合中所有名称的串联。
    例如:要状态设置为 ={A,B,D} ,则此函数将返回一个字符串= “ABD”。
  6. 检查数组是否包含 NFA 的最终状态以查找数组是否将是 DFA 中的最终状态: isFinalDFA(state_list)
    此函数检查状态列表是否包含 NFA 中的最终状态,这反过来将判断该集合是否为最终状态。
    例如:我们正在检查的集合是 = {A,B,D},并且 D 是 NFA 中的最终状态。所以这个函数将为这个输入集返回 True。所以这个集合将是 DFA 中的最终状态。


  1. 创建 NFA 类的对象: nfa ,并使用构造函数或使用用户输入将其初始化为预定义的值。
  2. 根据输入值用节点和边初始化nfa.graph
  3. 显示/渲染 NFA 图。
  4. 制作另一个 Digraph 对象来存储获得的 DFA 的值并渲染图表: dfa
  5. 评估 NFA 的所有状态的 epsilon 闭包以不每次都重新计算,并将其存储在字典中,键值对为 [state -> list of states ofclosure]: epsilon_closure{}
  6. 创建一个堆栈以跟踪接下来要评估的 DFA 状态: dfa_stack[]
  7. 添加 NFA 的起始状态的 epsilon 闭包作为 DFA 的起始状态。
  8. 制作一个列表以维护 DFA 中存在的所有状态: dfa_states[]
  9. 开始一个 while 循环,我们一直持续到 dfa_stack 中没有新状态为止。
  10. 我们弹出dfa_stack的顶部来评估当前状态集: cur_state。
  11. 我们遍历当前状态集的所有字母表。
  12. 我们创建一个集合来维护当前集合中所有状态的 epsilon 闭包: from_closure{}
  13. 如果这个集合不为空,
    • 我们制作另一个集合来维护to_state集合。
    • 如果该集合在dfa_states中不存在,那么我们将其附加到dfa_stackdfa_states 中。
    • 然后我们在dfa图中添加这个节点,并在cur_stateto_state 之间添加一条边。
  14. 否则这个集合是空的,那么
    • 这种情况是死状态。
    • 如果dfa中不存在死状态,那么我们添加新状态\phi      .我们将所有字母都转换为自身,这样机器就永远不会离开死状态。
    • 我们将cur_state转换为这个 dead_state。
  15. 最后,所有的状态都被评估了。所以我们将渲染/查看这个dfa图。


