📜  招聘与选拔的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-11 06:24:39             🧑  作者: Mango


2. 选择:


01. Recruitment refers to a process of simulating applicants for a vacant job position and finding qualified applicants for the job. Selection refers to the process of shortlisting the applicants and selecting the best applicants who are suitable for that job position.
02. It attracts and encourages a large number of candidates for a job. It attempts to reject unsuitable candidates and picking up suitable candidates.
03. That’s why it is considered as a positive process/approach. That’s why it is considered as a negative process/approach.
04. Recruitment proceeds selection. Selection follows recruitment.
05. Recruitment is a simple process. Selection is a complicated process.
06. It is the initial process so takes place before selection. It is the final process so takes place after selection.
07. It is an economical method. It is an expensive method.
08. In this less time is required. In this more time time is required.
09. The main objective of recruitment is to create a pool of eligible candidates for the purpose of selection. The main objective of selection is to get the best candidates selected for the job role.
10. It involves everything from identification of a hiring need to filling. It involves choosing the right candidate from the applications received.
11. In this no contractual relation for the service is created. After selection for the job role a contractual relation for the service is created.
12. During recruitment large number of talent pools or candidates are involved. During and after selection very less and limited number of candidates are involved.