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📜  通过后缀数组对k-mers进行计数

📅  最后修改于: 2021-04-17 12:01:06             🧑  作者: Mango


术语k-mer通常是指字符串中包含的所有可能的长度为k的子字符串。对DNA / RNA测序读数中的所有k-mers进行计数是许多生物信息学应用的第一步。



让我们以“ banana $”一词为例。

6     $   
          5     a$
          3     ana$
          1     anana$
          0     banana$
          4     na$                    
          2     nana$

步骤2:迭代后缀数组,保持“ curr_count”
1.如果当前后缀的长度小于k,则跳过迭代。也就是说,如果k = 2 ,则当当前后缀为$时,将跳过迭代。
2.如果当前后缀以与上一个后缀相同的长度-k子字符串开头,则递增curr_count。例如,在第四次迭代期间,当前后缀“ anana $”以长度k “ an”相同的子串开头,与前一个后缀“ ana $”相同。因此,在这种情况下,我们将增加curr_count。

curr_count  Valid Pair
 6     $           1                     
 5     a$          1
 3     ana$        1         (a$, 1)
 1     anana$      1
 0     banana$     2         (an, 2)
 4     na$         1         (ba, 1)               
 2     nana$       1         (na, 2)


Input : banana$ // Input text
Output : (a$, 1) // k- mers
         (an, 2)
         (ba, 1)
         (na, 2)
Input : geeksforgeeks
Output : (ee, 2) 
         (ek, 2)
         (fo, 1)
         (ge, 2)
         (ks, 2)
         (or, 1)
         (sf, 1)


// C program to solve K-mer counting problem
// Structure to store data of a rotation
struct rotation {
    int index;
    char* suffix;
// Compares the rotations and
// sorts the rotations alphabetically
int cmpfunc(const void* x, const void* y)
    struct rotation* rx = (struct rotation*)x;
    struct rotation* ry = (struct rotation*)y;
    return strcmp(rx->suffix, ry->suffix);
// Takes input_text and its length as arguments
// and returns the corresponding suffix array
char** computeSuffixArray(char* input_text, 
                               int len_text)
    int i;
    // Array of structures to store rotations
    // and their indexes
    struct rotation suff[len_text];
    // Structure is needed to maintain old 
    // indexes of rotations after sorting them
    for (i = 0; i < len_text; i++) {
        suff[i].index = i;
        suff[i].suffix = (input_text + i);
    // Sorts rotations using comparison function
    // defined above
    qsort(suff, len_text, sizeof(struct rotation), cmpfunc);
    // Stores the suffixes of sorted rotations
    char** suffix_arr = 
       (char**)malloc(len_text * sizeof(char*));
    for (i = 0; i < len_text; i++) {
        suffix_arr[i] = 
        (char*)malloc((len_text + 1) * sizeof(char));
        strcpy(suffix_arr[i], suff[i].suffix);
    // Returns the computed suffix array
    return suffix_arr;
// Takes suffix array, its size and valid length as
// arguments and outputs the valid pairs of k - mers
void findValidPairs(char** suffix_arr, int n, int k)
    int curr_count = 1, i;
    char* prev_suff = (char*)malloc(n * sizeof(char));
    // Iterates over the suffix array,
    // keeping a current count
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        // Skipping the current suffix
        // if it has length < valid length
        if (strlen(suffix_arr[i]) < k) {
            if (i != 0 && strlen(prev_suff) == k) {
                printf("(%s, %d)\n", prev_suff, curr_count);
                curr_count = 1;}
            strcpy(prev_suff, suffix_arr[i]);
        // Incrementing the curr_count if first
        // k chars of prev_suff and current suffix
        // are same
        if (!(memcmp(prev_suff, suffix_arr[i], k))) {
        else {
            // Pair is valid when i!=0 (as there is
            // no prev_suff for i = 0) and when strlen
            // of prev_suff is k
            if (i != 0 && strlen(prev_suff) == k) {
                printf("(%s, %d)\n", prev_suff, curr_count);
                curr_count = 1;
                memcpy(prev_suff, suffix_arr[i], k);
                prev_suff[k] = '\0';
            else {
                memcpy(prev_suff, suffix_arr[i], k);
                prev_suff[k] = '\0';
        // Modifying prev_suff[i] to current suffix
        memcpy(prev_suff, suffix_arr[i], k);
        prev_suff[k] = '\0';
    // Printing the last valid pair
    printf("(%s, %d)\n", prev_suff, curr_count);
// Driver program to test functions above
int main()
    char input_text[] = "geeksforgeeks";
    int k = 2;
    int len_text = strlen(input_text);
    // Computes the suffix array of our text
    printf("Input Text: %s\n", input_text);
    char** suffix_arr = 
      computeSuffixArray(input_text, len_text);
    // Finds and outputs all valid pairs
    printf("k-mers: \n");
    findValidPairs(suffix_arr, len_text, k);
    return 0;


Input Text: banana$ 
(a$, 1)
(an, 2)
(ba, 1)
(na, 2)

时间复杂度: O(s * len_text * log(len_text)),假设s是最长后缀的长度。