# Conversion of epsilon-NFA to DFA and visualization using Graphviz
from graphviz import Digraph
class NFA:
    def __init__(self, no_state, states, no_alphabet, alphabets, start,
                 no_final, finals, no_transition, transitions):
        self.no_state = no_state
        self.states = states
        self.no_alphabet = no_alphabet
        self.alphabets = alphabets
        # Adding epsilon alphabet to the list
        # and incrementing the alphabet count
        self.no_alphabet += 1
        self.start = start
        self.no_final = no_final
        self.finals = finals
        self.no_transition = no_transition
        self.transitions = transitions
        self.graph = Digraph()
        # Dictionaries to get index of states or alphabets
        self.states_dict = dict()
        for i in range(self.no_state):
            self.states_dict[self.states[i]] = i
        self.alphabets_dict = dict()
        for i in range(self.no_alphabet):
            self.alphabets_dict[self.alphabets[i]] = i
        # transition table is of the form
        # [From State + Alphabet pair] -> [Set of To States]
        self.transition_table = dict()
        for i in range(self.no_state):
            for j in range(self.no_alphabet):
                self.transition_table[str(i)+str(j)] = []
        for i in range(self.no_transition):
                                  + str(self.alphabets_dict[
    # Method to get input from User
    def fromUser(cls):
        no_state = int(input("Number of States : "))
        states = list(input("States : ").split())
        no_alphabet = int(input("Number of Alphabets : "))
        alphabets = list(input("Alphabets : ").split())
        start = input("Start State : ")
        no_final = int(input("Number of Final States : "))
        finals = list(input("Final States : ").split())
        no_transition = int(input("Number of Transitions : "))
        transitions = list()
        print("Enter Transitions (from alphabet to) (e for epsilon): ")
        for i in range(no_transition):
            transitions.append(input("-> ").split())
        return cls(no_state, states, no_alphabet, alphabets, start,
                   no_final, finals, no_transition, transitions)
    # Method to represent quintuple
    def __repr__(self):
        return "Q : " + str(self.states)+"\nΣ : "
        + str(self.alphabets)+"\nq0 : "
        + str(self.start)+"\nF : "+str(self.finals) + \
            "\nδ : \n" + str(self.transition_table)
    def getEpsilonClosure(self, state):
        # Method to get Epsilon Closure of a state of NFA
        # Make a dictionary to track if the state has been visited before
        # And a array that will act as a stack to get the state to visit next
        closure = dict()
        closure[self.states_dict[state]] = 0
        closure_stack = [self.states_dict[state]]
        # While stack is not empty the loop will run
        while (len(closure_stack) > 0):
            # Get the top of stack that will be evaluated now
            cur = closure_stack.pop(0)
            # For the epsilon transition of that state,
            # if not present in closure array then add to dict and push to stack
            for x in self.transition_table[
                if x not in closure.keys():
                    closure[x] = 0
            closure[cur] = 1
        return closure.keys()
    def getStateName(self, state_list):
        # Get name from set of states to display in the final DFA diagram
        name = ''
        for x in state_list:
            name += self.states[x]
        return name
    def isFinalDFA(self, state_list):
        # Method to check if the set of state is final state in DFA
        # by checking if any of the set is a final state in NFA
        for x in state_list:
            for y in self.finals:
                if (x == self.states_dict[y]):
                    return True
        return False
print("E-NFA to DFA")
# Number of States : no_state
# Array of States : states
# Number of Alphabets : no_alphabet
# Array of Alphabets : alphabets
# Start State : start
# Number of Final States : no_final
# Array of Final States : finals
# Number of Transitions : no_transition
# Array of Transitions : transitions
nfa = NFA(
    4,  # number of states
    ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],  # array of states
    3,  # number of alphabets
    ['a', 'b', 'c'],  # array of alphabets
    'A',  # start state
    1,  # number of final states
    ['D'],  # array of final states
    7,  # number of transitions
    [['A', 'a', 'A'], ['A', 'e', 'B'], ['B', 'b', 'B'],
     ['A', 'e', 'C'], ['C', 'c', 'C'], ['B', 'b', 'D'],
     ['C', 'c', 'D']]
    # array of transitions with its element of type :
    # [from state, alphabet, to state]
# nfa = NFA.fromUser() # To get input from user
# print(repr(nfa)) # To print the quintuple in console
# Making an object of Digraph to visualize NFA diagram
nfa.graph = Digraph()
# Adding states/nodes in NFA diagram
for x in nfa.states:
    # If state is not a final state, then border shape is single circle
    # Else it is double circle
    if (x not in nfa.finals):
        nfa.graph.attr('node', shape='circle')
        nfa.graph.attr('node', shape='doublecircle')
# Adding start state arrow in NFA diagram
nfa.graph.attr('node', shape='none')
nfa.graph.edge('', nfa.start)
# Adding edge between states in NFA from the transitions array
for x in nfa.transitions:
    nfa.graph.edge(x[0], x[2], label=('ε', x[1])[x[1] != 'e'])
# Makes a pdf with name nfa.graph.pdf and views the pdf
nfa.graph.render('nfa', view=True)
# Making an object of Digraph to visualize DFA diagram
dfa = Digraph()
# Finding epsilon closure beforehand so to not recalculate each time
epsilon_closure = dict()
for x in nfa.states:
    epsilon_closure[x] = list(nfa.getEpsilonClosure(x))
# First state of DFA will be epsilon closure of start state of NFA
# This list will act as stack to maintain till when to evaluate the states
dfa_stack = list()
# Check if start state is the final state in DFA
if (nfa.isFinalDFA(dfa_stack[0])):
    dfa.attr('node', shape='doublecircle')
    dfa.attr('node', shape='circle')
# Adding start state arrow to start state in DFA
dfa.attr('node', shape='none')
dfa.edge('', nfa.getStateName(dfa_stack[0]))
# List to store the states of DFA
dfa_states = list()
# Loop will run till this stack is not empty
while (len(dfa_stack) > 0):
    # Getting top of the stack for current evaluation
    cur_state = dfa_stack.pop(0)
    # Traversing through all the alphabets for evaluating transitions in DFA
    for al in range((nfa.no_alphabet) - 1):
        # Set to see if the epsilon closure of the set is empty or not
        from_closure = set()
        for x in cur_state:
            # Performing Union update and adding all the new states in set
        # Check if epsilon closure of the new set is not empty
        if (len(from_closure) > 0):
            # Set for the To state set in DFA
            to_state = set()
            for x in list(from_closure):
            # Check if the to state already exists in DFA and if not then add it
            if list(to_state) not in dfa_states:
                # Check if this set contains final state of NFA
                # to get if this set will be final state in DFA
                if (nfa.isFinalDFA(list(to_state))):
                    dfa.attr('node', shape='doublecircle')
                    dfa.attr('node', shape='circle')
            # Adding edge between from state and to state
        # Else case for empty epsilon closure
        # This is a dead state(ϕ) in DFA
            # Check if any dead state was present before this
            # if not then make a new dead state ϕ
            if (-1) not in dfa_states:
                dfa.attr('node', shape='circle')
                # For new dead state, add all transitions to itself,
                # so that machine cannot leave the dead state
                for alpha in range(nfa.no_alphabet - 1):
                    dfa.edge('ϕ', 'ϕ', nfa.alphabets[alpha])
                # Adding -1 to list to mark that dead state is present
            # Adding transition to dead state
                     'ϕ', label = nfa.alphabets[al])
# Makes a pdf with name dfa.pdf and views the pdf
dfa.render('dfa', view = True)



将 NFA 转换为 DFA 的算法复杂度:

时间复杂度: O(2^Q\times N)

空间复杂度: O(2^Q\times N)

其中,Q = NFA 的国家数量,N = NFA 的字母数量。