📜  如何在Python中计算马氏距离

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:30.079000             🧑  作者: Mango




  • 麻木的
  • 熊猫
  • scipy


pip3 install numpy pandas scipy


# Importing libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd 
import scipy as stats

# data 
data = { 'Price': [100000, 800000, 650000, 700000,
                   860000, 730000, 400000, 870000,
                   780000, 400000],
         'Distance': [16000, 60000, 300000, 10000,
                      252000, 350000, 260000, 510000,
                      2000, 5000],
         'Emission': [300, 400, 1230, 300, 400, 104,
                      632, 221, 142, 267],
         'Performance': [60, 88, 90, 87, 83, 81, 72, 
                         91, 90, 93],
         'Mileage': [76, 89, 89, 57, 79, 84, 78, 99, 
                     97, 99]
# Creating dataset
df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['Price', 'Distance',

# Importing libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd 
import scipy as stats
# calculateMahalanobis function to calculate
# the Mahalanobis distance
def calculateMahalanobis(y=None, data=None, cov=None):
    y_mu = y - np.mean(data)
    if not cov:
        cov = np.cov(data.values.T)
    inv_covmat = np.linalg.inv(cov)
    left = np.dot(y_mu, inv_covmat)
    mahal = np.dot(left, y_mu.T)
    return mahal.diagonal()
# create new column in dataframe that contains 
# Mahalanobis distance for each row
df['calculateMahalanobis'] = mahalanobis(x=df, data=df[['Price', 'Distance',

# Importing libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy as stats
# calculateMahalanobis function to calculate
# the Mahalanobis distance
def calculateMahalanobis(y=None, data=None, cov=None):
    y_mu = y - np.mean(data)
    if not cov:
        cov = np.cov(data.values.T)
    inv_covmat = np.linalg.inv(cov)
    left = np.dot(y_mu, inv_covmat)
    mahal = np.dot(left, y_mu.T)
    return mahal.diagonal()
# data
data = { 'Price': [100000, 800000, 650000, 700000, 
                   860000, 730000, 400000, 870000,
                   780000, 400000],
         'Distance': [16000, 60000, 300000, 10000, 
                      252000, 350000, 260000, 510000, 
                      2000, 5000],
         'Emission': [300, 400, 1230, 300, 400, 104,
                      632, 221, 142, 267],
         'Performance': [60, 88, 90, 87, 83, 81, 72, 
                         91, 90, 93],
         'Mileage': [76, 89, 89, 57, 79, 84, 78, 99, 
                     97, 99]
# Creating dataset
df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['Price', 'Distance',
# Creating a new column in the dataframe that holds
# the Mahalanobis distance for each row
df['calculateMahalanobis'] = calculateMahalanobis(y=df, data=df[[
  'Price', 'Distance', 'Emission','Performance', 'Mileage']])
# Display the dataframe

# Importing libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy as stats
from scipy.stats import chi2
# calculateMahalanobis Function to calculate
# the Mahalanobis distance
def calculateMahalanobis(y=None, data=None, cov=None):
    y_mu = y - np.mean(data)
    if not cov:
        cov = np.cov(data.values.T)
    inv_covmat = np.linalg.inv(cov)
    left = np.dot(y_mu, inv_covmat)
    mahal = np.dot(left, y_mu.T)
    return mahal.diagonal()
# data
data = { 'Price': [100000, 800000, 650000, 700000,
                   860000, 730000, 400000, 870000,
                   780000, 400000],
         'Distance': [16000, 60000, 300000, 10000, 
                      252000, 350000, 260000, 510000,
                      2000, 5000],
         'Emission': [300, 400, 1230, 300, 400, 104,
                      632, 221, 142, 267],
         'Performance': [60, 88, 90, 87, 83, 81, 72,
                         91, 90, 93],
         'Mileage': [76, 89, 89, 57, 79, 84, 78, 99,
                     97, 99]
# Creating dataset
df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['Price', 'Distance',
# Creating a new column in the dataframe that holds
# the Mahalanobis distance for each row
df['Mahalanobis'] = calculateMahalanobis(y=df, data=df[[
  'Price', 'Distance', 'Emission','Performance', 'Mileage']])
# calculate p-value for each mahalanobis distance
df['p'] = 1 - chi2.cdf(df['Mahalanobis'], 3)
# display first five rows of dataframe

第 2 步:创建数据集。考虑 10 辆不同品牌汽车的数据。数据有五个部分:

