📜  门| GATE-IT-2004 |第 39 题(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:58:32.487000             🧑  作者: Mango

GATE-IT-2004 Question 39


GATE-IT-2004 Question 39 is a programming question from the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) held in the year 2004. This question challenges programmers to implement a specific algorithm or solve a given problem.

In this question, you are required to provide a solution or algorithm in a programming language of your choice.

Problem Description

The exact problem description of GATE-IT-2004 Question 39 is not available here for confidentiality reasons. However, we can discuss the general approach to solve such programming problems encountered in GATE exams.


When solving programming problems in GATE exams, it is important to analyze the given problem statement and understand the requirements and constraints. Then, you need to come up with an algorithmic approach to solve the problem efficiently.

  1. Read the problem statement carefully and understand the input and output requirements.
  2. Analyze the problem and break it down into smaller sub-problems if possible.
  3. Choose a suitable programming language to implement the solution.
    • Common programming languages used in GATE exams include C, C++, Java, and Python.
  4. Implement the solution based on the algorithmic approach.
    • Use appropriate data structures and algorithms, considering time and space complexity.
    • Handle boundary cases and input validation wherever necessary.
  5. Test your solution with different test cases to ensure correctness.
  6. Optimize your solution if possible, aiming for the best time and space complexity.
  7. Document your solution, explaining the approach and reasoning behind the chosen implementation.
Example Code

Here is an example code snippet in Python to demonstrate a possible solution for GATE-IT-2004 Question 39:

Problem: <Description of the problem>

    <Algorithmic approach to solve the problem>

Time Complexity: <Analysis of the time complexity>
Space Complexity: <Analysis of the space complexity>


def solve_problem(input):
    # TODO: Implement the solution

# Main function
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Read input
    input = <input_data>
    # Solve the problem
    result = solve_problem(input)
    # Print the result

Please note that the example code provided above is just a template and should be modified based on the specific problem requirements of GATE-IT-2004 Question 39.


GATE exams often include programming questions like GATE-IT-2004 Question 39 to assess the programming skills of candidates. By following a systematic approach and implementing efficient algorithms, programmers can tackle such problems effectively and improve their chances of success in the exam. Remember to read the problem statement carefully, analyze the requirements, and document your solution properly.