氯化铝配方 - 结构、性能、用途、示例问题
铝 氯化物是由金属铝和氯之间的放热反应形成的。其化学式为AlCl 3 。氯化铝也称为三氯化铝。氯化铝的物理形式是银白色粉末,但由于存在污染物(氯化铁),它会呈现黄色。溶于水、氯仿、乙醇、CCl 4 、氯化氢等多种溶剂,微溶于苯。它具有腐蚀性和毒性。
AlCl 3的制备方法有很多种。下面列出了所有这些过程以及方程式。
- 氯化铝主要由铝和氯之间的放热反应生成。
2Al + 3Cl2 —> 2AlCl3
- 氯化铝可以通过金属铝与氯化氢反应生成。
2Al + 6HCl → 2AlCl3 + H2
- 它甚至是通过在氯化铜和铝金属之间进行单一置换反应来制备的。
2Al + 3CuCl2 → 2AlCl3 + 3Cu
- 氯化铝在熔融状态下是电的不良导体。
- 氯化铝的实际颜色是白色的,但由于三氯化铁的污染物的存在,它变成了淡黄色。
- 它的熔点和沸点非常低。
- 当温度高于 190 o C 且压力高于 2.5 atm 时,氯化铝呈液态。
- 氯化铝不易燃、不易爆。
- 它是一种腐蚀性固体。
- 氯化铝与水和碱反应剧烈。
- 它是一种路易斯酸和工业催化剂。
- 用于农药和药品。
- 可用于制造橡胶、润滑剂、油漆、木材防腐剂以及乙苯等石化产品。
- 氯化铝用于轻质烃的聚合和异构化反应,如生产乙苯。
- 作为熔化铝的助熔剂。
- 氯化铝被用作许多化学反应的催化剂。用于由苯和光气制备蒽醌。
- 它用于将醛基连接到芳族系列上。
- 氯化铝与铝、芳烃混合可合成芳烃金属配合物。
Alumunium Chloride is hygroscopic which means it absorb moisture from air. Actually it fumes when in air containing moisture, creating a hissing sound when it comes contact with water. By this reaction Cl– ions are replaced with H2O and forms Hexahydrate i.e., Al(H2O)6Cl3. When heat is applied, ammonium hydroxide is obtained as final product by dissipating HCl.
Al(H2O)6Cl3 —> Al(OH)3 + 3HCl + 3H2O
The melting point of Aluminium Chloride is 192.6° C when it is anhydrous from. If it is a Hexahydrate then melting point is 100° C. The Boiling point of Aluminium Chloride is 180° C.
问题 3:氯化铝是路易斯酸吗?
Yes, Aluminium Chloride is a powerful Lewis acid. It forms Lewis Acid-base adducts even with bases that are weak in nature.
Example 1: Aluminium Chloride forms tetrachloroaluminate (AlCl4–) when Chlorine ions are present.
Example 2: AlCl3 react with magnesium and calcium hydride to form tetrahydridoaluminate.
问题4:氯化铝(AlCl 3 )的分子量是多少?
Molecular weight can be calculated by finding the weight of each element.
Weight of Aluminium = 26.982
Weight of chlorine = 35.453
Here there are three chlorine atoms so the above weight can be multiplied with 3 to give weight of 3 chlorine atoms.
Weight of 3 chlorine atoms = 3 × 35.453 = 106.359
So molecular weight of Aluminium chloride (AlCl3) = 26.982 + 106.359 = 133.341
Hence molecular weight of AlCl3 is 133.341 gram/molecule.
- Aluminium Chloride can explode when it comes contact to water. So precautions need to be taken like wearing gloves, face guards etc. It should be stored in tightly sealed container to protect it from moisture.
- It corrode metals like stainless steel.
- Exposure to AlCl3 for long period causes irritation to eyes and problem to respiratory organs.
- Aluminium Chloride is found to be neurotoxin and can destruct the nerve tissues. So from all these points, it can be concluded that AlCl3 is hazardous if proper precautions are not taken.
The structure of Aluminium Chloride varies based on the factors such as state of compound i.e., solid, liquid or gaseous state and also the temperature it is exposed. In solid state, The structure of AlCl3 is Octahedral. In liquid/molten state, the structure is Tetrahedral. At higher temperature the structure is dissociates from tetrahedral to trigonal planar.