  • 价格
  • 距离
  • 产生的排放
  • 表现
  • 里程


# data 
data = { 'Price': [100000, 800000, 650000, 700000,
                   860000, 730000, 400000, 870000,
                   780000, 400000],
         'Distance': [16000, 60000, 300000, 10000,
                      252000, 350000, 260000, 510000,
                      2000, 5000],
         'Emission': [300, 400, 1230, 300, 400, 104,
                      632, 221, 142, 267],
         'Performance': [60, 88, 90, 87, 83, 81, 72, 
                         91, 90, 93],
         'Mileage': [76, 89, 89, 57, 79, 84, 78, 99, 
                     97, 99]
# Creating dataset
df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['Price', 'Distance',

第 3 步:确定每次观察的马氏距离。


# Importing libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd 
import scipy as stats
# calculateMahalanobis function to calculate
# the Mahalanobis distance
def calculateMahalanobis(y=None, data=None, cov=None):
    y_mu = y - np.mean(data)
    if not cov:
        cov = np.cov(data.values.T)
    inv_covmat = np.linalg.inv(cov)
    left = np.dot(y_mu, inv_covmat)
    mahal = np.dot(left, y_mu.T)
    return mahal.diagonal()
# create new column in dataframe that contains 
# Mahalanobis distance for each row
df['calculateMahalanobis'] = mahalanobis(x=df, data=df[['Price', 'Distance',




# Importing libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy as stats
# calculateMahalanobis function to calculate
# the Mahalanobis distance
def calculateMahalanobis(y=None, data=None, cov=None):
    y_mu = y - np.mean(data)
    if not cov:
        cov = np.cov(data.values.T)
    inv_covmat = np.linalg.inv(cov)
    left = np.dot(y_mu, inv_covmat)
    mahal = np.dot(left, y_mu.T)
    return mahal.diagonal()
# data
data = { 'Price': [100000, 800000, 650000, 700000, 
                   860000, 730000, 400000, 870000,
                   780000, 400000],
         'Distance': [16000, 60000, 300000, 10000, 
                      252000, 350000, 260000, 510000, 
                      2000, 5000],
         'Emission': [300, 400, 1230, 300, 400, 104,
                      632, 221, 142, 267],
         'Performance': [60, 88, 90, 87, 83, 81, 72, 
                         91, 90, 93],
         'Mileage': [76, 89, 89, 57, 79, 84, 78, 99, 
                     97, 99]
# Creating dataset
df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['Price', 'Distance',
# Creating a new column in the dataframe that holds
# the Mahalanobis distance for each row
df['calculateMahalanobis'] = calculateMahalanobis(y=df, data=df[[
  'Price', 'Distance', 'Emission','Performance', 'Mileage']])
# Display the dataframe


计算每个马氏距离的 p 值

现在让我们计算数据集每个观测值的每个马氏距离的 p 值。正如您从上面的输出中看到的那样,一些马氏距离明显大于其他值。为了计算某些距离是否在统计上显着,我们需要找到它们的 p 值。每个距离的 p 值与属于自由度等于 k-1 的马氏距离的卡方统计量的 p 值相同,其中 k = 变量数。因此,在这种情况下,我们将使用 5-1 = 4 的自由度。



# Importing libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy as stats
from scipy.stats import chi2
# calculateMahalanobis Function to calculate
# the Mahalanobis distance
def calculateMahalanobis(y=None, data=None, cov=None):
    y_mu = y - np.mean(data)
    if not cov:
        cov = np.cov(data.values.T)
    inv_covmat = np.linalg.inv(cov)
    left = np.dot(y_mu, inv_covmat)
    mahal = np.dot(left, y_mu.T)
    return mahal.diagonal()
# data
data = { 'Price': [100000, 800000, 650000, 700000,
                   860000, 730000, 400000, 870000,
                   780000, 400000],
         'Distance': [16000, 60000, 300000, 10000, 
                      252000, 350000, 260000, 510000,
                      2000, 5000],
         'Emission': [300, 400, 1230, 300, 400, 104,
                      632, 221, 142, 267],
         'Performance': [60, 88, 90, 87, 83, 81, 72,
                         91, 90, 93],
         'Mileage': [76, 89, 89, 57, 79, 84, 78, 99,
                     97, 99]
# Creating dataset
df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['Price', 'Distance',
# Creating a new column in the dataframe that holds
# the Mahalanobis distance for each row
df['Mahalanobis'] = calculateMahalanobis(y=df, data=df[[
  'Price', 'Distance', 'Emission','Performance', 'Mileage']])
# calculate p-value for each mahalanobis distance
df['p'] = 1 - chi2.cdf(df['Mahalanobis'], 3)
# display first five rows of dataframe



通常,p 值小于 0.001 的观察值被假定为异常值。在此示例中,没有异常值,因为所有 p 值都大于 0.001。