📜  二项式随机变量

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-04 15:20:43             🧑  作者: Mango





  1. 试验次数固定(样本量固定)。
  2. 在每个试验中,感兴趣的事件要么发生,要么不发生。
  3. 在每个试验中,发生(或不发生)的概率是相同的。
  4. 审判是相互独立的。


n = number of trials
p = probability of success in each trial
k = number of success in n trials






(number of ways to achieve k success
 and n-k failures)
(probability for each way to achieve k
 success and n-k failure)



E[X] = np


Var[X] = np(1-p)

例1 :考虑一个随机实验,其中将一枚有偏见的硬币(正面概率= 1/3)投掷10次。求出出现的正面个数为5的概率。

解决方案 :

设X为n = 10且p = 1/3的二项式随机变量P(X = 5)=?


// C++ program to compute Binomial Probability
using namespace std;
// function to calculate nCr i.e., number of 
// ways to choose r out of n objects
int nCr(int n, int r)
    // Since nCr is same as nC(n-r)
    // To decrease number of iterations
    if (r > n / 2)
        r = n - r;
    int answer = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i <= r; i++) {
        answer *= (n - r + i);
        answer /= i;
    return answer;
// function to calculate binomial r.v. probability
float binomialProbability(int n, int k, float p)
    return nCr(n, k) * pow(p, k) *
                pow(1 - p, n - k);
// Driver code
int main()
    int n = 10;
    int k = 5;
    float p = 1.0 / 3;
    float probability = binomialProbability(n, k, p);
    cout << "Probability of " << k;
    cout << " heads when a coin is tossed " << n;
    cout << " times where probability of each head is " << p << endl;
    cout << " is = " << probability << endl;

// Java program to compute Binomial Probability
import java.util.*;
class GFG
    // function to calculate nCr i.e., number of 
    // ways to choose r out of n objects
    static int nCr(int n, int r)
        // Since nCr is same as nC(n-r)
        // To decrease number of iterations
        if (r > n / 2)
            r = n - r;
        int answer = 1;
        for (int i = 1; i <= r; i++) {
            answer *= (n - r + i);
            answer /= i;
        return answer;
    // function to calculate binomial r.v. probability
    static float binomialProbability(int n, int k, float p)
        return nCr(n, k) * (float)Math.pow(p, k) * 
                        (float)Math.pow(1 - p, n - k);
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int n = 10;
        int k = 5;
        float p = (float)1.0 / 3;
        float probability = binomialProbability(n, k, p);
        System.out.print("Probability of " +k);
        System.out.print(" heads when a coin is tossed " +n);
        System.out.println(" times where probability of each head is " +p);
        System.out.println( " is = " + probability );
/* This code is contributed by Mr. Somesh Awasthi */

# Python3 program to compute Binomial 
# Probability
# function to calculate nCr i.e.,
# number of ways to choose r out
# of n objects
def nCr(n, r):
    # Since nCr is same as nC(n-r)
    # To decrease number of iterations
    if (r > n / 2):
        r = n - r;
    answer = 1;
    for i in range(1, r + 1):
        answer *= (n - r + i);
        answer /= i;
    return answer;
# function to calculate binomial r.v.
# probability
def binomialProbability(n, k, p):
    return (nCr(n, k) * pow(p, k) * 
                        pow(1 - p, n - k));
# Driver code
n = 10;
k = 5;
p = 1.0 / 3;
probability = binomialProbability(n, k, p);
print("Probability of", k, 
      "heads when a coin is tossed", end = " ");
print(n, "times where probability of each head is", 
                                      round(p, 6));
print("is = ", round(probability, 6));
# This code is contributed by mits

// C# program to compute Binomial
// Probability.
using System;
class GFG {
    // function to calculate nCr
    // i.e., number of ways to 
    // choose r out of n objects
    static int nCr(int n, int r)
        // Since nCr is same as
        // nC(n-r) To decrease 
        // number of iterations
        if (r > n / 2)
            r = n - r;
        int answer = 1;
        for (int i = 1; i <= r; i++)
            answer *= (n - r + i);
            answer /= i;
        return answer;
    // function to calculate binomial
    // r.v. probability
    static float binomialProbability(
                  int n, int k, float p)
        return nCr(n, k) * 
                   (float)Math.Pow(p, k)
                * (float)Math.Pow(1 - p,
                                 n - k);
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        int n = 10;
        int k = 5;
        float p = (float)1.0 / 3;
        float probability = 
              binomialProbability(n, k, p);
        Console.Write("Probability of "
                                      + k);
        Console.Write(" heads when a coin "
                       + "is tossed " + n);
        Console.Write(" times where "
           + "probability of each head is "
                                      + p);
        Console.Write( " is = "
                           + probability );
// This code is contributed by nitin mittal.

 $n / 2)
        $r = $n - $r;
    $answer = 1;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $r; $i++) {
        $answer *= ($n - $r + $i);
        $answer /= $i;
    return $answer;
// function to calculate binomial r.v.
// probability
function binomialProbability($n, $k, $p)
    return nCr($n, $k) * pow($p, $k) *
                   pow(1 - $p, $n - $k);
// Driver code
    $n = 10;
    $k = 5;
    $p = 1.0 / 3;
    $probability = 
         binomialProbability($n, $k, $p);
    echo "Probability of " . $k;
    echo " heads when a coin is tossed "
                                    . $n;
    echo " times where probability of "
                 . "each head is " . $p ;
    echo " is = " . $probability ;
// This code is contributed by nitin mittal.


Probability of 5 heads when a coin is tossed 10 times where probability of each head is 0.333333
 is = 0.136565
