让 x 是一个无理数,那么关于 x2 可以说什么呢?
Numbers are the mathematical figures or values applicable for counting, measuring, and other arithmetic calculations. Some examples of numbers are integers, whole numbers, natural numbers, rational and irrational numbers, etc.
- 自然数:自然数从 1 到无穷大。它们是由'N'表示的正计数数。这是我们通常用于计数的数字。自然数集合可以表示为 N = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,………………}
- 整数:整数从零到无穷大。整数不包括分数或小数。整数集由'W'表示。该集合可以表示为 W={0,1,2,3,4,5,………………}
- 有理数:有理数是可以表示为两个整数之比的数。它包括所有整数,可以用分数或小数表示,用“Q”表示。
- 无理数:无理数是不能用分数或整数比表示的数字。它可以写成小数,小数点后有无穷无尽的不重复数字。它们由“P”表示。
- 整数:整数是一组数字,包括所有正数、零以及从负无穷到正无穷的所有负数。该集合不包括分数和小数。整数集由'Z'表示。示例:Z={…………..,-5.-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,………….}
- 十进制数:任何由小数点组成的数值都是十进制数。可以表示为2.5、0.567等。
- 实数:不包括任何虚数并且是所有正整数、负整数、分数和十进制值的组成部分的数字集合是实数。它通常用“R”表示。
- 复数:它们是一组数字,其中包括虚数是复数。它可以表示为 a+bi,其中“a”和“b”是实数。它用“C”表示。
在解释无理数之前,让我们简要介绍一下有理数。可以表示为两个整数之间的比率的数字被定义为有理数。它是 a/b 的形式,这里“a”是分子,“b”是分母,其中 a 和 b 是整数,b ≠ 0。例如,分数 1/5 和 -2222/8 都是有理数。所有整数都包含在有理数中,我们可以将任何整数“z”写为 z/1 的比率。
Irrational numbers are numbers that cannot be expressed in fractions or ratios of integers. It can be written in decimals and have endless non-repeating digits after the decimal point. They are represented by ‘P’.
The number which is not rational or we cannot write in form of fraction a/b is defined as Irrational numbers. Here √2 is an irrational number, if calculated the value of √2, it will be √2 = 1.14121356230951, and will the numbers go on into infinity and will not ever repeat, and they don’t ever terminate. It can’t be written in a/b form where b is not equal to zero. The resultant value is actually non-terminating and there is no pattern in the digits after the decimal. These types of numbers are called irrational numbers.
计算时考虑√3,√3 = 1.732050807。接收到的模式是非重复和非终止的。所以这里的√3也是一个无理数。
但在 √9 的情况下,√9 = 3 这是一个有理数。完全平方的平方根永远是有理数。
让 x 是一个无理数,那么关于 x 2可以说什么呢?
As per the Question: x is an irrational number
So lets assume x = √2
therefore x2 = (√2)2
= 2 which is Rational number
Hence the x2 will be Rational number if x is an irrational number
1.5, π, 1/3, 0.857857
The numbers that cannot be expressed as fraction are irrational numbers. So here 1.5 can be written as 3/2 and 1/3 itself a fraction, 0.857857 can be written as 8578/1000 .so these are rational numbers.
π is the only irrational here which can’t be expressed as fraction.
问题 2:确定 7.5 是有理数还是无理数?
The number 7.5 is a rational number. Since rational numbers can also be expressed as decimals with repeating digits after the decimal point. Here we can write 7.5 as 75/10 and further write it as 15/2 = 7.5 so its a rational number.