在酸、碱和盐的分类中硝酸铵属于无机盐的范畴。由酸(如 HNO 3 )和碱(如 NH 4 OH)反应生成。它由氮、氧和氢原子组成。硝酸铵常用于化肥、烟火、除草剂和杀虫剂;以及制造一氧化二氮。硝酸铵的研究属于无机化学,在许多其他无机化合物的制造中起着至关重要的作用。
根据当前的元素周期表,下面是氮、氧和氢之间的一些比较:Properties/Element Nitrogen Oxygen Hydrogen Chemical Symbol N O H Atomic number 7 8 1 Atomic mass 14 16 2 Physical states gas gas gas Valence electron 5 6 1 Valency 3 2 1 Melting point 63.14 K 54.36 K 13.99 K Boiling point 77.36 K 90.19 K 20.28 K Metal / non-metal non-metal non-metal non-metal Percentage presence in the atmosphere 78 21 0.00005
硝酸铵是一种无色结晶盐,由两个离子组成;阳离子,铵离子(NH 4 + )和阴离子硝酸根离子(NO 3 - )。阳离子和阴离子通过牢固的电价键结合在一起。它高度溶于水。
- 硝酸铵的化学式是NH 4 NO 3 。它由2个氮原子、3个氧原子和4个氢原子组成。
- 硝酸铵的分子式是N 2 H 4 O 3 。
- 摩尔质量是 80.052 g/mol
- 爆炸后,该化合物产生氮气(N 2 )、氧气(O 2 )和水。
- 加热时,该化合物分解形成一氧化二氮 (N 2 O) 和水。
- 尽管硝酸盐是许多炸药的组成部分,但它本身并不是炸药。它必须与叠氮化物等初级炸药混合才能制成炸药。
- 当 NH4NO3 与碱金属的氢氧化物反应时,会生成碱金属的硝酸盐和氨作为产物。
- 这种化合物具有非常低的冲击和摩擦敏感性。
- NH 4 NO 3在H 2 O中的溶解本质上是非常吸热的。
- 它具有三角晶体结构。
- 硝酸铵是一种白色或灰色的结晶固体。
- 溶于水:20℃时溶解度为150g/100ml。当温度升高到100℃时溶解度增加到1024g/100ml。
Laboratory formation: NH4NO3 can be prepared in laboratory from the acid base reaction between nitric acid and ammonia.
Chemical equation can be stated as follow:
NH3 + HNO3 = NH4NO3
Natural formation: Ammonium nitrate is found as the natural mineral gwihabaite in the driest regions of the Atacama Desert in Chile. It was mined there until the Haber–Bosch process made it possible to synthesise nitrates from atmospheric nitrogen, thus rendering nitrate mining obsolete.
The Haber–Bosch process, is a man-made organic process and is that the main industrial procedure for the manufacturing of ammonia today. It is named after its inventors, the German chemists Haber and Carl Bosch, who developed it within the first decade of the 20th century. The process converts atmospheric nitrogen (N2) to ammonia (NH3) by a reaction with hydrogen (H2) employing a metal catalyst under high temperatures and pressures:
N2 + 3 H2 -> 2 NH3
- 它最常用于人造肥料、高温技术、除草剂和杀虫剂
- 用于制造一氧化二氮
- 用作氮氧化物的吸收剂
- 冷冻混合物的成分
- 火箭推进剂中的氧化剂
- 酵母和抗生素的营养物质
- 广泛用于炸药,特别是用作爆破岩石和采矿的油混合物。
- 硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐用于腌制肉类并产生特有的风味和粉红色,以防止酸败并防止肉中或肉上肉毒杆菌孢子的生长。
Recent Trivia: On 4th august 2020 the lebanese capital Beirut experienced a massive explosion which was caused by more than 2,700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate stored improperly.
The government has amended the rules for ammonium nitrate to curb its pilferage, introduce fire fighting provisions as well as improve ways to handle and store the chemical in the light of lessons learnt from the deadly explosion that killed about 140 people.
Ammonium nitrate fertiliser is the compound’s most common application but it also has a very volatile quality, making it useful in some industries. the use of NH4NO3 (nitrate) in gardens and large-scale growing fields stimulates plant growth and provides a ready source of nitrogen that plants can draw from.
It feels cold when ammonium nitrate is dissolved in water which indicates this reaction is an endothermic reaction. In an endothermic reaction, the ammonium nitrate dissolves in water and the water absorbs heat rather than releases it. It contains tightly packed ionic bonds.
Ammonium Nitrate is used as an ingredient for the manufacture of explosives, anaesthetic gases, fertilizers, cold packs, etc.
Ammonium Nitrate is not an explosive by its nature. However, it is one of the ingredients used for manufacturing explosives. Ammonium Nitrate is used as an oxidiser and when added with other ingredients like fuel, etc., it becomes explosive. For such explosive mixtures to explode, initiators like detonators are required.
On heating Ammonium Nitrate, Nitrous Oxide and water vapour are formed. The chemical reaction for same is given below: